December 2024
“In December, the world is full of possibilities, as we reflect on the year and dream of the future.”
~ Unknown
Welcome to December’s edition of the Buzz from the Hub! This month’s highlights include a self-assessment for states to better support military-connected children with disabilities, a new ASL version of Plaza Sésamo for young children, and guidance on using functional behavioral assessments in schools.
We also share resources for youth transitioning to employment, accessible travel options, and tips for families managing the holidays with a child who has an invisible disability.
Enjoy your holidays and happy reading!
The CPIR Team
Featured Resource!
Voluntary Self-assessment for States to Support Military-connected Children with Disabilities and Their Families Under the IDEA.
OSEP has released a two-part self-assessment as a voluntary technical assistance tool to assist States in supporting military-connected children with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Find more information and access the assessment here.
Supporting Military Families
Being part of a military family can be filled with many surprises, challenges, and opportunities. Part of the military life is moving to new locations every few years or even more frequently. This can be a bit more challenging when there’s a child in the family who has a disability. Fortunately, there is help available to make the family’s transition from one location to another a bit more smoothly. On CPIR’s Supporting Military Families page you will find organizations and resources that will be of help.
Click here to find the self-assessment and more resources for military-connected families.

Shareable Resources
Early Childhood |
Sesame Workshop Extends Partnership with Dicapta to Bring Plaza Sesamo in ASL to Children Across the U.S.
Sesame Workshop and Dicapta are thrilled to announce the expansion of their partnership with the official launch of American Sign Language (ASL) versions of Plaza Sésamo content. This collaboration, supported and funded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs-OSEP, aims to allow U.S. Hispanic children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and their families enjoy the educational and entertaining content of Plaza Sésamo while practicing and improving their ASL skills.

Education |
Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) and the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) have jointly released guidance on the use of functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) for all students whose behavior interferes with learning.
Access the guidance document here.

Youth |
Compendium to the Delivery of Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
This guide from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) highlights Pre-Employment Transition Services within the Continuum of VR Services. This resource was developed as a collaboration between Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Local Education Agencies (LEA).
Download the guide in a PDF or Word document here.

Young Adults |
Traveling with a Disability
The holiday season can be a time of joy, but for young adults with disabilities, it can also present unique challenges. Finding the right resources, like the sites listed below, to support them can make a big difference in ensuring they have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
accessibleGO is the leading accessible travel website in the United States for people with disabilities to book their travel needs and be part of a dynamic community of like-minded travelers.
Wheelchair Travel — Accessible Travel Blog
A catalog (there is a wealth of information on this site related to travel) of what the founder, John Morris, has learned while exploring the world with one hand, a passport, and his power wheelchair.
Access all the information and resources here.

Parent Leadership |
Navigating travel and the holidays with a child who has an invisible disability
Another great resource just in time for the holidays! This article from the PACER Center provides tips to help you navigate and cope with the unexpected changes and sensory overload that can arise during travel over the holidays.

Upcoming Events
Supported Decision-Making with Students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: What it is and How to Get Started
This webinar is part of a series for special educators presented by the Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice, a project at the Institute for Community Inclusion.
Date: December 10, 2024
Time: 4 pm EST

No Filters – Part 2: The Realities of College Life
Once you’re on campus, a new set of challenges and opportunities begins. In this session, the panelists will share the real, unfiltered experience of navigating college life with a disability.
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm EDT

Looking for more events? Check out
the Hub Central Event Calendar
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Publication of this e-Newsletter is made possible through Cooperative Agreement H328R230009 between OSEP and the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the Center for Parent Information and Resources.