Our domain name extension prices
Find the perfect domain name, with more than 800 available extensions to choose from.
.com | ₹1,040 | ₹1,210 | ₹1,210 | |
.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.asia | ₹1,190 | ₹1,300 | ₹1,280 | |
.tech Promotion | ₹672 | ₹5,060 | ₹4,950 | |
.cn | ₹4,404 | ₹1,200 | ₹1,160 | |
.co | ₹1,165 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,950 | |
.ovh | ₹178 | ₹264 | ₹175 | |
.hk | ₹3,349 | ₹3,910 | ₹11,230 | |
.tw | ₹1,586 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,830 | |
.club | ₹1,240 | ₹1,480 | ₹1,480 | |
.site Promotion | ₹83 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,420 | |
.info Promotion | ₹447 | ₹2,140 | ₹2,140 | |
.online Promotion | ₹83 | ₹2,990 | ₹2,990 | |
.aaa.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.abogado | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.ac Promotion | ₹3,586 | ₹5,240 | ₹2,996 | |
.ac.uk | ₹8,815 | ₹7,880 | ₹0 | |
.aca.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.academy Promotion | ₹1,568 | ₹3,890 | ₹3,580 | |
.accountant | ₹2,426 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.accountants | ₹2,098 | ₹9,540 | ₹8,980 | |
.acct.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.actor Promotion | ₹2,017 | ₹3,660 | ₹3,580 | |
.adult | ₹8,150 | ₹10,020 | ₹9,430 | |
.adult.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.aeroport.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.af | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹9,160 | |
.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.agency Promotion | ₹672 | ₹2,480 | ₹2,430 | |
.agro.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.aid.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.airforce | ₹2,790 | ₹3,030 | ₹2,990 | |
.alsace Promotion | ₹1,071 | ₹3,940 | ₹3,940 | |
.am | ₹3,220 | ₹3,510 | ₹3,510 | |
.amsterdam | ₹2,556 | ₹3,320 | ₹3,320 | |
.apartments | ₹4,390 | ₹4,740 | ₹4,690 | |
.app Promotion | ₹1,165 | ₹1,680 | ₹1,680 | |
.arc.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.archi Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹8,480 | ₹8,030 | |
.army Promotion | ₹2,187 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.art Promotion | ₹357 | ₹2,590 | ₹2,590 | |
.art.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.art.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.assedic.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.asso.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹13,768 | |
.asso.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.associates Promotion | ₹2,187 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.at | ₹890 | ₹990 | ₹0 | |
.atm.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.attorney | ₹4,480 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,980 | |
.auction | ₹2,520 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.audio | ₹10,491 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.augustow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.auto | ₹2,02,680 | ₹2,20,312 | ₹2,02,680 | |
.auto.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.avocat.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.avocat.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.avoues.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.babia-gora.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.baby Promotion | ₹1,691 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.band Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.bar | ₹5,556 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.bar.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.barcelona Promotion | ₹4,143 | ₹5,180 | ₹5,180 | |
.bargains Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹2,780 | ₹2,750 | |
.bayern | ₹2,960 | ₹3,210 | ₹2,920 | |
.be | ₹630 | ₹710 | ₹710 | |
.bedzin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.beer | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.berlin | ₹4,332 | ₹4,810 | ₹4,810 | |
.beskidy.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.best Promotion | ₹1,718 | ₹1,790 | ₹7,140 | |
.bet Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,120 | ₹2,080 | |
.bialowieza.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bialystok.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bible | ₹2,600 | ₹11,310 | ₹11,310 | |
.bid | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.bielawa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bieszczady.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bike Promotion | ₹1,434 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.bingo | ₹4,180 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,650 | |
.bio Promotion | ₹801 | ₹6,080 | ₹5,810 | |
.biz Promotion | ₹625 | ₹1,830 | ₹1,830 | |
.biz.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.biz.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.black Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,210 | |
.blackfriday | ₹10,491 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.blog Promotion | ₹223 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,390 | |
.blue Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹2,000 | ₹1,970 | |
.bo | ₹18,450 | ₹20,410 | ₹0 | |
.boleslawiec.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.boutique Promotion | ₹672 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.broker Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,780 | |
.brussels | ₹2,115 | ₹3,376 | ₹2,660 | |
.builders | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.bus.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.business | ₹1,400 | ₹1,570 | ₹1,450 | |
.buzz | ₹2,000 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.bydgoszcz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bytom.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.bz | ₹1,762 | ₹1,939 | ₹2,030 | |
.bzh Promotion | ₹1,832 | ₹4,407 | ₹4,560 | |
.ca | ₹793 | ₹881 | ₹793 | |
.cab | ₹2,310 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.cafe | ₹870 | ₹3,770 | ₹3,700 | |
.cam | ₹1,518 | ₹1,586 | ₹1,680 | |
.camera | ₹4,050 | ₹4,680 | ₹3,910 | |
.camp | ₹4,360 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,690 | |
.capital | ₹1,048 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,390 | |
.car | ₹2,02,680 | ₹2,20,312 | ₹2,02,680 | |
.cards | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.care Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,470 | |
.career | ₹7,581 | ₹8,490 | ₹8,490 | |
.careers | ₹3,649 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,620 | |
.cars | ₹2,02,680 | ₹2,20,312 | ₹2,02,680 | |
.casa | ₹748 | ₹748 | ₹900 | |
.cash Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.casino Promotion | ₹672 | ₹13,900 | ₹12,810 | |
