Contact Us

Contact us directly

You can email the Numbas team at [email protected].

Drop-in sessions

We run open drop-in sessions once a month over Zoom.

We’ll run one session a month, rotating through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to match different people’s working patterns. Sessions will last two hours and take place during Newcastle’s core hours of 10:00 – 15:00, UK time. You’re welcome to join at any time and leave whenever you like.

This is an opportunity to have a chat with the Numbas development team and other members of the community about anything to do with Numbas. You could learn more about Numbas, ask for help writing questions or deploying Numbas exams, talk about what you’ve been doing, make a feature request, hear what we’re planning to develop next, or just hang out with us for a while.

Click here to get the link to join the drop-in session.

We’ve set up a calendar of upcoming sessions which you can bookmark, or add to your own calendar app using the URL The link to join the session is in each calendar entry.

If you use Outlook, click the button “Add calendar”, then “Subscribe from web” and paste in the above URL.

If you use Google Calendar, click the plus icon next to “Other calendars”, then select “From URL” and paste in the URL.

Office hours

You can make a private office hours appointment with us to talk with a member of the development team about anything to do with Numbas.

You could get help writing questions, integrating Numbas with your VLE, or have a more wide-ranging chat about using Numbas.

To make an appointment, use the booking form.

User Group

If you have a technical question about using Numbas, or have something that you want to share, post to our User Group. We try to answer questions quickly, and other users are welcome to help as well. The user group can be a good place to find solutions to problems you encounter – someone else has probably seen them before!

Numbas user group