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Physical Accessibility at NLM Facilities

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) supports the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing our visitors with access to the NLM buildings and collections.

Building and Facilities

Cars with handicap license plates or hang tags may park in the designated metered spaces. All visitors must pay to park.

The Library provides two metered, handicapped parking spaces and an accessible entrance ramp on the north side of the Library by the loading dock on the B1 level. These meters charge $2.00 per hour, up to 3 hours at a time and take quarters, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You may add more money to the meter when you get close to the 3-hour limit.

The metered parking spaces at the front of the Library charge $2.00 per hour, up to 3 hours at a time. You may add more money to the meter when you get close to the 3-hour limit. These meters take quarters and only Visa and Mastercard.

The Library maintains accessible restrooms near the guard desk and near the Reading Room.

Collection Access and Use

Two Reading Room workstations have special software for visitors with visual impairments including:

A Kurzweil machine scans English language text and reads it aloud. Visitors must bring their own USB drives to save scanned materials.

The adjustable height workstations allow for wheelchairs.

NLM staff assists with only the basic features of the assistive technology software.

Staff Assistance

Ask NLM staff if you need help with scanning.

You may request a sign language interpreter. To use this service, call the Reference Section in advance at 888-FINDNLM (1-888-346-3656) or the Federal Relay Service at 800-735-2258.

Last Reviewed: December 15, 2023