GERD: Current Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Treatments for Reflux
Faculty includes: Brent Matthews, MD (Chair); Andrew Kastenmeier, MD; Kyle Perry, MD; and Richard Pierce, MD Anatomic & Physiologic Evaluation of the GERD pt by Dr. Brent D Matthews–3:35 disclosures–3:39 SAGES guidelines for surgical tx of GERD–3:46 Keyword(s): 0 Ethibond, 2-0 Ethibond, 24-hr acid exposure, 24-hr pH testing, 30 degree laparoscope, 45 degree laparoscope, […]
S003 Effect of obesity on adipogenic differentiation – SS01: Basic Science
Presented by Jiegen Chen, PhD disclosures–18 sec obesity induced HTN–55 sec bariatric surgery on obesity related HTN–1:40 RAS gene expression–2:04 study aim #1–2:45 study Keyword(s): adipopegenic differentiation, bariatric surgery, GBS, MSC, RAS, RYGB, SAGES research grant award
S001 Effect of enzymatic degradation on the mechanical properties – SS01: Basic Science
Presented by Brent D Matthews, MD disclosures–43 sec project funding–47 sec background–1:03 objective–2:43 hypothesis–3:05 materials–3:36 methods–4:11 results–4:50 summary–6:58 conclusion–7:26 Q&A session–8:03 Keyword(s): allograft, biologic mesh, biologic scaffold materials, Covidien, enzymatic degradation, hiatal hernia repair, Surgisis, xenograft
S129 Risk factors affecting operative approach, conversion, and morbidity for adrenalectomy – SS23
Presented by James G Bittner IV, MD disclosures–10 sec intro–28 sec purpose–56 sec method–1:16 pt demographics–2:11 cohort demographics–2:27 indications for operation–2:52 intraop outcomes–3:18 concomitant procedures–3: Keyword(s): ACC, adrenal tumor, conversion rate, LA, MIS, NSQIP, OA, pheochromocytoma, predictive factors, risk factors
Cost Effectiveness Analysis and Comparison of Single Stage Vs Two Stage Management of Patients
Presented by Virinder K Bansal, MBBS MS FACS – SAGES Session SS12: Plenary 1- S070 disclosures–47 sec intro–52 sec tx options–1:14 RCT single vs two stage–1:37 hypothesis–1:58 des Keyword(s): CBDS, cholecystocholedocholithiasis, choledochoscope, ERCP, EUS, GSD, IOCs, LC, LCBDE, MRCP, OC, rendezvoux, SAGES Research Award 2009, stone extraction, transcystic approach