Gastro-Gastric Fistula after Gastric Bypass Laparoscopic Approach
Presented by Maria V Gorodner at the SS01-B: All Video All The Time: Bariatrics/Mixed MIS Session – B during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Endoscopic Revision of Gastric Bypass Holy Grail Or Epic Fail?
ENDOSCOPIC REVISION OF GASTRIC BYPASS HOLY GRAIL OR EPIC FAIL? Alberto S Gallo, MD Martin A Berducci, MD, Cristopher Ducoin, MD, Hans Fuchs, MD, Moneer Almadani, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Cristina Harnsberger, MD, Bryan J Sandler, MD, Santiago Horgan, MD, Garth R Jacobsen, MD; Minimally Invasive Surgery Department. University of California San Diego background–31 […]
V051 Acute Gastric Strangulation: A Diagnostic Dilemma
V051 ACUTE GASTRIC STRANGULATION: A DIAGNOSTIC DILEMMA Alberto S Gallo, MD Cristina Harnsberger, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Martin Berducci, MD, Hans Fuchs, Cristopher Ducoin, MD, Joshua Langert, MD, Garth R Jacobsen, MD, Brian J Sandler, MD, Santiago Horgan, MD; Minimally Invasive Surgery Department. University of California San Diego HPI–4 sec port placement–20 sec procedural […]
Removal of Magnetic LES Augmentation Device
REMOVAL OF MAGNETIC LES AUGMENTATION DEVICE Presented by Cristina R Harnsberger, MD at the SAGES 2014 Meeting; Panel – Concurrent Session SS17 Foregut Cristina R Harnsberger, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Martin A Berducci, MD, Catherine Beck, MD, Alberto S Gallo, MD, Moneer Almadani, MD, Bryan J Sandler, MD, Garth R Jacobsen, MD, Santiago Horgan, […]
Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision for Rectal Cancer: A Training Pathway
TRANSANAL TOTAL MESORECTAL EXCISION FOR RECTAL CANCER: A TRAINING PATHWAY Presented by Elisabeth C McLemore, MD at the SAGES 2014 Meeting; Panel – Concurrent Session SS15 Colorectal Elisabeth C McLemore, MD, Cristina R Harnsberger, MD, Patricia Sylla, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Alberto S Gallo, MD, Martin A Berducci, MD, Alisa M Coker, MD, Moneer […]