.cat | ₹969 | ₹1,940 | ₹1,586 | |
.catering | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.cc | ₹881 | ₹969 | ₹960 | |
.cci.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.center Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,550 | |
.ceo | ₹8,010 | ₹9,080 | ₹8,550 | |
.ch | ₹881 | ₹1,145 | ₹0 | |
.chambagri.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.chat Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.cheap Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.chi.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.chiro.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.chirurgiens-dentistes.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.christmas | ₹3,085 | ₹3,570 | ₹3,570 | |
.church Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹3,660 | ₹3,580 | |
.cieszyn.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.city Promotion | ₹672 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.cl | ₹1,610 | ₹1,820 | ₹0 | |
.claims Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹5,450 | ₹5,360 | |
.cleaning | ₹5,050 | ₹6,190 | ₹5,930 | |
.click Promotion | ₹1,130 | ₹1,130 | ₹1,060 | |
.clinic | ₹1,458 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.clothing | ₹2,520 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.cloud | ₹90 | ₹1,790 | ₹1,454 | |
.cm | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.co.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.co.at | ₹793 | ₹990 | ₹0 | |
.co.cm | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.co.cr | ₹2,997 | ₹3,261 | ₹0 | |
.co.gg | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.co.gy | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹4,130 | |
.co.im | ₹1,145 | ₹1,322 | ₹0 | |
.co.in | ₹793 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.co.je | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.co.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.co.mg | ₹10,491 | ₹12,460 | ₹12,460 | |
.co.ms | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.co.uk | ₹660 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.coach | ₹1,458 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,540 | |
.codes Promotion | ₹985 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,200 | |
.coffee Promotion | ₹1,165 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.college Promotion | ₹1,691 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,630 | |
.cologne | ₹1,277 | ₹1,460 | ₹1,460 | |
.com.af | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹9,160 | |
.com.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.com.bo | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹0 | |
.com.br | ₹2,150 | ₹2,340 | ₹0 | |
.com.cm | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.com.co | ₹1,120 | ₹1,240 | ₹1,120 | |
.com.do | ₹4,580 | ₹4,970 | ₹0 | |
.com.ec | ₹6,980 | ₹7,680 | ₹7,680 | |
.com.es | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹0 | |
.com.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹13,965 | |
.com.gt | ₹3,349 | ₹3,702 | ₹0 | |
.com.gy | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹4,130 | |
.com.hr | ₹528 | ₹616 | ₹650 | |
.com.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.com.im | ₹1,145 | ₹1,322 | ₹0 | |
.com.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.com.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.com.lv | ₹1,057 | ₹1,330 | ₹1,330 | |
.com.mg | ₹10,491 | ₹12,460 | ₹12,460 | |
.com.ms | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.com.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.com.ni | ₹5,817 | ₹6,580 | ₹0 | |
.com.pa | ₹3,220 | ₹3,510 | ₹0 | |
.com.pe | ₹5,470 | ₹5,950 | ₹5,860 | |
.com.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.com.pt | ₹1,010 | ₹1,220 | ₹0 | |
.com.py | ₹7,810 | ₹8,490 | ₹0 | |
.com.sb | ₹4,936 | ₹5,377 | ₹5,906 | |
.com.sc | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.com.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.com.so | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.com.tl | ₹6,169 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.com.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.com.uy | ₹5,360 | ₹5,750 | ₹6,481 | |
.com.vc | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.com.ve | ₹4,640 | ₹5,120 | ₹0 | |
.community | ₹2,600 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.company | ₹1,300 | ₹1,570 | ₹1,450 | |
.computer Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.condos | ₹4,180 | ₹4,720 | ₹4,550 | |
.construction | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.consulting Promotion | ₹2,241 | ₹4,240 | ₹4,140 | |
.contact | ₹1,060 | ₹1,300 | ₹1,280 | |
.contractors | ₹2,199 | ₹2,750 | ₹2,390 | |
.cooking | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.cool Promotion | ₹1,075 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.corsica | ₹1,586 | ₹3,570 | ₹3,570 | |
.country | ₹2,115 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,115 | |
.coupons | ₹3,765 | ₹4,460 | ₹3,910 | |
.courses | ₹2,780 | ₹3,050 | ₹2,990 | |
.cpa.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.cr | ₹10,640 | ₹11,620 | ₹0 | |
.credit Promotion | ₹1,335 | ₹8,770 | ₹8,600 | |
.creditcard | ₹13,980 | ₹15,150 | ₹13,930 | |
.cricket | ₹2,426 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.cruises | ₹4,280 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,890 | |
.cx | ₹7,669 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.cymru | ₹1,145 | ₹1,233 | ₹1,145 | |
.cz | ₹920 | ₹930 | ₹0 | |
.czeladz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.czest.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.dance Promotion | ₹2,017 | ₹2,250 | ₹2,200 | |
.date | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.dating Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.de | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.deals | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.degree | ₹3,580 | ₹4,010 | ₹3,920 | |
.delivery Promotion | ₹716 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,690 | |
.democrat | ₹2,390 | ₹2,780 | ₹2,750 | |
.den.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.dent.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.dental | ₹4,950 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,630 | |
.dentist | ₹5,220 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,790 | |
.desi | ₹1,322 | ₹1,410 | ₹1,440 | |
.design | ₹4,410 | ₹4,720 | ₹4,720 | |
.dev Promotion | ₹896 | ₹1,440 | ₹1,440 | |
.diamonds | ₹3,847 | ₹4,460 | ₹3,910 | |
.diet | ₹10,491 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.digital Promotion | ₹223 | ₹3,420 | ₹3,350 | |
