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How to fill out UK D777BDL
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Instructions and Help about UK D777BDL
Applying for a driving can be confusing at the best of times and when you have diabetes it can be slightly trickier essentially you need to tell the DLA about your diabetes depending on how its treated and the that you want are applying for if you don't tell the DLA about your diabetes or any other medical condition that can affect your driving when you should, you can be fined up to a thousand pounds and can even be prosecuted if you're involved in an accident as a result this video is a guide on how to complete Form D one application for a driving all additional forms or questionnaires that you may need to complete are detailed in further video guides you can see at the end of this video if you're applied for a car or motorcycle you only need to tell the DLA about your diabetes if your diabetes is treated with if you're applying for a car or motorcycle you don't need to tell the DLA about your diabetes if your diabetes is treated with salmon aureus and org line ID tablets your diabetes is treated with any other tablets or non injections your diabetes is treated by diet if you're applying for a bus coach or truck you need to tell the DLA about your diabetes if your diabetes is treated with you will need to complete a VDI a b1i form and send it to the DLA if you're applying for a bus coach or truck the only instance in which you do not need to tell the DLA about your diabetes is if your diabetes is treated by diet only you can find all the additional forms that you might need on the government's website for diabetes and driving visit w-w-w OK forward slash diabetes — driving to read more and download any additional forms the form you need to complete if you're applying for a new driving are just updating your existing is called the application for driving form or d1 first select what you're applying for and mark all boxes that apply if you're renewing your as a result of moving on to or due to eyesight or other medical condition put an X in the for medical reasons box continue to section — titled your details once you've completed this section to move on to section 3 which is about your eyesight you must be able to read a car number plate from 20 meters by law with or without glasses put an X in the appropriate boxes section four is titled your health and as the part of the forum you specify any medical conditions that can affect your driving put an X in the appropriate boxes for any medical conditions that you may have remembered you only tick the diabetes control by box if your diabetes is treated by be aware that if you're applying for a car or motorcycle you do not need to tell the DLA if you have retinopathy in one eye however if you have retinopathy in both eyes you need to complete the form v1 this form is also used for reporting other medical conditions such as cataracts glaucoma macular degeneration retinol treatment and other related...
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What is UK D777BDL?
Who is required to file UK D777BDL?
How to fill out UK D777BDL?
What is the purpose of UK D777BDL?
What information must be reported on UK D777BDL?
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