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Our Mission

To support one another as EFT therapists in the continual process of learning and refining our skills by offering consistent and ongoing training, supervision and peer support opportunities.


To invite all Ohio therapists to explore and consider implementing EFT in their counseling practice and provide opportunities to learn about this effective and powerful approach in the hopes of expanding awareness and the EFT community throughout the state of Ohio. 


To develop a safe and sensitive community of people free to embrace their basic human attachment needs without fear of persecution or marginalization as a result of religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, class, mental health, or physical ability.  


To educate the lay community, couples, families and individuals seeking help for their relationships that there is an effective way to find healing, relief, and connection by utilizing EFT therapy, Hold Me Tight workshops, and all of the EFT resources available to improve their relationships in this life changing way.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to create a safe, fun, cohesive, proactive group in which we mutually support one another regularly and consistently as we pursue our shared goal of becoming excellent EFT therapists and as we reach our communities, sharing the effectiveness of this powerful & exciting approach to human thriving.  We envision an environment of inclusion where all can feel safe, valued, cared for, and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with each other. 

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