Protect yourself and your loved ones with the Premier home phone service plan. From advanced call blocking to voicemail monitoring, your family can stay safe from unwanted callers. Get a free, 60-day trial upon activation of Ooma Telo.
Block suspected spammers, anonymous callers, and/or numbers reported by Ooma users.
Add specific numbers to your do-not-call list.
Only receive calls from those in your contacts list.
Get unlimited nationwide calling throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Make and receive calls on the go from your Ooma Home Phone mobile app.
Transfer a call to voicemail, activate do not disturb mode, forward voicemails to email, monitor your voicemails, and more.
Get all the features included in our Basic service, such as address-based 911 and 911 text alerts, answering machine functionality, caller ID, call waiting, and more.
Two lines are better than one. Make or receive a second call even while your phone is in use.
If your internet or power goes down, calls are automatically forwarded to another phone number.
If you don’t recognize the caller-ID, listen as they leave a message and pick up the phone at any time to speak with the caller.
Make any Ooma HD3 Handset or Ooma Linx a private extension with a password-protected voicemail account. You can also set up personal greetings, customize privacy settings, and control voicemail notifications or forwarding.
Select from three pre-configured protection settings, or build your own customized call blocking profile.
Forward your calls to any number, even your cell phone, so that you never miss a call.
Ooma Premier customers using the Ooma Mobile App can make and receive calls anywhere in the U.S. for no charge.
Enjoy the ultimate convenience of having your voicemail messages forwarded to your email as an audio file. Now you can listen to messages anywhere you can check email.
Set aside one or more of your phones as a dedicated line that will only ring when a particular phone number is dialed. Give anyone in the house their own telephone, set up a dedicated fax line, or separate your residential phone and work phone.
Got family and friends in Canada and Mexico? Now you can talk to your heart’s content. As a Premier subscriber, calls to Canada and Mexico are free (excluding the 867 calling area).
Whether you’re doing business or chatting with friends, three-way conference calling has never been easier.
Transfer a call to voicemail by pressing the “Send to Voicemail” button at any time.
See the names of callers, even if they’re not in your address book.
We’ve simplified and enhanced the experience so that you can access Google Voice’s Voicemail, Call Presentation, Listen In, and Caller-ID features, all with the press of a button.
Get peace and quiet whenever you want by simply pressing the envelope icon for two seconds. All of your calls will roll into voicemail without ringing.
The table below summarizes the available features in the Free service and Premier service tiers.
Standard Phone Features | Ooma Basic | Ooma Premier |
Subscription Fees *Monthly fees and taxes apply. | $0.00/mo* | $9.99/month |
U.S. calling | X | X |
Canadian calling | X | |
Puerto Rico calling | X | |
Mexico calling | X | |
Free in-network calling | X | X |
Call waiting | X | X |
Online call logs | X | X |
Call return (*69) | X | X |
Call hold | X | X |
911 service | X | X |
Ooma PureVoice™ | X | X |
Online account management with My Ooma | X | X |
411 calling | X | X |
International calling | X | X |
Standard voicemail | X | X |
One-touch voicemail access | X | X |
Remote voicemail retrieval | X | X |
Voicemail | ||
Do not disturb | X | |
Send to voicemail | X | |
Voicemail monitoring | X | |
Voicemail notifications | X | |
Voicemail forwarding (e-mail audio attachments) | X | |
Voice-to-text | ||
Privacy | ||
Caller-ID blocking | X | X |
Caller-ID | X | X |
Enhanced Caller-ID | X | |
Anonymous call blocking | X | |
Custom call blocking | X | |
Known spammer call blocking | X | |
Suspected spammer call blocking | X | |
Mobility | ||
Ooma Home Phone mobile app | X | X |
Make calls | X | X |
Receive calls | X | |
Check voicemail | X | X |
Call forwarding | X | |
Backup number | X | |
Multi-ring | X | |
Advanced Features | ||
Contact list (Telo only) | X | X |
Ooma HD voice calling | X | X |
Custom ring patterns | X | |
Enhanced call waiting | X | |
Instant Second Line™ | X | |
Three-way conference calling | X | |
Personal number | X | |
Personal devices | X | |
911 notifications | X | X |
Google Voice extensions (Telo only) | X | |
Amazon Echo (Telo only) | X | X |
Nest alerts (Telo only) | X | |
Other connected home integrations (Telo only) | X |
Plug Ooma Telo into your internet router with a hardwired connection. [..more]
Phone service – $0.00/mo
All you pay are monthly taxes and fees.
Shipping – Free
Place your Telo Air anywhere and connect wirelessly through your home Wi-Fi network. [..more]
Phone service – $0.00/mo
All you pay are monthly taxes and fees.
Shipping – Free
Ooma Telo LTE comes with an adapter that gives a high-speed, always-on LTE cellular connection, plus a battery backup in case of an internet or power outage. [..more]
Check coverage.
Phone service – $19.99/mo
Plus monthly taxes and fees.
Shipping – Free
Sign-up for a year of Ooma Premier ($119.99) and get a free number transfer or Extended Warranty.
Call Now 877-621-0515
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