.direct Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.directory Promotion | ₹672 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.discount | ₹2,310 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.dk | ₹1,700 | ₹1,700 | ₹4,418 | |
.dlugoleka.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.do | ₹6,250 | ₹6,730 | ₹0 | |
.doctor Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹9,360 | ₹9,160 | |
.dog | ₹820 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.domains | ₹2,910 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,470 | |
.download | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.dzierzoniow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.earth | ₹1,586 | ₹1,790 | ₹1,790 | |
.ec | ₹6,980 | ₹7,680 | ₹7,540 | |
.eco | ₹6,780 | ₹6,780 | ₹6,360 | |
.edu.es | ₹616 | ₹1,380 | ₹0 | |
.edu.hn | ₹5,730 | ₹6,258 | ₹6,480 | |
.edu.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.edu.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.edu.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.education | ₹2,340 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,790 | |
.elblag.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.elk.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.email Promotion | ₹447 | ₹2,480 | ₹2,430 | |
.energy Promotion | ₹1,557 | ₹9,540 | ₹8,980 | |
.eng.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.engineer | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.engineering Promotion | ₹2,017 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,200 | |
.ens.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.enterprises Promotion | ₹985 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.equipment | ₹1,750 | ₹2,010 | ₹1,890 | |
.es Best-seller | ₹1,057 | ₹1,057 | ₹0 | |
.estate Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.eu | ₹620 | ₹712 | ₹620 | |
.eus | ₹2,430 | ₹2,700 | ₹2,700 | |
.events Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,480 | |
.exchange Promotion | ₹1,434 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.expert | ₹1,048 | ₹4,970 | ₹4,910 | |
.experts-comptables.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.exposed | ₹1,540 | ₹1,770 | ₹1,660 | |
.express Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.fail | ₹2,590 | ₹3,030 | ₹2,990 | |
.faith | ₹1,213 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.family | ₹2,560 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.fans | ₹881 | ₹960 | ₹960 | |
.farm Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.fashion | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.fi | ₹969 | ₹1,200 | ₹0 | |
.film | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.fin.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.finance Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.financial Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹4,720 | ₹4,570 | |
.firm.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.firm.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.firm.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.fish | ₹2,910 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,470 | |
.fishing | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.fit | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.fitness Promotion | ₹801 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.flights | ₹2,950 | ₹4,720 | ₹4,550 | |
.florist | ₹2,390 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.flowers | ₹10,491 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.fm | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.football | ₹1,810 | ₹2,120 | ₹2,080 | |
.forex Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹3,570 | ₹3,570 | |
.forsale Promotion | ₹2,017 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.foundation Promotion | ₹1,272 | ₹2,570 | ₹2,390 | |
.fr | ₹616 | ₹720 | ₹524 | |
.fun Promotion | ₹83 | ₹2,760 | ₹2,610 | |
.fund | ₹1,458 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,540 | |
.furniture Promotion | ₹3,317 | ₹9,470 | ₹9,160 | |
.futbol | ₹1,390 | ₹1,610 | ₹1,510 | |
.fyi | ₹1,843 | ₹1,680 | ₹1,560 | |
.gal | ₹3,878 | ₹4,680 | ₹4,680 | |
.gallery | ₹1,850 | ₹2,250 | ₹2,200 | |
.game | ₹26,267 | ₹33,413 | ₹31,770 | |
.games | ₹1,458 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.garden | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.gay Promotion | ₹3,230 | ₹3,060 | ₹3,060 | |
.gd | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.gdn | ₹881 | ₹969 | ₹960 | |
.gen.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.geometre-expert.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.gg | ₹5,730 | ₹6,258 | ₹5,730 | |
.gift | ₹1,650 | ₹1,740 | ₹1,760 | |
.gifts | ₹2,700 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.gives Promotion | ₹1,272 | ₹2,570 | ₹2,390 | |
.glass | ₹4,500 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.global Promotion | ₹5,379 | ₹7,540 | ₹7,150 | |
.glogow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.gmbh | ₹2,720 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.gmina.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.gniezno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.gob.es | ₹616 | ₹1,380 | ₹0 | |
.gold Promotion | ₹801 | ₹8,770 | ₹8,600 | |
.golf Promotion | ₹672 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.gorlice.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.gouv.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.gov.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.gov.uk | ₹8,815 | ₹7,880 | ₹0 | |
.grajewo.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.graphics | ₹1,810 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.gratis | ₹1,640 | ₹1,890 | ₹1,770 | |
.green | ₹820 | ₹6,720 | ₹6,400 | |
.greta.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.gripe | ₹2,310 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.group | ₹1,850 | ₹2,290 | ₹2,160 | |
.gs | ₹3,085 | ₹3,570 | ₹5,250 | |
.gsm.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.gt | ₹7,420 | ₹8,100 | ₹0 | |
.guide | ₹2,690 | ₹3,420 | ₹3,360 | |
.guitars | ₹10,491 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.guru Promotion | ₹447 | ₹3,420 | ₹3,350 | |
.gy | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹4,130 | |
.hamburg | ₹4,332 | ₹4,810 | ₹4,810 | |
.haus Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.healthcare | ₹5,820 | ₹7,070 | ₹6,760 | |
.help Promotion | ₹3,010 | ₹3,010 | ₹3,010 | |
.hiphop | ₹2,217 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.hiv | ₹18,425 | ₹20,189 | ₹19,580 | |
.hn | ₹5,730 | ₹6,258 | ₹6,480 | |
.hockey | ₹4,180 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,650 | |
.holdings | ₹4,610 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.holiday | ₹4,500 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.horse | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.hospital | ₹4,500 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.host | ₹7,780 | ₹8,830 | ₹8,350 | |
