Gisle Andersen is a Research Professor and holds a PhD in environmental sociology from the Department of Sociology, University of Bergen. He has done research on the historical trajectory of the political conflicts on the environmental consequences from industry in Norway and the petroleum industry in particular; OA monograph - Nature of Parliament / Parlamentets natur. He has analysed the use of science-based knowledge in environmental policymaking processes and the relationship between science and policymaking. He has carried out research into scientists experience with giving environmental policy advice, and how they understand and manage their role. He has extensive knowledge on policy debates and scientific controversies related to environmental and climate policy. Andersen has also been part of the Norwegian Citizen Panel since 2013 and conducted survey research on the public opinion towards environmental issues, negative emissions technologies and public opinion on climate change.
Public Perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology with the potential to reduce carbon emissions and to help achieve the global climate targets as defined in the Paris Agreement. PERCCSEPTIONS and CCSMARKET addresses one of the most pressing issues regarding climate mitigation: What affects the public acceptability of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in society?
Changing Nature - A lexical and argumentative analysis of public debates on nature
The linguistic and argumentative representations of nature have consequences for policy action in the environmental domain. The value we assign to nature, and the way we construe of nature as an object of public deliberation is therefore crucial for tackling environmental issues. In this project we analysed how this has changed the last decades and implications for public debate.