The following NIEHS facilities provide state-of-the-art equipment and expertise, which support in-house (intramural) research activities at the institute. These shared and core services are available to NIH employees only.
Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch
The Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Integrative Bioinformatics Support Group
Led by Jian-Liang Li, Ph.D., the group provides a variety of collaborative bioinformatics support and develops bioinformatics tools and resources to enhance and facilitate the NIEHS scientific research programs. It is located in Room A-307.
Clinical Research Branch
The Clinical Research Branch provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
Under the guidance of Medical Director Stavros Garantziotis, M.D., the core permits NIEHS scientists to conduct on-site studies on how the environment affects human health and disease. The CRU is situated adjacent to NIEHS building 101. - Office of Human Research and Community Engagement (OHRCE)
OHRCE Director Joan Packenham, Ph.D., and her staff protect human volunteers participating in NIEHS clinical research. The office is located in CRU-110.
Epigenetics and RNA Biology Laboratory
The Epigenetics and RNA Biology Laboratory provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Epigenomics and DNA Sequencing Core Facility
Led by Guang Hu, Ph.D., and Gregory Solomon, the core provides NextGen Sequencing (NGS) and Sanger Sequencing services. It helps NIEHS researchers develop DNA constructs for gene expression, primer design, and perform data analysis. Core staff members also provide training on a variety of molecular biology-related topics. - Mass Spectrometry Research and Support Group
Led by Leesa Deterding, Ph.D., and Jason Williams, Ph.D., the group specializes in a large number of mass spectrometry approaches, including qualitative and quantitative analyses. It is located in F-008.
Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory
The Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling Support Group
Guided by Lalith Perera, Ph.D., the group aids NIEHS researchers with evaluations, docking, molecular modeling, mutation analysis, energetics, reaction path calculations, and graphic visualizations. It is located in F-019. - Molecular Microscopy Consortium (MMC)
Led by Mario Borgnia, Ph.D., the facility uses cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of macromolecules at the atomic level. NIEHS, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Duke University are collaborative partners in the endeavor. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Group
Led by Geoffrey Mueller, Ph.D., the core provides an NMR resource to the NIEHS community. The facility maintains an 800, 2x 600, and a 500 MHz NMR spectrometers with two cryogenically cooled probes, and a variety of broadband probes to explore other nuclei. The facility supports structural biology, basic chemistry, and metabolomics projects. - Stuctural Biology Core Facility
Headed by Robert Petrovich, Ph.D., and Lars Pedersen, Ph.D., the facility assists in construct design and cloning, protein expression and purification, and structure determination by X-ray crystallography.
Immunity, Inflammation and Disease Laboratory
- NIEHS Metabolomics Core Facility (for NIEHS investigators)
Led by Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D., the core specializes in discovery-oriented selection of mass spectrometry analyses (e.g. untargeted metabolomics) with a focus on small molecules (< 2000 Da) of endogenous, microbial, and xenobiotic origin in a variety of matrices including cell lysates, tissues, and biofluids. - Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core Facility (for NIH investigators outside of NIEHS)
Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory
The Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Flow Cytometry Center
Directed by Carl Bortner, Ph.D., the core provides state of the art instrumentation and resources for fluorescent analysis of cells at the single cell level, including high-speed fluorescence-activated cell sorting. It is located in Rooms F-360 and F-367. - Fluorescence Microscopy and Imaging Center
Led by Charles (Jeff) Tucker, the core assists in obtaining and analyzing high quality, biologically accurate images of cells and tissue using fluorescence and light microscopy. It is located in F-222. - Molecular Genomics Core Facility
Led by Acting Director Kevin Gerrish, Ph.D., the core provides Nanostring, genotyping, microarray, and sequencing services. It is located in Room D-216A.
National Toxicology Program
The National Toxicology Program (NTP) Division is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services interagency program dedicated to testing and evaluating substances in the environment. It provides the following services for NTP and NIEHS scientists through the Comparative & Molecular Pathogenesis Branch, headed by Robert Sills, Ph.D.
- Clinical Pathology Group
Led by Greg Travlos, D.V.M., the facility provides services in hematology, clinical chemistry, immunoassay, and urinalysis. - Image Sciences and Artificial Intelligence Group
Headed by Robert Sills, D.V.M., Ph.D., the group helps institute researchers acquire high quality digital images for use in publications and presentations. - Laser Capture Microdissection
Offered through the Molecular Pathology Group, which is led by Arun Pandiri, B.V.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., the service isolates specific cells from a mixed population of cells. - Pathology Support Group
Led by Ron Herbert, D.V.M., Ph.D., the facility renders technical, collaborative and consultative pathology support through these four services: Electron Microscopy, Histology, Immunohistochemistry, and Necropsy. - Special Techniques Core Facility
Guided by Susan Elmore, M.S., D.V.M., D.A.B.T., D.A.C.V.P., F.I.A.T.P., the facility provides specialized skills to support investigators with their animal projects.
Neurobiology Laboratory
The Neurobiology Laboratory provides the following service functions to NIEHS scientists.
- Fabrication and Repair Studio
FaRS helps lab groups by providing an additional path to scientific creativity. Services range from the design and fabrication of new concepts to troubleshooting and repair of existing lab hardware. - Neurobehavioral Core Facility
Led by Acting Chief of the Neurobiology Laboratory Serena Dudek, Ph.D., the core allows NIEHS researchers to study rodent responses to internal and external stimuli with the goal of understanding human behavior associated with psychological syndromes. It is located in Room D-030. - Viral Vector Core Facility
Directed by Negin Martin, Ph.D., the facility provides NIEHS researchers with training and expertise in the design, production, and validation of viral vectors. It is located in Room F-190.
Reproductive and Developmental Biology Laboratory
The Reproductive and Developmental Biology Laboratory provides the following service function to NIEHS scientists.
- Gene Editing and Mouse Model Core Facility
Led by Manas Ray, Ph.D. and Artiom Gruzdev, Ph.D., the core provides NIEHS researchers with expertise in generating genetically modified mouse models (genetic disruption, conditional and knock-in alleles, etc.), and genetically modified cell lines. It is located in Room E-408.