NLM News and Events
NLM News, Events, and Updates
Daily announcement-only list of new and updated content on the NLM website, the NLM Technical Bulletin, Musings from the Mezzanine, NCBI Insights, and Circulating Now.
Musings from the Mezzanine
A blog delivering innovations in and insights about health information from the Director of the National Library of Medicine.
NLM Jobs
Updates about new job postings and other opportunities with the National Library of Medicine. Hot Off the PRS!
Receive announcements about the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS), used to submit study information to Keep informed with timely email updates related to new features planned for PRS, 42 CFR Part 11 implementation, and resources relevant to PRS users.
NLM Data Distribution
NLM Catalog Record Data
Announcements for Catalog Record Data - bibliographic records for books, journals and other materials from NLM's collections made available in NLMXML, MARCXML and MARC 21 formats.
Announcements for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) - a hierarchically organized terminology for indexing and cataloging of biomedical information, used for the indexing of PubMed and other NLM databases.
NLM Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery
DOCLINE-L (more information)
Unmoderated discussion list restricted to registered DOCLINE users. It provides a forum for DOCLINE users to communicate with each other about any issue related to DOCLINE or resource sharing among the greater biomedical library community.
NLM Publications
NIH MedlinePlus Magazine (English or Spanish)
A digital publication produced by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. The consumer-friendly magazine provides updates on the latest breakthroughs from NIH-supported research, as well as health tips and wellness overviews vetted by NIH experts.
Announcement-only list about updates to Citing Medicine, an online reference book published by the National Library of Medicine.
Literature Databases
Announcements for PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and E-utilities.
PubMed Central (PMC) announcements
Email list for announcements of new or updated tools and utilities specifically related to PMC's free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
Terminology and Vocabulary
Announcement-only list about major changes to the RxNorm release files, technical issues related to accessing the files, and other important announcements.
UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) users are encouraged to subscribe to this list, to share their experiences with, or seek advice from the UMLS community on using UMLS resources. NLM also uses this forum to seek advice from UMLS users, and to distribute official announcements about UMLS products and services.
NLM Email List Assistance
GovDelivery Email Lists
Email lists marked with icon should use these instructions.
Click the email list title to add or remove subscription topics, update your email address(es), change your password or user preferences, view your email history or unsubscribe.
Traditional Email LISTSERVs
Contact the NIH LISTSERV administrators at [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from the NIH LISTSERV
Instructions for General Users: Manual for list subscribers from NIH LISTSERV
Related Resources
- Connect with NLM
- Connect with the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM)
- NLM RSS Feeds for News and Webcasts
- NCBI Mailing Lists and News Feeds
Last Reviewed: August 29, 2024