Recommendation Letter

What is Recommendation Letter?

A recommendation letter is a document written by someone who knows you well and can attest to your skills, abilities, and character. It serves as a reference for employers, academic institutions, or other organizations who are evaluating your qualifications.

What are the types of Recommendation Letter?

There are several types of recommendation letters that you may encounter. Some common types include:

Employment recommendation letters
Academic recommendation letters
Character recommendation letters

How to complete Recommendation Letter

Completing a recommendation letter can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a smooth process. Here are some steps to help you complete a recommendation letter:

Gather relevant information about the person you are writing the letter for.
Start with a polite and professional salutation.
Introduce yourself and state your relationship with the person.
Highlight the person's qualifications, skills, and achievements.
Provide specific examples or anecdotes to support your statements.
Conclude the letter with a positive recommendation and your contact information.
Proofread the letter for any errors or typos before sending it.

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Video Tutorial How to Fill Out Recommendation Letter

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Questions & answers

Can I get copies of my letters of recommendation that were sent to a college? It depends. You're allowed to request and get copies of your letters of recommendation unless you've signed a waiver giving away your right to access them (you can still ask for the names of the references).
You can reuse your letters of recommendation, but medical schools do not keep them on file, so you will need to resubmit them each time you apply. Just because you can reuse a letter of recommendation doesn't mean you should. If you are reapplying, consider the quality of your current letters of recommendation.
It's best to download a template that gives you guidance when preparing a Letter of Recommendation. You need to show some effort before asking someone to write you a letter.
Your letter should describe how you know the person and explain why you're recommending them. Think carefully before saying yes. Follow a business letter format. Focus on the job description. Explain how you know the person, and for how long. Focus on one or two traits. Remain positive. Share your contact information.
A successful letter should avoid: General language or overly broad descriptors of the student's performance in the classroom. Focusing on a student's punctuality or ability to complete the readings. Too much time and attention detailing the relationship with the student or the content of the course.
Please note that copies of recommendation letters are not acceptable and the student must have original recommendation letters for all universities.