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Previous Webinars

Friday, October 13, 2023: PCF Women in Science Networking Initiative: Global Forum #3: Negotiation and Financial Literacy

PCF hosted a moderated conversation on personal finances and research finances (grants, institutional project proposals, start-up packages, etc).


Dr. Terry Hyslop, PhD, Director of Center for Cancer Health Equity, Professor of Biostatistics, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center – Jefferson Health

Susan Kline, MBA, MS, Vice Chair, Administration & Finance and Chief Administrative Officer, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University School of Medicine and Duke Health

Laurette Dearden, CPA, CFP®, RICP®, Principal, Tax and Financial Advisor

Friday, July 7, 2023 – PCF Women in Science Networking Initiative: Global Forum #2: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

PCF hosted a moderated conversation on focused on issues and solutions surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion in cancer research institutions, followed by small breakout group discussions on DEI topics.


Dr. Salma Kaochar, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine (Moderator)

Dr. Isla Garraway, MD, PhD, UCLA & VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System

Dr. Brittany Jenkins, PhD, MS, MPH, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Lauren E. McCullough, PhD, MSPH, Emory University & American Cancer Society

Friday, March 31, 2023 – PCF Women in Science Networking Initiative: Global Forum #1: Work-Life Balance

PCF hosted a moderated conversation on work-life balance issues faced by women in basic science research through clinical oncology, followed by small breakout group discussions on work-life balance.

Dr. Farzanna Haffizulla, MD, Nova Southeastern University (Moderator)
Dr. Mary-Ellen Taplin, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dr. Leanne Woods-Burnham, PhD, Morehouse School of Medicine

Wednesday, July 20, 2022  – “New Era of Lutetium-PSMA Post Approval: Perspectives, Challenges & Future” Global Webinar

The Prostate Cancer Theranostics and Imaging Centre of Excellence (ProsTIC) together with the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) presented:

“New Era of Lutetium-PSMA Post Approval: Perspectives, Challenges & Future” Global Webinar

Panel: Prof. Silke Gillessen, Prof. Ken Herrmann, Dr. Louise Kostos

Hosted by: Prof. Declan Murphy, Prof. Michael Hofman, Dr. Howard Soule, & Dr. Andrea Miyahira


Wednesday, July 21, 2021 – PCF-ProsTIC Global Knowledge Exchange Webinar: “VISION Study Deep Dive”

This webinar discussed the phase 3 VISION Study testing Lutetium-177–PSMA-617 for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.

Hosted by Prof. Declan Murphy, Prof. Michael Hofman, Dr. Howard Soule, & Dr. Andrea Miyahira

Special Guests: Prof. Michael Morris, Prof. Oliver Sartor, A/Prof. Alicia Morgans, A/Prof. Sze Ting Lee, and Dr. James Buteau

VISION Publication in NEJM: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2107322


February 24, 2021 – PCF-ProsTIC Global Knowledge Exchange Webinar: “TheraP Deep Dive”

This webinar discussed the ANZUP TheraP Study, a phase 2 randomized trial of Lu-177 PSMA-617 versus cabazitaxel in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Hosted by Prof Declan Murphy, Prof Michael Hofman, Dr Andrea Miyahira & Dr Howard Soule.

Panel members included Prof Louise Emmett and Prof Ian Davis, and special guests from PCFA, ANZUP, ARTnet, ANSTO, Novartis, NHMRC CTC and Movember.

TheraP publication in The Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00237-3/fulltext

TheraP Deep Dive

October 7, 2020  – Global PCF-ProsTIC Global Exchange Webinar on Next Generation PSMA


  • Dr. Howard Soule, Prostate Cancer Foundation
  • Dr. Andrea Miyahira, Prostate Cancer Foundation
  • Dr. Michael Hofman, ProsTIC, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia
  • Dr. Declan Murphy, ProsTIC, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia

6 speakers followed by Q&A:

  • Prof. Klaus Kopka: PSMA evolution
  • Prof. Neil Bander, Weill Cornell Medicine: combination alpha-Ab / small molecule
  • Dr Cristina Müller, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland: Terbium PSMA
  • Prof. Mike Sathekge, University of Pretoria, South Africa: theranostics in low-mid income countries
  • A/Prof Ana Kiess, Johns Hopkins University: auger-emitters to target micro-metastases
  • Prof. John Babich, Weill Cornell Medicine: albumin-binding to increase uptake


July 6, 2020 – The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) convened a Global Knowledge Exchange on Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer.

