Reserve your .tickets domain
Expiry date
Included with your domain name
DNS Management
Link your domain name to your website, manage your email addresses, and configure your subdomains directly from your OVHcloud Control Panel.
Secure DNS authentication with your domain name (to be enabled).
Protection against theft
Protect yourself against fraudulent domain name transfer requests.
Easy Redirect
Redirect your domain name to a webpage of your choice.
The life cycle of .tickets

.tickets domain name reservation
Applications for a .tickets domain name are subject to a verification of personal information.
Undertake one of the following procedures:
1. If your domain name could conflict with trademarks, the application will be placed in "pending to create" status and published in a list available at the following address: for 60 days. When it enters this period, the competing registrants have to demonstrate to the registry that they are authorised to register for the domain name in question. The registry will analyse the requests and assign the domain name to the applicant with the appropriate rights. If a third party makes a rival application before the end of the period, and the original registrant cannot demonstrate his eligibility within the deadline, his request will be rejected by the registry and the domain name will be assigned to the first third party who can prove that he has the necessary rights. If such cases where the registry refuses the original request no audit fees will be reimbursed.
2. In all other cases, domain names will be assigned once the registry has verified the personal information and within five days of the application. Applications for a .tickets domain name are subject to a period of five days to verify personal information.
Valid rights accepted by the Registry:
- A national or regional trademark registered in the ticketing sector.
- A term or name used in the ticketing sector (hallmark).
Booking Period | 1 to 10 years |
Renewal Period | 1 to 10 years |
Delivery time | Immediate |
Domain size | 1 to 63 characters |
Internationalised domain names (IDN) supported | Yes |
Price | $697.99 /year |
.tickets domain name renewal
Warning emails 60, 30, 15, 7 and 3 days before the expiry date: | ✓ |
Email the day of expiration for notification of suspension of a domain name. | ✓ |
Email following the Redemption Grace Period for notification of deletion of domain name. | ✓ |
Renew directly on | ✓ |
Renew via your Control Panel | ✓ |
Price | $666.99 /year |
.tickets domain name transfer
Time to complete the transfer | 5 - 10 days |
Price | $697.99 /year |
Renewal on transfer | Yes |
.tickets domain name owner change
Price | Free |
.tickets domain name reactivation
Redemption period | 30 days |
Reactivation by the owner | ✓ |
Price | $115.99 /year |