.hosting | ₹30,768 | ₹33,413 | ₹31,770 | |
.house Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,660 | ₹3,580 | |
.how | ₹2,115 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,390 | |
.hr | ₹6,611 | ₹8,270 | ₹0 | |
.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.huissier-justice.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.icu Promotion | ₹336 | ₹1,500 | ₹616 | |
.ie Promotion | ₹4,407 | ₹4,490 | ₹4,407 | |
.ilawa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.im | ₹1,145 | ₹1,322 | ₹0 | |
.immo | ₹2,340 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,780 | |
.immobilien | ₹2,610 | ₹3,060 | ₹3,000 | |
.ind.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.ind.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.industries | ₹3,110 | ₹3,770 | ₹3,700 | |
.info.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.info.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.info.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.info.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.ink Promotion | ₹2,430 | ₹2,280 | ₹2,270 | |
.institute Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,250 | ₹2,200 | |
.insure | ₹4,920 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,660 | |
.international Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.intl.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.investments Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹10,600 | ₹9,970 | |
.io Promotion | ₹3,676 | ₹4,982 | ₹4,028 | |
.irish Promotion | ₹801 | ₹1,770 | ₹1,730 | |
.ist | ₹1,322 | ₹1,410 | ₹1,440 | |
.istanbul | ₹1,586 | ₹1,790 | ₹1,790 | |
.it | ₹616 | ₹1,013 | ₹616 | |
.jaworzno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.je | ₹5,730 | ₹6,258 | ₹5,730 | |
.jelenia-gora.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.jetzt | ₹1,640 | ₹1,890 | ₹1,860 | |
.jewelry | ₹4,610 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.jgora.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.jobs | ₹9,609 | ₹10,780 | ₹10,790 | |
.juegos | ₹30,768 | ₹33,413 | ₹31,770 | |
.jur.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.kalisz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.karpacz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kartuzy.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kaszuby.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.katowice.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kaufen | ₹2,390 | ₹2,780 | ₹2,750 | |
.kazimierz-dolny.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kepno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ketrzyn.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.kim Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹1,790 | ₹1,790 | |
.kitchen Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.kiwi | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹1,850 | |
.klodzko.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kobierzyce.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.koeln | ₹1,277 | ₹1,460 | ₹1,460 | |
.kolobrzeg.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.konin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.konskowola.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.koronowo.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kutno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.kyoto | ₹5,112 | ₹5,553 | ₹5,112 | |
.l.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.la | ₹2,830 | ₹3,140 | ₹3,140 | |
.land Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.lapy.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.lat | ₹124 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.law | ₹7,600 | ₹8,990 | ₹8,080 | |
.law.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.lawyer | ₹4,480 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,980 | |
.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.lease | ₹4,240 | ₹4,560 | ₹4,470 | |
.lebork.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.legal | ₹4,950 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,530 | |
.legnica.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.lezajsk.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.lgbt Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹6,600 | ₹6,330 | |
.li | ₹440 | ₹572 | ₹0 | |
.life Promotion | ₹223 | ₹3,060 | ₹3,010 | |
.lighting | ₹1,810 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.limanowa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.limited | ₹2,520 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.limo | ₹4,180 | ₹4,500 | ₹4,470 | |
.link | ₹793 | ₹793 | ₹793 | |
.live Promotion | ₹313 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.loan | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.loans Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹9,430 | ₹8,870 | |
.lol Promotion | ₹124 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.lomza.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.london | ₹2,908 | ₹3,173 | ₹2,908 | |
.love Promotion | ₹2,314 | ₹2,510 | ₹2,480 | |
.lowicz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.lt | ₹793 | ₹960 | ₹0 | |
.ltd Promotion | ₹801 | ₹2,480 | ₹2,430 | |
.ltd.uk | ₹1,232 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.ltda | ₹2,908 | ₹3,173 | ₹3,350 | |
.lu | ₹1,520 | ₹1,860 | ₹2,260 | |
.lubin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.lukow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.luxe | ₹1,233 | ₹1,453 | ₹1,790 | |
.luxury | ₹41,250 | ₹43,992 | ₹41,620 | |
.lv | ₹1,145 | ₹1,330 | ₹1,330 | |
.madrid | ₹3,702 | ₹4,630 | ₹4,630 | |
.mail.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.maison | ₹4,180 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,650 | |
.makeup Promotion | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.malbork.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.malopolska.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.management | ₹1,740 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.market | ₹3,120 | ₹3,770 | ₹3,700 | |
.marketing | ₹911 | ₹3,380 | ₹3,350 | |
.markets Promotion | ₹801 | ₹1,420 | ₹1,390 | |
.mazowsze.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.mazury.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.mba Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.me Promotion | ₹740 | ₹1,830 | ₹1,830 | |
.me.uk | ₹1,232 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.med.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.medecin.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.media Promotion | ₹672 | ₹3,770 | ₹3,700 | |
