Transanal surgery using the novel triangulating FMX314 surgical platform: Initial experience & technical details
Presented by Hans F Fuchs at the ET: Emerging Technology Session at the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting on 3/18/2016 Keyword(s): access trauma, cadaver lab, camera, electrocautery, energy devices, FMX314 surgical platform, insufflation leak, laparoscopy, learning curve, NOTES, prototype, retroperitoneum, ta-CR, TME, transanal surgery, triangulating, triangulation
Presented by Marc Bludau, Pd, Dr, Med at the SS12: Flexible / Therapeutic Endoscopy and NOTES held during the 2017 SAGES Annual Meeting in Houston, TX on Thursday, March 23, 2017 Keyword(s): acute respiratory syndrome, algorithm, aorta, ARS, cavity, chest tube, closure, colorectal surgery, conversion, CT guided drainage, database, defect, double J stent, E-VAC therapy, […]
Laryngopharyngeal pH monitoring (Restech) – Correlation with conventional 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring using a large patient collective of 100 patients with suspected GERD
Presented by Hans F Fuchs, MD at the SS03: Foregut 1 held during the 2017 SAGES Annual Meeting in Houston, TX on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Keyword(s): 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring, antireflux surgery, bile, Center of Excellence, COE, DeMeester score, diagnostic, Endostim, esophageal reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disese, GERD, Italy, laparoscopic antireflux surgery, LARS, laryngopharyngeal pH […]
Mortality after Esophagectomy Is Heavily Impacted by Center Volume
Presented by Hans F Fuchs at the SS30: Value/Outcomes Session during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Endoscopic Revision of Gastric Bypass Holy Grail Or Epic Fail?
ENDOSCOPIC REVISION OF GASTRIC BYPASS HOLY GRAIL OR EPIC FAIL? Alberto S Gallo, MD Martin A Berducci, MD, Cristopher Ducoin, MD, Hans Fuchs, MD, Moneer Almadani, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Cristina Harnsberger, MD, Bryan J Sandler, MD, Santiago Horgan, MD, Garth R Jacobsen, MD; Minimally Invasive Surgery Department. University of California San Diego background–31 […]