Patient Resources in Workflow
Educate Your Patients and Motivate Them to Fill Their Prescriptions
PDR offers many resources for you to help your patients achieve better health outcomes, including educational information that is Meaningful Use certified, and financial savings offers on prescription medications and consumer health products. These resources are all accessible from within your eRx/EMR/EHR workflow. When used together, patients may achieve adherence to your prescribed therapies faster and more successfully maintain compliance over time.
Improve Medication Adherence
ScriptGuide® messages are designed to motivate patients to fill their prescriptions and achieve compliance. When you write an electronic prescription during a medical encounter, a personalized ScriptGuide is generated in a printable format, providing valuable, Meaningful Use certified educational information about the medication you just prescribed. Patients may also access the information via email, text-to-link (SMS), or via a patient portal. View Sample.

ScriptGuide is MU2 certified by ICSA Labs
According to national publication data, nearly 1/3 of all patients do not fill their prescribed medications after their initial treatment visit.1,2
1Journal of General Internal Medicine, Feb 2010, reports 28% non-fill rate for NRx, 22% non-fill rate for TRx
2Wilson Health Information reported 35% of patients do not fill their prescription
Patient Savings Opportunities
eCopay® messages are generated at the point-of-prescribing from within your eRx system. When a financial offer is associated with the medication you just prescribed, you will see a notification on your screen. A printed handout is generated for the patient. Adjudication information is auto-injected into the hard copy prescription and e-script to alert the pharmacist. View Sample.
CarePoints® messages are generated at the point-of-dispensing on the pharmacy’s in-store printer. Calls to action include fill and refill messaging, and motivational messaging between fills to improve or maintain adherence. View Sample.