.media.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.melbourne | ₹4,143 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.memorial | ₹3,594 | ₹4,180 | ₹3,910 | |
.men | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.menu | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.mg | ₹10,491 | ₹12,460 | ₹12,460 | |
.miami | ₹1,690 | ₹1,800 | ₹1,690 | |
.miasta.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.mielec.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.mielno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.mil.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.min.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.mn | ₹3,614 | ₹4,130 | ₹4,130 | |
.mobi Promotion | ₹716 | ₹3,730 | ₹4,270 | |
.mobi.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.moda | ₹2,810 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,230 | |
.moe | ₹1,322 | ₹1,410 | ₹1,440 | |
.mom Promotion | ₹124 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.money Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.mortgage | ₹4,340 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,870 | |
.movie | ₹5,876 | ₹27,090 | ₹24,220 | |
.mragowo.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ms | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.mu | ₹5,641 | ₹6,360 | ₹6,360 | |
.museum | ₹3,614 | ₹4,550 | ₹4,560 | |
.mx | ₹4,350 | ₹4,490 | ₹4,810 | |
.nagoya | ₹1,860 | ₹2,040 | ₹1,860 | |
.naklo.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.name | ₹704 | ₹1,145 | ₹1,200 | |
.nat.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.navy | ₹2,810 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,230 | |
.net | ₹1,020 | ₹1,410 | ₹1,310 | |
.net.af | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹9,160 | |
.net.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.net.cm | ₹6,170 | ₹6,930 | ₹6,920 | |
.net.co | ₹1,120 | ₹1,240 | ₹1,120 | |
.net.gg | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.net.gy | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹4,130 | |
.net.hn | ₹5,730 | ₹6,258 | ₹6,480 | |
.net.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.net.im | ₹1,145 | ₹1,322 | ₹0 | |
.net.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.net.je | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.net.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.net.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.net.lv | ₹1,057 | ₹1,330 | ₹1,330 | |
.net.mg | ₹10,491 | ₹12,460 | ₹12,460 | |
.net.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.net.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.net.sb | ₹4,936 | ₹5,377 | ₹5,905 | |
.net.sc | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.net.so | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.net.tl | ₹6,169 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.net.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.net.uk | ₹1,232 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.net.vc | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.network Promotion | ₹716 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,790 | |
.news Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.ni | ₹58,480 | ₹63,360 | ₹0 | |
.nieruchomosci.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ninja Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹2,610 | ₹2,510 | |
.nl | ₹480 | ₹690 | ₹480 | |
.nom.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.nom.co | ₹1,120 | ₹1,240 | ₹1,120 | |
.nom.es | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹0 | |
.nom.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹13,768 | |
.nom.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.notaires.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.nowaruda.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.nu | ₹1,630 | ₹1,530 | ₹0 | |
.nur.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.nurse.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.nyc | ₹2,570 | ₹3,050 | ₹2,720 | |
.nysa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.okinawa | ₹1,800 | ₹1,980 | ₹881 | |
.olawa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.olecko.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.olkusz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.olsztyn.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.one | ₹1,369 | ₹1,541 | ₹780 | |
.onl | ₹1,890 | ₹2,160 | ₹1,890 | |
.ooo | ₹2,115 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,390 | |
.opoczno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.opole.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.or.at | ₹793 | ₹990 | ₹0 | |
.org | ₹716 | ₹1,145 | ₹784 | |
.org.af | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹9,160 | |
.org.ag | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.org.es | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹0 | |
.org.gg | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.org.hn | ₹5,729 | ₹6,258 | ₹6,480 | |
.org.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.org.im | ₹1,145 | ₹1,322 | ₹0 | |
.org.in | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.org.je | ₹3,614 | ₹3,878 | ₹3,614 | |
.org.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.org.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.org.lv | ₹1,057 | ₹1,330 | ₹1,330 | |
.org.mg | ₹10,491 | ₹12,460 | ₹12,460 | |
.org.ms | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.org.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.org.sb | ₹4,936 | ₹5,377 | ₹5,905 | |
.org.sc | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹8,600 | |
.org.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.org.so | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.org.tl | ₹6,169 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.org.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.org.uk | ₹385 | ₹580 | ₹0 | |
.org.vc | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.organic Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹6,960 | ₹6,620 | |
.osaka | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.ostroda.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ostroleka.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ostrowiec.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ostrowwlkp.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.other.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.p.lc | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.page | ₹920 | ₹1,200 | ₹1,200 | |
.paris | ₹2,209 | ₹3,810 | ₹3,820 | |
.partners Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,520 | |
.parts Promotion | ₹1,379 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.party | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.pc.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pe | ₹5,470 | ₹5,860 | ₹5,860 | |
