Surgical Endoscopy: The Official Journal of SAGES
This is the official journal of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) and European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
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Uniquely positioned at the interface between various medical and surgical disciplines, Surgical Endoscopy serves as a focal point for the international surgical community to exchange information on practice, theory, and research.
Topics covered in the journal include
- Surgical aspects of
- Interventional endoscopy
- Ultrasound
- Other techniques in the fields of gastroenterology, obstetrics, gynecology, and urology
- Gastroenterologic surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Traumatic surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Pediatric surgery
Publication Information
The average turnaround time from submission of manuscript to final acceptance in Surgical Endoscopy is 48 days. The average turnaround time from manuscript receipt at Springer to Online First publication is 21 days.
Impact factor: 3.747 (2016)
Section “Surgery”: Rank 25 of 196ISSN: 0930-2794 (print version)
ISSN: 1432-2218 (electronic version)
Other Journals Accessible by Members
All SAGES Members receive a subscription to Surgical Endoscopy as well as online access to the following:
- Journal of Robotic Surgery
- Obesity Surgery
- Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery
- International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Editorial Board
Jaap Bonjer, MD, PhD (The Netherlands)
Mark Talamini MD, MBA (USA)
Subject Editors
Stavros A. Antoniou, MD, PhD (Greece)
Eugene P. Ceppa, MD (USA)
Esther Consten, MD (The Netherlands)
Nathan J. Curtis, MBBS (UK)
Nicolò de Manzini, MD (Italy)
S. Scott Davis, Jr., MD (USA)
Matthew I. Goldblatt, MD (USA)
Young Woo Kim, MD (South Korea)
Deborah Nagle, MD (USA)
Felix Nickel, MD, MME (Germany)
Ben Poulouse, MD (USA)
Dana A. Telem, MD (USA)
Social Media Editors
Priya Rajdev, MD (USA)
Assistant Editor
Vitaliy Poylin, MD (USA)
Editorial Board
Piers Boshier MBBS (UK)
Courtney Collins, MD (USA)
Thomas Curran, MD (USA)
Brian Davis, MD (USA)
Laura Fischer, MD (USA)
Hans Fuchs, MD (Germany)
Suzanne Gisbertz, MD, PhD (The Netherlands)
George Hanna, MD (Taipei)
Caitlin Halbert, MD (USA)
Suguru Hasegawa (Japan)
Rana Higgins, MD (USA)
Farah Husain, MD (USA)
Chang Hyun Kang, MD (South Korea)
Hiroaki Ikematsu, MD (Japan)
Masaki Ito, MD (Japan)
Shaneeta Johnson, MD (USA)
Daniel B. Jones, MD (USA)
Sandra Kavalukas, MD (USA)
Tobias Keck, MD (Germany)
Tammy Kindel, MD (USA)
Anne O. Lidor, MD, MPH (USA)
Amin Madani, MD (Canada)
Kiyokazu Nakajima, MD (Japan)
Peter Nau, MD (USA)
Sylvana Perretta, MD (France)
Rebecca Petersen, MD (USA)
Barbara Seeliger, MD PhD (Germany)
Xavier Serra-Aracil, MD (Spain)
Stephanie Speidel, MD (Germany)
Alec Tsai, MD (UK)
David Urbach, MD (Canada)
Marco von Strauss, MD (Switzerland)
Melina C. Vassiliou, MD (Canada)
Martin Walz, MD (Germany)
David Watson, MD (Australia)
Chi-Chuan Yeh, MD (Taiwan)
Managing Editor
Lindsay MacMurray (USA)
Editors Emeriti
Sir Alfred Cuschieri, (UK)
K. A. Forde, (USA)
George Hanna (UK)
Bruce V. MacFadyen, Jr., (USA)
Founding Editor
B. C. Manegold, (Germany)