An implant like no other.
The unique implant design for high primary stability and esthetic excellence.
Smiles supported by science
Choose NobelActive for implants – More than 15 years' clinical experience: 97.5% mean survival rate in 85 clinical studies published, 21,000 NobelActive implants, 5,500 patients with follow-up of up to 12 years. 1 NobelActive allows for immediate function, and improved patient satisfaction for function, esthetics, sense, speech and self-esteem.2
Expand your patient services with NobelActive implants
NobelActive implants help you achieve high primary stability when you’re dealing with soft bone, extraction sockets, or the esthetic region. They're particularly suitable for more demanding situations that require immediate implant placement or immediate function.2-9

Created for excellent esthetics
Achieve natural-looking esthetics, with optimized bone and soft-tissue volume thanks to NobelActive's back-tapered coronal design and built-in platform shifting.2,4,10,11
Engineered for immediate implant placement and function2,3,8,12,13
Especially helpful for soft bone or extraction sockets, the expanding tapered implant body condenses bone gradually while primary stability is supported by drilling blades on the apex.2,3,6,7,8,9
Excellent primary stability14
97.5% survival rate in up to 12-year follow-up*
High patient satisfaction2
NobelActive Immediate Placement
“An incredibly effective implant that provides excellent stability even in compromised sites. Because of its unique features to preserve the biology of marginal hard and soft tissues, NobelActive has become my number-one implant in the esthetic area.“
NobelActive 3.0 implants for when there's limited space
NobelActive 3.0 is specifically designed for narrow-space situations, such as lower incisors, that previously were unsuitable for conventional implants.

Implants for narrow spaces in the anterior region5,12
NobelActive 3.0 is an excellent option for replacing maxillary lateral incisors, mandibular lateral and central incisors.*
Count on excellent esthetics
NobelActive is proven to preserve the critical marginal bone and soft tissue over time for natural-looking esthetics.2,5,10,11
“NobelActive 3.0 is a safe and secure narrow space implant. It features similar benefits as the NobelActive implant but with a 3.0 mm implant body. Therefore, it fills a huge gap in the implant treatment of the most challenging clinical situation in the esthetic anterior zone.“
NobelActive WP
(Wide Platform)
Replacing single-unit molars can be challenging, even though it's often necessary. Now you have an option specifically designed for posterior cases that require a wider base.

Achieve a natural molar emergence profile
The wide 5.5 mm platform provides the solid base you need to create an optimized molar emergence profile for the temporary and final restoration.
Avoid critical anatomical structures
A shorter implant body (7 mm) helps avoid critical anatomical structures in the posterior region.
Gain easy restorative access with the angulated screw channel
With the ASC abutment you can choose to angle the screw channel up to 25° in any direction for easy access when vertical space is limited, and optimized occlusal function.
Choose a completely cement-free implant crown
Eliminate the risk of excess cement15,16 with the NobelProcera screw-retained implant crown. Even the adapter is mechanically retained.
CAD/CAM manufactured from monolithic zirconia, to virtually eliminate chipping17 and give remarkable strength and workflow efficiency.
Choose from a wide range of prosthetic options
NobelActive supports the comprehensive range of NobelProcera CAD/CAM dental prosthetics as well as Nobel Biocare's range of prefabricated abutments.
Improved workflow with PureSet Trays
Choose the all-in-one NobelActive and NobelParallel CC PureSet tray to aid switching between implant systems. Robust stainless steel trays offer instrument storage, with a layout that reflects surgical workflow, and allows for automatic cleaning.
Questions about NobelActive?
If you would like additional information, more details, or have specific questions about NobelActive, click the link.
NobelActive® supporting hard and soft tissue long-term
Clinician: Prof. Alessandro Pozzi
Immediate implant placement and immediate implant loading with NobelActive® TiUltra™ implant and On1™ Base Xeal™
Clinician: Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
Full-arch immediate loading in the maxilla and single molar in the mandible
Clinician: Dr. Alessandro Pozzi