.perso.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.perso.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.perso.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.pet Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,070 | ₹2,030 | |
.pharma.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.pharmacien.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.phone.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.photo | ₹2,700 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.photography Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹2,960 | ₹2,890 | |
.photos Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹2,250 | ₹2,200 | |
.pics Promotion | ₹124 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.pictures | ₹1,080 | ₹1,190 | ₹1,160 | |
.pila.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pink Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,070 | ₹2,030 | |
.pisz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pizza Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.pl | ₹1,110 | ₹1,762 | ₹0 | |
.place | ₹2,600 | ₹2,920 | ₹2,600 | |
.plc.uk | ₹1,232 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.plumbing | ₹4,970 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,680 | |
.plus Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,770 | ₹3,710 | |
.pm | ₹520 | ₹720 | ₹720 | |
.podhale.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.podlasie.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.poker Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,210 | |
.pol.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.polkowice.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pomorskie.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pomorze.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.porn | ₹8,150 | ₹10,020 | ₹9,430 | |
.port.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.powiat.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.prd.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.press | ₹6,960 | ₹6,960 | ₹6,620 | |
.presse.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.priv.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pro Promotion | ₹358 | ₹2,360 | ₹2,360 | |
.pro.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.prochowice.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.productions Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.prof.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.promo Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹2,000 | ₹1,970 | |
.properties Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.property Promotion | ₹10,836 | ₹11,373 | ₹11,310 | |
.protection | ₹2,02,680 | ₹2,20,312 | ₹2,02,680 | |
.pruszkow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.prx.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.przeworsk.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pt | ₹1,010 | ₹1,220 | ₹0 | |
.pub | ₹2,590 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.pulawy.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.pw | ₹1,770 | ₹1,770 | ₹1,770 | |
.quebec | ₹2,203 | ₹2,379 | ₹2,203 | |
.racing | ₹1,213 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.radio | ₹20,189 | ₹24,080 | ₹24,080 | |
.radio.am | ₹1,420 | ₹1,420 | ₹1,420 | |
.radio.fm | ₹969 | ₹1,057 | ₹1,080 | |
.radom.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.rawa-maz.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.re | ₹520 | ₹720 | ₹720 | |
.realestate.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.recht.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.recipes Promotion | ₹716 | ₹6,480 | ₹6,220 | |
.red Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹1,890 | ₹1,850 | |
.rehab | ₹2,590 | ₹3,030 | ₹2,990 | |
.reise | ₹6,787 | ₹7,590 | ₹7,590 | |
.reisen | ₹1,410 | ₹1,568 | ₹1,560 | |
.rel.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.rel.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.rel.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.rent Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹5,890 | ₹5,630 | |
.rentals Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,660 | ₹3,590 | |
.repair Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,990 | ₹2,990 | |
.report Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹2,010 | ₹1,970 | |
.republican | ₹2,590 | ₹3,030 | ₹2,990 | |
.rest | ₹2,866 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.restaurant Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,840 | |
.review | ₹1,213 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.reviews | ₹4,200 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,870 | |
.rich | ₹27,248 | ₹1,93,864 | ₹1,85,048 | |
.rip | ₹1,750 | ₹1,930 | ₹1,930 | |
.ro | ₹3,702 | ₹4,230 | ₹0 | |
.rocks Promotion | ₹358 | ₹1,860 | ₹1,730 | |
.rodeo | ₹780 | ₹910 | ₹910 | |
.ruhr | ₹2,115 | ₹2,660 | ₹2,660 | |
.run Promotion | ₹447 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.rybnik.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ryukyu | ₹1,800 | ₹1,980 | ₹881 | |
.rzeszow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.saarland | ₹2,320 | ₹2,320 | ₹2,320 | |
.sale Promotion | ₹801 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.salon | ₹4,500 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.sanok.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.sarl | ₹2,310 | ₹2,710 | ₹2,660 | |
.sb | ₹4,936 | ₹5,377 | ₹5,906 | |
.sc | ₹7,669 | ₹9,160 | ₹9,160 | |
.sch.uk | ₹1,232 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.school | ₹2,600 | ₹3,020 | ₹2,990 | |
.schule | ₹1,940 | ₹2,360 | ₹2,320 | |
.science | ₹1,213 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.scot | ₹2,027 | ₹2,920 | ₹2,908 | |
.se | ₹1,630 | ₹1,530 | ₹0 | |
.security | ₹2,02,680 | ₹2,20,312 | ₹2,02,680 | |
.sejny.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.services Promotion | ₹985 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.sex | ₹8,150 | ₹10,020 | ₹9,430 | |
.sex.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.sexy | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.sh Promotion | ₹3,586 | ₹5,141 | ₹3,525 | |
.shiksha Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹1,570 | ₹1,570 | |
.shoes | ₹3,540 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.shop | ₹264 | ₹3,517 | ₹2,870 | |
.shop.ht | ₹7,669 | ₹8,600 | ₹12,620 | |
.shop.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.shopping | ₹2,364 | ₹2,750 | ₹2,390 | |
.show Promotion | ₹1,434 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,470 | |
.si | ₹881 | ₹1,330 | ₹0 | |
.siedlce.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.singles Promotion | ₹1,075 | ₹2,780 | ₹2,750 | |
