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UniverseMailing listDescriptionSign upGet started
OVHAPIAPI.OVH.COMapi maildiscover the solution
OVHBARGeneral discussionsbar mail 
MobileLOGSLogs Data Platformpaas maildiscover the solution
WebDOMAINSDomain namesdomains maildiscover the solution
WebExchangeOVHcloud ExchangeExchange maildiscover the solution
WebWEBAll web hosting plansweb maildiscover the solution
WebVPSVirtual Private Serversvps maildiscover the solution
DedicatedHA-NASHA-NAS storage spacesnas-ha maildiscover the solution
DedicatedDEDICATEDOVHcloud dedicated serversdedicated maildiscover the solution
DedicatedPCCDedicated CloudRegistration via the OVHcloud Control Panel, reserved for Dedicated Cloud the solution
DedicatedGAMEOVHcloud GAME serversgame maildiscover the solution
CloudAIArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningAI maildiscover the solution
CloudDOCKERDockerdocker mail 
CloudDatabasesDatabases (SQL, NoSQL, etc.)databases mail 
CloudCLOUDOVHcloud Public Cloudcloud maildiscover the solution