Breakthrough in Endoscopic Treatment of Zenker’s Diverticulum: Bipolar Energy Division
Presented by Shanglei Liu at the SS02-B: Wednesday Exhibit Hall Video Presentations Session – B during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Laparoscopic Rescue of an Endoscopic Catastrophy: Giant Duodenal Perforation
Presented by Shanglei Liu at the SS26: Acute Care Surgery Session during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Mortality after Esophagectomy Is Heavily Impacted by Center Volume
Presented by Hans F Fuchs at the SS30: Value/Outcomes Session during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Endoscopic Revision of Gastric Bypass Holy Grail Or Epic Fail?
ENDOSCOPIC REVISION OF GASTRIC BYPASS HOLY GRAIL OR EPIC FAIL? Alberto S Gallo, MD Martin A Berducci, MD, Cristopher Ducoin, MD, Hans Fuchs, MD, Moneer Almadani, MD, Ryan C Broderick, MD, Cristina Harnsberger, MD, Bryan J Sandler, MD, Santiago Horgan, MD, Garth R Jacobsen, MD; Minimally Invasive Surgery Department. University of California San Diego background–31 […]
V057 Redo-myotomy for Recurrent Achalasia after Open Left Thoracic Myotomy
V057 REDO-MYOTOMY FOR RECURRENT ACHALASIA AFTER OPEN LEFT THORACIC MYOTOMY Ryan C Broderick, MD1, Cristina R Harnsberger, MD1, Joshua Langert, MD1, Hans F Fuchs, MD1, Cristopher DuCoin, MD1, Moneer Almadani, MD1, Byran J Sandler, MD1, Garth R Jacobsen, MD1, Estuardo Behrens, MD2, Santiago Horgan, MD1; 1University of California San Diego, Department of Surgery, Division of […]