In-house, or intramural, research is performed by scientists employed by the federal government who have laboratories at NIEHS. Our intramural scientists collaborate extensively with partners in other institutes, agencies, and academia. Research at NIEHS is conducted and supported by the following Branches and Laboratories:
- Administrative and Research Services
- Biostatistics and Computational Biology
- Clinical Research
- Comparative Medicine
- Epidemiology
- Epigenetics and RNA Biology
- Genome Integrity and Structural Biology
- Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease
- Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Neurobiology
- Reproductive and Developmental Biology
Scientific Director
The NIEHS Office of the Scientific Director is the administrative arm of the Intramural Research Division. The office fosters and maintains a productive research environment through the effective management, coordination, and prioritization of intramural activities. Office members meet these goals by providing overall scientific leadership and by overseeing activities that are central to the successful day-to-day operation of the NIEHS Intramural Research Program.
In conjunction with the NIEHS Board of Scientific Counselors, the Office of the Scientific Director has the primary responsibility for performing regular external reviews of all intramural research programs, ensuring their continued high quality and relevance. The staff, in particular the Scientific Director and Deputy Scientific Directors, serve important liaison roles between NIEHS and other National Institutes of Health (NIH) components by representing the institute on various NIH-wide committees.
Finally, the office promotes activities intended to increase interactions among its scientific staff, through seminar series, retreats, and other programs, such as the annual Science Awards Day, which highlights the institute's investigators and their research.
Darryl C. Zeldin, M.D.
Scientific Director and Principal Investigator -
Tel 984-287-3641
[email protected] -
P.O. Box 12233Mail Drop A2-05Durham, NC 27709
Darryl C. Zeldin, M.D., is NIEHS Scientific Director and head of the Environmental Cardiopulmonary Disease Group, in the Immunity, Inflammation, and Disease Laboratory. He earned a B.A. in chemistry from Boston University in 1982 and an M.D. from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1986. He completed a Residency in Internal Medicine at Duke University in 1989 and a Fellowship in Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine at Vanderbilt University in 1993.
Zeldin’s research program focuses on understanding the role of eicosanoids in pulmonary and cardiovascular function. In addition, he directs a clinical/translational research program that focuses on the role of the environment in asthma and allergy pathogenesis. He is a Fellow in the American College of Chest Physicians, a Fellow in the American Heart Association and is an elected member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and American Association of Physicians. Zeldin has co-authored over 390 peer-reviewed articles and his work has been cited over 28,000 times (h-index 91 per Web of Science). He has mentored over 85 post-baccalaureate fellows, graduate students, medical students, postdoctoral research fellows and clinical research fellows. As the NIEHS Scientific Director, he is responsible for one of the largest intramural research programs at the NIH with over 600 scientists in 11 Departments and 18 Core Facilities, and an annual budget of over $140M.
Scientific and Support Staff
Lori Dean
Program Specialist -
Tel 984-287-3866
[email protected]
Paul W. Doetsch, Ph.D.
Deputy Scientific Director and Senior Investigator -
Tel 984-287-3643
[email protected]
Hans Luecke, Ph.D.
Associate Scientific Director -
Tel 984-287-3639
[email protected]
Sharon Soucek, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Technology Transfer -
Tel 984-287-4152
[email protected]
Steven N. Tuyishime, Ph.D.
Health Specialist -
Tel 301-529-7668
[email protected]
Recent Stories About Activities
- High-caliber Research at NIEHS Takes Center Stage During Science Day (December 2021)
- Virtual Science Day Showcases Trainee, Mentor Excellence (December 2020)
- Cutting-edge science on display at NIEHS (September 2020)
- NIEHS scientists join the fight against COVID-19 (May 2020)