The clinical entity of “oligometastatic cancer” has been suggested as an intermediate state between localized disease and widespread metastases. Newer imaging modalities for prostate cancer including PSMA PET have resulted in an increasing volume of newly diagnosed patients with low-volume metastatic disease. Coupled with the availability of newer agents that more effectively treat metastases, there is a move to treat such patients more aggressively, including surgery or radiation for the primary tumor, with the goal of slowing disease trajectory or perhaps curing a subset of them. Many questions remain, including the optimal definition of “oligometastatic”, sequencing of therapy, duration of systemic therapy, and defining the best clinical trial endpoints.

June 10, 2020 – Global PCF Knowledge Exchange on PSMA Theranostics.


June 3, 2020 – Prostate Cancer Foundation Global Knowledge Exchange #2 on COVID19 & TMPRSS2

There has been a recent and productive shift by many cancer scientists to work on solutions for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) convened a Global Knowledge Exchange on ongoing and emerging clinical trials on agents targeting TMPRSS2 in COVID-19.

Dr. Howard Soule (PCF)

Dr. Charles Ryan (University of Minnesota): Overview on TMRPSS2 biology & rationale for therapeutic targeting in COVID-19.

Special Guest:
Dr. William Dahut (National Cancer Institute): Role of NCI in COVID-19 research

Dr. Joseph Vinetz (Yale University): Camostat vs. Placebo in COVID-19 Outpatients. (NCT04353284)

Dr. Ole Søgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark): Camostat vs. Placebo in hospitalized patients and outpatients with COVID-19 Infection (CamoCO-19). (NCT04321096)

Dr. Alan Bryce (Mayo Clinic Arizona): Randomized Trial of SOC with Camostat or Placebo in Hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Dr. Nicholas Nickols (University of California Los Angeles; VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System): Hormonal intervention for Veterans with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization (HITCH). (NCT04397718)

Dr. Andreas Josefsson (Umeå University Hospital, Sweden): Randomized trial: SOC +/- enzalutamide in patients hospitalized for COVID-19.

Dr. Silke Gillessen (Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland): Randomized trial: SOC +/- enzalutamide in patients positive for SARS-CoV2 at time of first symptoms

Dr. Catherine Handy Marshall (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine): A phase II Trial to Promote Recovery from COVID-19 with ivermectin or endocrine therapy (RECOVER). (NCT04374279)

Dr. William Oh (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai): COVID-19 and ADT: A Case Control Series at Mount Sinai.

May 13, 2020 – Prostate Cancer Foundation Global Knowledge Exchange on COVID19 & TMPRSS2

There has been a recent and productive shift by many cancer scientists to work on solutions for the coronavirus pandemic.

Recent studies have demonstrated that the androgen-regulated protease TMPRSS2 is required for SARS-CoV2 entry into host cells. This suggests that inhibiting the TMPRSS2 protease or its expression may be an effective treatment for COVID19.

This was the first of a 2-part series by the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) Global Knowledge Exchange on this topic. In this first webinar, the speakers briefly discussed their recent research on TMPRSS2 biology, treatment ideas for SARS-CoV2 infection, followed by discussion / Q & A.

Dr. Christina Jamieson (University of California, San Diego)
Dr. Arul Chinnaiyan (University of Michigan)
Dr. Nima Sharifi (Cleveland Clinic)
Dr. Carlos Cordon-Cardo (Mount Sinai School of Medicine)
Dr. Andrea Alimonti (Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland)

Moderated by: Dr. Howard Soule (Prostate Cancer Foundation)

April 15, 2020 – Global Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) Journal Club #ProPSMA Study

Speaker: Prof. Michael Hofman, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia

Title: Prostate-specific membrane antigen PET-CT in patients with high-risk prostate cancer before curative-intent surgery or radiotherapy (proPSMA): a prospective, randomised, multi-centre study

Talk followed by interactive Q&A. Panel includes, ProPSMA investigators:
Prof Declan Murphy, Urology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Prof Scott WIlliams, Radiation Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia

And special guests:
Dr Jeremie Calais, UCLA, USA
Prof Kirsten Greene, Urology, UVAHealth
Professor Caroline Moore, University College London, UK

PCF Journal Club
Access the paper from:
or https://bit.ly/propsma-lancet