.ski Promotion | ₹3,317 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,200 | |
.sklep.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.skoczow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.slask.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.slupsk.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.sn | ₹2,065 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,016 | |
.so | ₹5,112 | ₹5,800 | ₹5,810 | |
.soccer | ₹1,700 | ₹2,000 | ₹1,970 | |
.social Promotion | ₹1,165 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.software Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.solar | ₹4,680 | ₹5,180 | ₹5,030 | |
.solutions Promotion | ₹881 | ₹2,600 | ₹2,540 | |
.sos.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.sosnowiec.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.soy | ₹1,850 | ₹2,027 | ₹2,150 | |
.space Promotion | ₹88 | ₹2,200 | ₹1,940 | |
.srl | ₹2,732 | ₹2,908 | ₹3,110 | |
.stalowa-wola.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.starachowice.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.stargard.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.storage | ₹51,045 | ₹55,453 | ₹51,480 | |
.store Promotion | ₹83 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,690 | |
.stream | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.studio Promotion | ₹1,793 | ₹3,660 | ₹3,580 | |
.study | ₹2,870 | ₹3,090 | ₹3,060 | |
.style | ₹3,098 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.sucks | ₹18,425 | ₹21,670 | ₹21,680 | |
.supplies | ₹1,700 | ₹2,000 | ₹1,970 | |
.supply | ₹1,740 | ₹2,130 | ₹2,080 | |
.support Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,250 | ₹2,200 | |
.surf | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.surgery | ₹4,040 | ₹4,480 | ₹4,350 | |
.suwalki.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.swidnica.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.swiebodzin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.swinoujscie.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.swiss | ₹10,491 | ₹11,590 | ₹11,590 | |
.sx | ₹1,939 | ₹2,280 | ₹2,270 | |
.sydney | ₹4,143 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.systems Promotion | ₹2,241 | ₹2,830 | ₹2,780 | |
.szczecin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.szczytno.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.szkola.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.taipei | ₹1,498 | ₹1,586 | ₹1,680 | |
.targi.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tarnobrzeg.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tattoo Promotion | ₹3,583 | ₹3,570 | ₹3,570 | |
.tax Promotion | ₹1,613 | ₹5,780 | ₹5,520 | |
.taxi Promotion | ₹881 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.teach.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.team Promotion | ₹672 | ₹3,060 | ₹3,000 | |
.technology Promotion | ₹985 | ₹2,440 | ₹2,390 | |
.tel | ₹925 | ₹1,080 | ₹1,080 | |
.tel.ki | ₹81,019 | ₹88,072 | ₹85,427 | |
.tennis | ₹4,730 | ₹5,420 | ₹5,190 | |
.tf | ₹520 | ₹720 | ₹720 | |
.tgory.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.theater | ₹4,510 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.theatre | ₹51,045 | ₹55,453 | ₹51,480 | |
.tickets | ₹40,465 | ₹38,702 | ₹41,620 | |
.tienda | ₹4,510 | ₹4,850 | ₹4,800 | |
.tips Promotion | ₹1,434 | ₹2,560 | ₹2,510 | |
.tires | ₹7,590 | ₹8,180 | ₹8,040 | |
.tirol | ₹2,203 | ₹3,085 | ₹2,390 | |
.tl | ₹6,170 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,143 | |
.tm.fr | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹13,768 | |
.tm.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tn | ₹9,99,999 | ₹396 | ₹9,99,999 | |
.today Promotion | ₹313 | ₹2,360 | ₹2,320 | |
.tokyo | ₹1,860 | ₹2,040 | ₹1,860 | |
.tools Promotion | ₹1,434 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.top | ₹131 | ₹420 | ₹420 | |
.tourism.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tourism.tn | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.tours | ₹890 | ₹5,180 | ₹4,980 | |
.town Promotion | ₹985 | ₹3,060 | ₹3,000 | |
.toys Promotion | ₹2,106 | ₹5,300 | ₹5,090 | |
.trade | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.trading | ₹1,680 | ₹1,680 | ₹1,620 | |
.training Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,300 | ₹3,240 | |
.travel Promotion | ₹2,510 | ₹11,780 | ₹10,970 | |
.travel.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tube | ₹2,115 | ₹2,291 | ₹2,390 | |
.turek.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.turystyka.pl | ₹270 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.tv | ₹2,115 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.tychy.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.uk | ₹510 | ₹704 | ₹0 | |
.univ.sn | ₹4,143 | ₹2,291 | ₹4,143 | |
.university | ₹4,390 | ₹5,070 | ₹4,870 | |
.uno | ₹83 | ₹1,790 | ₹1,790 | |
.us | ₹660 | ₹793 | ₹780 | |
.ustka.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.uy | ₹5,360 | ₹5,750 | ₹5,740 | |
.vacations | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.vc | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.vegas | ₹4,682 | ₹4,495 | ₹4,680 | |
.ventures | ₹1,458 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,690 | |
.vet | ₹2,800 | ₹3,420 | ₹3,350 | |
.vet.pro | ₹13,136 | ₹14,017 | ₹13,930 | |
.veterinaire.fr | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | ₹1,762 | |
.vg | ₹2,556 | ₹2,820 | ₹2,990 | |
.viajes | ₹3,544 | ₹4,130 | ₹3,910 | |
.video Promotion | ₹1,379 | ₹2,990 | ₹2,990 | |
.villas | ₹4,520 | ₹5,010 | ₹4,860 | |
.vin Promotion | ₹985 | ₹4,850 | ₹4,800 | |
.vip | ₹1,270 | ₹1,480 | ₹1,480 | |
.vision | ₹2,600 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.vlaanderen | ₹2,115 | ₹2,660 | ₹2,660 | |
.vodka | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.vote Promotion | ₹3,317 | ₹7,540 | ₹7,140 | |
.voto Promotion | ₹3,317 | ₹6,320 | ₹6,250 | |
.voyage | ₹4,180 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,650 | |
.walbrzych.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wales | ₹1,145 | ₹1,233 | ₹1,145 | |
.wang | ₹793 | ₹793 | ₹793 | |
.warmia.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.warszawa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.watch Promotion | ₹358 | ₹3,540 | ₹3,470 | |
.waw.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.web.nf | ₹96,888 | ₹14,899 | ₹15,781 | |
.webcam | ₹1,213 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.website Promotion | ₹83 | ₹2,200 | ₹1,940 | |
.wedding | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.wegrow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wf | ₹520 | ₹720 | ₹720 | |
.wielun.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wiki Promotion | ₹2,430 | ₹2,280 | ₹2,270 | |
