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Open Access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access to the peer-reviewed scholarly articles published in a scientific journal through the Internet. Our Open Access system is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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Article Publication charges vary from journal to journal depending on the scope of the respective journal. Please contact through specific journal Editorial Office communication address or E-mail ID for more information in this regard. Email addresses can be found on each journal's homepage.
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The journals in OMICS are in Open Access mode. The scientific community including researchers, academicians, students and others across the world can have free and unlimited access to the articles published in the journals. OMICS neither receives any subscription charges from the users nor any funding from any organization or Institutions. The Journals are solely financed by the processing charges received from authors and some academic/corporate sponsors. The processing charges are required to meet the regular expenses and maintenance of the journals. Authors are required to make payment once a manuscript has been accepted for publication.
Yes, OMICS International is offering membership in various categories which is available for the scientific societies, corporate companies, Universities, Institutes, individuals and students. For more details on membership and its benefits, please click on the following link:
To know about the scope of the particular Journal, please go through the “Aims and Scope” section provided in the Journal Home Page. Each Journal is having this specific section in detail. If you have any further query, please contact the journal of your interest through the Email-ID provided in the Journal site.
The Journal Impact Factor often abbreviated as JIF, is a measure of defining the quality of articles published by a Journal. JIF reflects the quality of a journal by measuring the average number of citations of the articles published in a journal. JIF is calculated by dividing the number of citations received for the articles published in previous two years with the total number of articles published in those years.
To know about the indexing status of a particular Journal, kindly go through the “Indexing & Archiving” section provided in the Journal Home Page.
You can choose the journal of your interest in which you would like to publish. Please visit the OMICS International journals homepage to browse Journals by title or by subject.
All the details pertaining to the article submission is described in the respective journal’s ‘Instructions for Authors’ webpage. The abstract should be around 200-350 words. If you have any further query, please contact through the respective mail ID provided in the Journal website.
An editorial is a write up on a particular topic having a length of 2-3 pages [~1000 words or more] on any of your research interests. It cannot be a research or review article.
OMICS International will publish all types of research, review articles, case reports, short communications, letter to editors, and editorials.
There is no page limit for regular or special issue manuscripts but Editorial articles should not exceed 2000 words.
No online color or article length associated charges are levied to the authors. Online color production is free of cost. Charges will be levied to the authors upon request for reprints.
Where can I find Publication Ethics of Journal?
To know about Publication Ethics of the particular Journal, please go through the “Publication Ethics” section on the Journal Home Page.
No, the publication charges will be same for all the types of articles. The size of an article is a poor indicator of the actual amount of work involved in obtaining peer reviews and in preparing the article for publication. So, we charge same amount for all the types of articles.
All submissions are sent out for independent peer-review by experts in the respective scientific field. Focus on the quality of the scientific content, novelty of the study and technical accuracy of a manuscript along with excellent presentation of the data remains the foremost priority for the assigned reviewers.
All the articles undergo through rapid review process for maximum of 21 days from the initial date of submission. The accepted articles will be published online within 15 days.
A corresponding author may view the status of any manuscript that he/she has submitted to a particular journal through the online system directly. The corresponding author can simply log in to the Editorial Manager system using the username and password to view the status of a manuscript. The corresponding author will also be notified through email every time the status of a manuscript processing changes.
Yes, assigning a DOI to each cited reference ensures that a persistent link to the work is included for readers.
You can order reprints during galley proof process. For additional reprints, requests should be communicated after the article is published. You may contact the Editorial Office at: [email protected] along with the article information (Journal title, ISSN Number, Manuscript Number) and quantity of reprints required.
A special issue refers to the additional issue release other than the regular issue, containing collection of articles pertaining to a specific topic. The special issue is handled by one of the Editors or by Guest Editor with a specific and suitable title within the scope of the respective journal.
Processing charges varies from journal to journal; you may visit the respective Journal’s “Special Issue” section for specific information.
To attend the conference related to a journal, please contact the Journal managing Editor or Editorial Assistant to avail the maximum benefits and easy registrations through journal office. Special discounts or benefits will be provided to authors, reviewers and editors of the particular journal within the continent.
You may contact the journal’s editorial office by clicking “Contact Us” in the toolbar. If you would like to contact a specific Journal directly, please use the email information provided in the particular Journal website.
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