Find a course on single and multi-unit implant placement
Warranty Program
Smiles should last a lifetime. That is why Nobel Biocare offers lifetime warranties on dental implants and restorative components.
In addition, we offer a 10-year warranty on custom-made NobelProcera® prosthetics. We will also replace – free of charge – any implant that fails to remain in the bone in which it was implanted, as well as any Nobel Biocare restorative components on the implant at the time of failure.
See Instructions For Use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.
*Clinical data combines NobelActive with both TiUnite and TiUltra surfaces. NobelActive TiUltra launched in 2019.
- Nobel Biocare. NobelActive® Over 10 years of clinical experience. Science First 2018; Volume 5; Issue 1.
Download - Kolinski ML, Cherry JE, McAllister BS, et al. Evaluation of a variable-thread tapered implant in extraction sites with immediate temporization: A 3-year multi-center clinical study. J Periodontol 2014;85(3):386-394
Read on PubMed - Irinakis T, Wiebe C. Clinical evaluation of the NobelActive implant system; a case series of 107 consecutively placed implants and a review of the implant features. J Oral Implantol 2009;35(6):283-288.
Read on PubMed - Yamada J, Kori H, Tsukiyama Y, et al. Immediate loading of complete-arch fixed prostheses for edentulous maxillae after flapless guided implant placement: a 1-year prospective clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2015;30(1):184-193.
Read on PubMed - Kolinski M, Hess P, Leziy S, et al. Immediate provisionalization in the esthetic zone: 1-year interim results from a prospective single-cohort multicenter study evaluating 3.0-mm-diameter tapered implants. Clin Oral Investig 2018;22(6):2299-2308.
Read on PubMed - Ganeles J, Norkin FJ, Zfaz S. Single-tooth implant restorations in fresh extraction sockets of the maxillary esthetic zone: two-year results of a prospective cohort study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2017;37(2):e154-e162.
Read on PubMed - Drago C. Ratios of cantilever lengths and anterior-posterior spreads of definitive hybrid full-arch, screw-retained prostheses: results of a clinical study. J Prosthodont 2018;27(5):402-408.
Read on PubMed - Babbush CA, Brokloff J. A single-center retrospective analysis of 1001 consecutively placed NobelActive implants. Implant Dent 2012;21(1):28-35.
Read on PubMed - Aspriello SD, Rasicci P, Ciolino F, et al. Immediate loading of NobelActive implants in postmenopausal osteoporotic women: 2-years follow up study. Clin Oral Implants Res 2011;22:Abstract 222.
- Gultekin BA, Gultekin P, Leblebicioglu B, et al. Clinical evaluation of marginal bone loss and stability in two types of submerged dental implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2013;28(3):815-823.
Read on PubMed - Pozzi A, Tallarico M, Moy PK. Three-year post-loading results of a randomised, controlled, split-mouth trial comparing implants with different prosthetic interfaces and design in partially posterior edentulous mandibles. Eur J Oral Implantol 2014;7(1):47-61.
Read on PubMed - MacLean S, Hermans M, Villata L, et al. A retrospective multicenter case series evaluating a novel 3.0-mm expanding tapered body implant for the rehabilitation of missing incisors. Quintessence Int 2016;47(4):297-306.
Read on PubMed - Kan JY, Roe P, Rungcharassaeng K. Effects of implant morphology on rotational stability during immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2015;30(3):667-670.
Read on PubMed - Karl M, Irastorza-Landa A. Does implant design affect primary stability in extraction sites? Quintessence Int 2017;48(3):219-224.
Read on PubMed - Wilson TG Jr. The positive relationship between excess cement and peri-implant disease: a prospective clinical endoscopic study. J Periodontol 2009;80(9):1388-1392.
Read on PubMed - Slagter KW, den Hartog L, Bakker NA, et al. Immediate placement of dental implants in the esthetic zone: a systematic review and pooled analysis. J Periodontol 2014;85(7):e241-250.
Read on PubMed - Zhang Y, Lee JJ, Srikanth R, Lawn BR. Edge chipping and flexural resistance of monolithic ceramics. Dent Mater 2013;29(12):1201-1208.
Read on PubMed