.win | ₹494 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.wine Promotion | ₹801 | ₹4,830 | ₹4,690 | |
.wlocl.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wloclawek.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wlodawa.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wodzislaw.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.wolomin.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.work Promotion | ₹222 | ₹910 | ₹910 | |
.works Promotion | ₹881 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.world Promotion | ₹223 | ₹3,420 | ₹3,360 | |
.wroclaw.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.ws | ₹2,294 | ₹2,294 | ₹2,294 | |
.wtf Promotion | ₹801 | ₹2,950 | ₹2,890 | |
.八卦 | ₹20,189 | ₹21,952 | ₹21,780 | |
.移动 | ₹1,277 | ₹1,410 | ₹1,410 | |
.орг | ₹969 | ₹1,057 | ₹1,080 | |
.ею | ₹616 | ₹616 | ₹616 | |
.网店 | ₹20,189 | ₹21,952 | ₹21,780 | |
.संगठन | ₹969 | ₹1,057 | ₹1,080 | |
.شبكة | ₹1,057 | ₹1,145 | ₹1,200 | |
.机构 | ₹969 | ₹1,057 | ₹1,080 | |
.تونس | ₹528 | ₹396 | ₹528 | |
.みんな | ₹793 | ₹881 | ₹793 | |
.xxx | ₹8,150 | ₹10,020 | ₹9,430 | |
.xyz | ₹168 | ₹1,300 | ₹1,280 | |
.yoga | ₹2,540 | ₹2,740 | ₹2,720 | |
.yokohama | ₹1,860 | ₹2,040 | ₹1,860 | |
.yt | ₹520 | ₹720 | ₹720 | |
.zachpomor.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.zagan.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.zarow.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.zgora.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.zgorzelec.pl | ₹300 | ₹900 | ₹0 | |
.zone Promotion | ₹1,255 | ₹3,180 | ₹3,130 | |
.spa | ₹2,203 | ₹2,390 | ₹2,390 | |
.com.au | ₹1,038 | ₹1,038 | ₹1,038 | |
.au | ₹983 | ₹983 | ₹983 | |
.autos | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.beauty | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.boats | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.hair | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.homes | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.monster | ₹124 | ₹1,450 | ₹1,450 | |
.motorcycles | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.quest | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.skin | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.yachts | ₹124 | ₹1,340 | ₹1,340 | |
.ai New | ₹6,380 | ₹10,780 | ₹12,199 |
Expiry date
Your questions answered
What is a domain name?
A domain name is an internet address, just like a home or business address. It enables users to access and recognise a website without having to remember its IP address. A name is much easier to remember than a sequence of numbers.
For each domain name, there is a regulatory authority responsible for administering it. For .uk domain names, for example, the regulatory authority managing them is called Nominet UK. At a global level, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is in charge of domain names and IP addresses.
Registrars (also known as registries) manage the reservation of top-level domain names (TLDs) with customers. As both a hosting provider and registrar, OVHcloud enables you to reserve a domain name and attach it to a web hosting plan. There are several hundred domain name extensions, and new ones are regularly created to meet users’ needs.
What is the price of a domain name?
The price of your domain name depends largely on the extension (.uk, .com, .bzh, .best, etc.) you choose. Depending on your choice and the value of it, the reservation cost can vary significantly.
How do I register a domain name?
To register a domain name, firstly you need to check that it has not already been registered by someone else. Enter the domain name you want to reserve, and its extension. Our tool will confirm whether or not it is available. If the domain name is available, you can simply order it and register it in your name, or your company name.
How do I know if a domain name is available?
Even if it does not seem to be in use, the domain name you wish to register may already be reserved. You can use our tool to check its availability in a single click. It also offers other extensions that are available or transferrable with the domain name you search.
The statuses are listed below:
- Domain name available for registration. You can reserve it.
- Domain name not available for registration. It has been registered, which means somebody else has already reserved it.
- Domain name transferable. You can transfer it from your current domain name registrar to OVHcloud.
When registering your brand name with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), we recommend ensuring that the domain name you are looking for has not been reserved or registered with the IPO as a trade mark. If it has already been reserved with them, you may be unable to use it. You can also protect your brand name when registering your trade mark.
Why buy a domain name?
The domain name is your website’s online address. It is essential for visitors to be able to find you, both via the URL and on search engines. Your domain name reflects your business, and can simply use the name of your company or brand. Please note that you can have multiple domain names, and link them to your web hosting plan via Domain Name System (DNS) redirections.
How do I find a domain name holder?
To obtain information on the domain name holder, you can search using our WHOIS tool.
You can view the name of the registrant (domain name owner), the registry (the body that manages the reservation), the contacts linked to the domain, and other information, such as the domain name’s status and its expiry date.
Find a relevant domain name.
Finding the right domain name can be a complex task.
Several hundred million domain names are already reserved worldwide, and you then need to consider which one is available and relevant. A generic domain name — that includes one or more competitive keywords, for example — will very often already be reserved and in use, or offered for resale on the secondary market. When you register your trade mark, ensure that your trade name or company name is available as a domain name (with or without dashes, if the name contains more than one word). This is usually the easiest and most effective way to offer your visitors a memorable name. There is nothing to stop you from reserving several domain names, and redirecting to the server your website is hosted on.
The domain name market
Several hundred million domain names are registered or renewed annually across the globe. This constantly growing number makes certain domain names very popular. In the secondary market, you can buy a domain name put up for sale by its current owner, who then sets the price. The purchase of a domain name may be influenced by its SEO ranking, if it has been used for several years — or simply by the traffic potential it holds.