What is Object Storage?
Object storage takes huge volumes of unstructured data and turns each data point into a distinct unit – an object – with its own metadata and unique identifier. These objects are stored in a data environment, making it easier to access, retrieve and manage each and every individual object.

What object storage means
Gone are the days of structured data being the chief source of business intel and insights. Instead, the proliferation of unstructured data has exploded in recent years – data points which can be text, emails, mobile activity, video/audio files, social media posts, and much more besides. Compared to easily assignable structured data with its tables, rows and columns, unstructured data represents a real challenge for business.
And it’s only going to get worse if not managed correctly. According to Gartner, unstructured data rates are now growing three times faster than that of structured data. This means you must find a storage service with powerful management features to effectively transform potential tsunami of indecipherable data into cohesive, organisable units that offer genuine value – not a logistical nightmare for dev teams.
Use object storage
Object storage takes the data blocks that make up each unstructured data file and brings them together into a single unified entity with customisable metadata and a unique identifier. This creates an ‘object’, which can then be stored via TCP/IP in a repository – a storage pool – either on-premises or more commonly in the cloud.
When you need to access your unstructured data sets, instead of being confronted with a unruly mass of data, you can search out the object you want by using RESTful APIs, HTTP or HTTPS. These enable the metadata you want to locate to be entered into a search engine, which in turn sources and pulls out any related metadata – and associated data sets. Results are then delivered back to you in moments because of object storage’s high performance. In other words, order is finally brought to the chaos of unstructured data, turning it from a potential liability into a valuable commodity – all thanks to object storage and its exceptional management capabilities.
What is the difference between file storage vs block storage vs object storage?
Storage systems come in many different forms and should be selected based on the use case. Typically, file storage organises and stores file data within a hierarchical structure that’s made up of directories and folders. Because these use specific file protocols including NFS (Network File System) or SMB/CIFS (Server Message Block/Common Internet File System). However, as file data volumes grow massively, this approach become increasingly impractical for enterprise . Block storage addresses file storage’s limitations by taking files and breaking them down into individual blocks with unique identifiers. When required, these blocks can then be reconstructed into an file.
This makes the storage solution ideal for enterprise that needs lag-free control and optimised management capabilities over specific applications. These include databases, apps that need service-side processing, and mission-critical applications (think SAP and Oracle). However, unlike object storage, block storage has no metadata capabilities, meaning the level of granularity offered by object storage is missing from block storage. The latter is also costly and requires advanced configuration to be fully optimised.
Object storage sidesteps these issues with its metadata capabilities and single storage pool. Its only downside for enterprise is the management of dynamic data that must be updated on a regular basis, changing its size during runtimes. This means the whole object must be rewritten every time a change is made.
What are business use cases for object storage?
Cloud-native use cases
Deploy object storage as the ideal scalable environment for migrating to cloud-native applications or building them from scratch.
Multimedia use cases
Utilise a multimedia content management solution that enables you to store and distribute multimedia content (such as video streaming) using a high availability, low latency platform.
Analytics & AI use cases
Bring together diverse and large data sets via object storage, deploying big data analytics tools and AI to uncover fresh insights into key business areas.
Internet of Things use cases
Wrangle the unstructured data created by the Internet of Things and benefit from the ability to analyse device performance and more.
Backup use cases
Back up unstructured data while enjoying immediate access to it as and when needed with a storage solution capable of storing massive volumes of data.
What are the business benefits of object storage?
Scaling the future
To meet the challenge of unstructured data volumes growing in future, the data storage pool that houses the data can grow as well. Pools offer an unlimited storage service, able to grow as your unstructured data demands do, creating a versatile and elastic solution especially when located in the cloud. A cloud-based infrastructure provider can also scale up or scale down a business’s storage pool requirements in a matter of minutes, making cloud solutions the ultimate vehicle for any object store strategy.

Surpassing structured data
While having structured data housed in a hierarchal system may sound efficient compared to unstructured data, object based storage actually flips this ethos on its head. Instead of the complex database infrastructures needed for structured data, which must successfully be navigated to access and retrieve data, object storage offers a single pool free of directories plus other workflow-improving architecture. Simply search for the required metadata within your unstructured data and all results are collated in a single place for retrieval and usage.
Deepening search capabilities
Adding further to the powerful unstructured data search capabilities of object stores is the granular level of search criteria that can be refined and customised. An object’s metadata can include any detail or information required by the business. From category, size, type and date through to owners and permissions, object based storage offers the most powerful search dynamics possible for sourcing and retrieving related unstructured data.
Creating better insights
Object storage’s metadata and its management is a boon for data analytics, offering invaluable insights. Using data analytics tools to examine such intel can help you uncover and understand data usage patterns, emerging content trends and user behaviours within your object storage solution. In turn, extrapolating these findings can lead to better business decisions and more informed growth strategies

Safeguarding data assets
Because all objects are located in a single storage pool, they can be duplicated at speed and stored elsewhere. This management capability creates the ideal launch pad for data backup, business continuity and disaster recovery strategies, ensuring that if a data breach or data loss does occur, the back up can be deployed to keep any business disruption to a minimum. And in this data-rich era, that offers ultimate peace of mind for any management team.
Protecting bottom lines
Using an object storage solution in a provider-managed cloud is typically charged on capacity basis, i.e., the more you use, the more you pay instead of needing to pay capital expenditures upfront or invest in new storage service infrastructures. Importantly, such benefits enable you to plan costs in advance, ensuring there are no unexpected surprises when the provider’s invoice lands on the desk of the finance department.
What factors must be considered when choosing an object based storage solution?
While object storage systems offer many benefits and use cases, choosing a solution that is the right fit for the enterprise is essential. If going with a public cloud solution, check that the solution’s object store offering gives you the ability to store huge volumes of unstructured data without you taking a hit on performance, management or control.
Crucially, ensure any object based storage solution has data protection features – such as a secret access key known as an ‘Access Key’ or ‘Access Key ID’ – that can be relied on day in, day out. Also take into account the storage service’s overall performance levels. While not optimised for high performance or low latency rates, an object storage service must still meet the latency and throughput rates required by the organisation.
Integration is another key factor. Will the storage architecture be compatible with the enterprise’s existing or planned tools and languages? Does the object storage service offer support for industry-standard APIs and protocols?
Finally, work out the total cost of ownership of object storage. If going down the private or hybrid cloud route, this evaluation should consider all factors from software and hardware through to the cost of rolling maintenance and ongoing support. Alternatively, if signing up to a public cloud offering, any costs for data transfer and data storage should also be included.
OVHcloud and Object Storage
We help you leverage the full potential of object storage, providing a high-performance storage service on a tested platform with guaranteed confidentiality, plus a host of cloud computing solutions and other data options including block storage solutions.