.com.au domain name

Reserve your .com.au domain name

Improve your visibility in Australia with a .com.au domain name.
This extension is a must-have for increasing your visibility among Australian web users. It is a sign of trust and authority for your brands registered in the country.

Expiry date



US$13.64 ex. GST/year


The lifecycle of a .com.au domain


Create a .com.au domain name

To register a .com.au domain name, you will need to meet a number of conditions.

To be eligible for registration, you must be identified as a business entity with a registered ABN or ACN, or you must perform an activity recognised by state authorities.

The registered domain name must also:

(a) correspond to the corporation, business, legal or personal name of the person, or
(b) be an acronym for the corporation, business, corporate or personal name of the person, or
(c) correspond to the person's Australian trademark, or
(d) correspond to or be an acronym of the name of a related corporation, or
(e) correspond to or be an acronym of:

- a partnership in which the person is a partner
- a trust of which the person is a trustee, or

(f) correspond to or be a synonym for the name of:

- a service that the person provides
- goods that the person sells (retail or wholesale)
- an event that the person is subscribing to or sponsoring
- an activity that the person facilitates, teaches or trains
- a premises that the person operates

and provides at the time of application.

For .com.au domain name registrations based on an Australian trademark, the domain name must exactly match the words that are the subject of the Australian trademark.

Booking Period 1 to 10 years
Renewal Period 1 to 10 years
Delivery time Immediate
Domain size 3 to 63 characters
Internationalised domain names (IDN) supported No
Price US$13.64 ex. GST/year

.com.au domain name renewal

Warning emails 60, 30, 15, 7 and 3 days before the expiry date:
Email the day of expiration for notification of suspension of a domain name.
Email following the Redemption Grace Period for notification of deletion of domain name.
Renew directly on www.ovhcloud.com
Renew via your Control Panel
Price US$13.64 ex. GST/year

.com.au domain name transfer

Time to complete the transfer 5 - 10 days
Price US$13.64 ex. GST/year
Renewal on transfer Yes

.com.au domain name owner change

Price US$13.64 ex. GST/year

.com.au domain name reactivation

Redemption period 30 days
Reactivation by the owner
Price US$25.81 ex. GST/year

About .com.au:

This extension is only open to companies, commercial entities and trademarks in Australia or that can operate within the territory of Australia. This includes sole proprietors, trusts, incorporated associations and corporations, all of which generally have an ABN or ACN with ASIC. .com.au domain names are managed by auDA.
This is a sign of trust and credibility for Australian internet users. Web users across Australia are familiar with the .com.au extension, and it features a lot in advertisements and displays.
Furthermore, if you have activities in countries other than Australia, we recommend reserving an additional extension specifically for those countries.