Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication after Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF)
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication after Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) presented by Oscar M Crespin, M, D, at the SAGES 2014 Meeting; Panel – Concurrent Session SS17 V040 Oscar M Crespin, M, D, Brant K Oelschlager, M, D, Carlos A Pellegrini, M, D; University of Washington Medical Center long term outcomes explained–15 sec case 1 video (easy)–50 […]
Laparoscopic Management of Hiatal Hernias in Difficult Cases
Laparoscopic Management of Hiatal Hernias in Difficult Cases presented by Oscar M Crespin, MD at the SAGES 2014 Meeting; Panel – Concurrent Session SS2 V012 Oscar M Crespin, MD, Brant K Oelschlager, MD, Carlos A Pellegrini, MD; University of Washington Medical Center Points of interest: goals of PEH repair–13 sec 3 difficult cases–19 sec case […]
SAGES 2014 Presidential Address
Presented by Gerald Fried, MD, FACS at the SAGES 2014 Annual Meeting. The lecture will address the role of specialty societies and the value to those at various stages of their careers Dr. Gerald Fried is the Edward W. Archibald Professor and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at McGill University, and Surgeon-in-Chief and Director of the […]
Incorporating FLS and FES into your Residency Panel: Requires Support from the Chairs
Carlos Pellegrini, M.D. disclosures–58 sec successful simulation training program–1:42 developing a simulation center–2:26 ISIS–3:21 accreditation–3:40 curriculum driven–5:28 creating a vision–6:22 faculty–9:5 Keyword(s): accreditation, ACS, ASA, central line, faculty, funding, insurance industry, pt safety, residence training, simulation center, simulation program, team training
Fulfilling the Promises of Simulation Training: Carlos Pellegrini, M.D.
CAGS Simulation in the Training of Surgeons Session Keyword(s): ACS/APDS curriculum, AHRQ, capital costs, conflict of interest, cost-effectiveness, credentialing, curricula, faculty, funding, grants, insurance industry, ISIS, operational costs, sim center, simulation training, skills training, skills transfer, stakeholders, surgical simulation, surgical skills lab, training