NLM Intramural Training Opportunities
Training status
The NIH Intramural Program has paused the recruitment of IRTAs, The NIH Intramural Program has paused the recruitment of IRTAs, CRTAs, and Visiting Fellows in all training programs pending guidance from Health and Human Services.
Check back daily for updates.
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) understands that the pace of data science innovation is rapidly accelerating, and to best drive this innovation and scientific advancement, our community needs a robust and qualified workforce. NLM is committed to offering rigorous and comprehensive research training opportunities to students from various academic and professional backgrounds who are interested in computational health and computational biology research.
NLM provides research training opportunities to students at all education levels. Our research facility is located on the main NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, minutes from Washington D.C.
Summer Internships
The NLM Data Science and Informatics (DSI) Scholars Program is a summer internship for current students and recent graduates to contribute their unique skills and perspectives to computational research projects in the biological sciences. DSI Scholars will gain valuable experience in a collaborative research environment while training one-on-one with a research mentor at NLM.
Interested candidates are encouraged to review current research projects at NLM. Visit the NIH Summer Internship Program website for more information and to submit an application.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships at NIH provide recent doctoral graduates the opportunity to gain experience toward becoming independent researchers. Fellowships are open to recent doctoral graduates (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent) who have less than five years postdoctoral experience. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals are encouraged to apply. Visit the Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) website for more information.
Current postdoctoral openings are listed at Job Openings at NLM.
Interested candidates are encouraged to review current research projects at NLM and contact our principal investigators to inquire about open positions. Please include your CV and statement of research interests in your email. Inquiries are welcome throughout the year on a rolling basis.

My research expertise includes machine/deep learning, computer vision, and medical imaging. At NLM, I’m developing intelligent systems for predicting mortality rate of sickle cell disease (SCD) patients based on the analysis of different clinical data. I joined NLM because I wanted to learn in a leading research institution how to translate biomedical research into clinical practice, and particularly how to transform healthcare with AI research.
Ghada Zamzmi, Research Fellow

I am using high-performance computing and bioinformatics approaches to investigate nucleosome dynamics and interactions and decipher the mechanisms of histone mutations in oncogenesis. Training at NLM allows me to work with many outstanding researchers and develop the skills necessary to advance my career.
Yunhui Peng, Postdoctoral Fellow
Predoctoral (Graduate Student) Fellowships
The NIH Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP) provides an opportunity for doctoral students to conduct their dissertation research in the NIH Intramural Research Program. Fellowships are available to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals. Visit the GPP, OITE website for more information.
Interested candidates must first identify a potential research mentor at NLM. Students are encouraged to review current research projects at NLM and contact our principal investigators to inquire about opportunities. Please include your CV and statement of research interests in your email. Inquiries are welcome throughout the year on a rolling basis.

My current area of research is in data science and public health, ultimately examining how COVID-19 transmission rates are affected by location and altitude. Bioinformaticians, data scientists, and other computational scientists gather at NLM to conduct revolutionary research. With guided lessons from co-workers, research that involves machine and deep learning techniques, and an abundance of extraordinary scientific questions to answer, there are seemingly endless opportunities to learn at NLM.
Niko Darby, Postbac Fellow

My research interests are natural language processing, interpretable machine learning, and clinical prediction models. At the NLM, I am researching ways to train models to predict clinical outcomes based on ICU notes, and ways to interpret those models in terms that are clinically meaningful. My interests are still developing, so the guidance that I receive from my mentors at the NLM has been immensely beneficial to my development as a researcher.
Asher Moldwin, Postbac Fellow
Postbaccalaureate Fellowships
The Postbaccalaureate Program provides an opportunity for recent bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates to conduct research at NIH while preparing for the next stage of their education and/or career. Fellowships are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who graduated within three years (bachelor’s) or six months (master’s) of the start of the program.
Interested candidates should review the details of the program and apply on the Postbac Program website. After application submission, candidates must review current research projects at NLM and contact our principal investigators to inquire about opportunities. Please include your CV and postbac application number in your email. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis.
Additional Questions?
Please contact the NLM Division of Intramural Research Training Director, Betsy Clark, PhD at [email protected]