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La fiducia dei clienti in numeri
Unisciti a più di 64 milioni di persone che utilizzano flussi di lavoro senza carta per aumentare la produttività e ridurre i costi
Perchè scegliere la nostra soluzione di PDF?
Editor PDF in cloud
Accedi a potenti strumenti PDF, nonché ai tuoi documenti e modelli, da qualsiasi luogo. Nessuna installazione richiesta.
Top-rated per facilità d'uso
Crea, modifica e compila documenti PDF più velocemente con un'interfaccia utente intuitiva che richiede solo pochi minuti per padroneggiare.
Servizio al cliente di produzione
Goditi la tranquillità con un team di supporto clienti pluripremiato sempre a portata di mano.
Cosa dicono i nostri clienti su pdfFiller
Vedi per te leggendo recensioni sulle risorse più popolari:
It is a very easy way to fill out your form, however I did have difficulty retrieving my document after signing up. I contacted the customer service which gave a different website to use.
2 things I would like to see changed. The original custom color selector was better than the these presets that are available now. The other is the sizes of the font jump by twos, an input to put in a custom font size would be great
What do you like best?
I like the chat help desk. I liken having a person I can chat with without a long delay. I really do not like have a charter limit on my response, I really do not have that much to say, therefore you get fluff.
What do you dislike?
not being able to locate the forms needed at times. Sometimes hen I attempt to use the form, I do not know the form number and it causes a delay. I do not like having a 40 Character limit for the questions. I really do not have that much to say
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I would recommend this product ,because it allows my agency to provide the client with the information needed. I really do not have any additional information to supply.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
I can service my clients fasters.
I like the chat help desk. I liken having a person I can chat with without a long delay. I really do not like have a charter limit on my response, I really do not have that much to say, therefore you get fluff.
What do you dislike?
not being able to locate the forms needed at times. Sometimes hen I attempt to use the form, I do not know the form number and it causes a delay. I do not like having a 40 Character limit for the questions. I really do not have that much to say
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I would recommend this product ,because it allows my agency to provide the client with the information needed. I really do not have any additional information to supply.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
I can service my clients fasters.
PDFfiller for Real Estate
Overall this software has made is easier to get paperwork to my clients and have the fill in and sign online.
This software is great for my business. I can easily send over pdf files and they can fill them our and sign all online. It is convenient and easy to use.
This software performs well and there is nothing negative to report. It is a great way for clients to file out paperwork and sent back to me when they are finished.
Easy to use and has multi functions that otherwise you would need to purchase separately elsewhere.
I gained TIME, thus I was on time with my tasks, and met deadlines.
Very easy to read, highlight, insert comments (etc), insert and replace figures in pdf documents. It has saved me TIME! I love that it offers features that make manipulation of multiple files easy and fast. I also like the electronic signature option so documents look very professional.
This is my very first time doing a capability statement document PDF FILLER made my experience so easy took away all the stress and trouble of me trying to visualize the document to make sure it was perfect and correct. I appreciate this service so much.
What do you like best?
- Supports multiple document formats (images, multitude of text data interchange)
- Flexibility of drag and drop controls (date, text, etc)
- Ease of merging and detaching individual pages / coalesced documents
What do you dislike?
"Save" to desktop is usually 2 clicks. There could be a 1 click implementation.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
- Huge improvement from Adobe Acrobat to complete forms
- Templates are easy to build
- Data integration across platforms is easily possible
- Easy to send out for signature capture
PdfFiller helped me to edit and fill in…
PdfFiller helped me to edit and fill in my work documents quite easily! It has made my day! Thanks.
Very useful! What I most liked is the signature with verified by PDFfiller. There are couple of times I cannot edit properly but this should be how the pdf file was created. For example, to change page number, I wasn't able to do this properly so end up sending my forms as they were.
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Crea, modifica e condividi PDF anche in movimento. L'app pdfFiller ti fornisce tutti gli strumenti di cui hai bisogno per gestire documenti sul tuo dispositivo mobile. Provalo ora su iOS o Android!
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Prova la soluzione PDF che rispetta il tuo tempo.