Adaptation of the FLS box for endoscopic simulation
Presented by Ilay Habaz at the SS20: MIS Education Session during the SAGES 2018 Annual Meeting.
Management of MIS esophagectomy complications: a multidisciplinary ‘step-up approach’
Presented by Stylianos Tzedakis at the SS21-B: Friday Exhibit Hall Video Presentations Session – B at the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting on 3/18/2016 Keyword(s): anastomotic leak, BMI, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chylothorax, clip, conservative management, COPD, endoscopic, endoscopy, esophageal tumor, ischemic, MIE, minimally invasive esophagectomy, MIS esophagectomy, mortality, mutidisciplinary approach, nothing by mouth, NPO, prone, […]
Presented by P Riva, MD at the SS17: Endoscopy Video Session held during the 2017 SAGES Annual Meeting in Houston, TX on Friday, March 24, 2017 Keyword(s): anatomy, argon plasma gas, BMI, body mass index, CO2, cost-effectiveness, endoscope, endoscopic anastomosis, endoscopic suturing device, endoscopic therapy, endoscopy, endosocpic revision, Endostitch, esophagus, EWL, excess weight loss, failed […]
Hybrid transgastric rendezvous technique for common bile duct stones after gastric bypass: a combined laparoscopic and endoscopic apprach
Presented by Stylianos Tzedakis at the SS01-B: All Video All The Time: Bariatrics/Mixed MIS Session – B during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Role of Image Guidance in GI Surgery
Presented by Silvana Perretta at the Panel: The Future is Now – How Technology is Changing Surgery during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.