Scientists Describe Rare Syndrome Following Covid Vaccinations
In a small study, patients with the syndrome were more likely to experience reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus and high levels of a coronavirus protein.

With the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic fading even as the coronavirus persists and evolves, a new normal is taking shape around the world.
In a small study, patients with the syndrome were more likely to experience reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus and high levels of a coronavirus protein.
By Apoorva Mandavilli
An estimated 15 colleges still required Covid vaccines for students as of late last year. No states require K-12 students to get the shots.
By Benjamin Mueller
Brooklyn’s U.S. attorney said Weihong Hu and two men set out to “line their own pockets” at the height of the pandemic. Ms. Hu has helped raise funds for Mayor Eric Adams of New York.
By Santul Nerkar
But there have been plenty of other illnesses to go around.
By Francesca Paris
What to Know About Covid Right Now
Experts expect cases to rise again this winter. Here’s the latest on symptoms, treatments and testing.
By Dani Blum
Kennedy Sought to Stop Covid Vaccinations 6 Months After Rollout
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. petitioned the F.D.A. to revoke authorization of the shots at a time when they were in high demand and considered life-saving.
By Christina Jewett
Report Faults Trump Officials Over Coronavirus Inquiry in New York and New Jersey
While the findings are dated, they come as many current and former Justice Department officials fear that the incoming Trump administration will run the department with an eye toward score-settling.
By Devlin Barrett
Has the Coronavirus Pandemic Changed Your Relationship to Grief?
The New York Times is interested in exploring how the response to loss may have changed in the last five years.
By The New York Times
Jay Bhattacharya, a health economist, gained prominence during the Covid pandemic when he argued against lockdowns.
By Benjamin Mueller and Sheryl Gay Stolberg
The French movie industry has been celebrating statistics that show an increase in movie attendance.
By Richard Fausset
Mr. Cuomo has twice had his political career written off and managed to come back. A look at some of the key moments in his career.
By Nicole Hong
Cinco años después de que un novedoso virus se extendiera por todas partes, es difícil recordar cómo fue el principio.
By David Wallace-Wells
The underlying cause shocked the patient and confounded her doctors.
By Lisa Sanders, M.D.
The outbreak has been traced, tentatively, to three children who ate a bat, the W.H.O. said, and known threats like Ebola and Marburg have been ruled out.
By Eve Sampson
The Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer talks about burnout from covering the pandemic and how bird-watching gave him a new sense of hope.
By David Marchese
In the latest leadership shake-up, Gina Duncan will leave when her contract expires in June, after three years in the job.
By Robin Pogrebin
Still recovering from heavy spending during the pandemic, hospitals are squeezed by a slumping economy and government efforts to curb health care spending.
By Claire Fu, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Keith Bradsher
En un pequeño número de personas, las vacunas pueden haber provocado una constelación de efectos secundarios, según un estudio a pequeña escala.
By Apoorva Mandavilli