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Need images or footage for your story or presentation? Browse the gallery below, which includes photos and bios of NIEHS leadership, previous NIEHS directors, as well as images and b-roll showcasing the beautiful NIEHS campus located in North Carolina.

For additional image or video requests, please contact a member of our media team listed in our News Room.

Note, that the NIH also maintains an image gallery on Flickr.


Photos and Biographies – NIEHS Leadership

Rick Woychik
Rick Woychik, Ph.D., Director of NIEHS and Principal Investigator.
Trevor K. Archer
Trevor K. Archer, Ph.D., Deputy Director of NIEHS and NIH Distinguished Investigator.
J'Ingrid Mathis
J'Ingrid Mathis, M.S., Associate Director for Management.
David Balshaw
David Balshaw, Ph.D., Director, Division of Extramural Research & Training
Gwen W. Collman
Gwen W. Collman, Ph.D., Director, Office of Scientific Coordination, Planning and Evaluation.
Darryl Zeldin
Darryl C. Zeldin, M.D., Scientific Director, Division of Intramural Research
Heather Patisaul, Ph.D.
Heather Patisaul, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Division of Translational Toxicology

Portraits – NIEHS Directors Through Time

Director Linda Birnbaum, NIEHS, NTP
Linda S. Birnbaum, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., A.T.S., NIEHS & NTP Director 2009 - 2019
Former Director David Schwartz
David A. Schwartz, M.D., M.P.H., NIEHS & NTP Director 2005 - 2007
Former Director Kenneth Olden
Kenneth Olden, Ph.D., NIEHS & NTP Director 1991 - 2005
Former Director David Rall
David P. Rall, M.D., Ph.D., NIEHS Director 1971 - 1990, NTP Director 1978 - 1990
Paul Kotin
Paul Kotin, M.D., NIEHS Director 1968 - 1971

Portraits – NIEHS Nobel Laureate

Martin Rodbell
Martin Rodbell, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate, NIEHS Scientific Director 1985 - 1989

NIEHS Main Building

NIEHS with MRI and F Module
Photograph of main NIEHS building, with the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Facility (white section) and F-Module in the foreground.

NIEHS B-roll

Commonly called b-roll, NIEHS provides video footage with external views of the NIEHS main campus, including the Rall Building, located at 111 T. W. Alexander Drive, Durham, North Carolina.

NIEHS b-roll is produced by the United States government and is in the public domain and free. Images may be used, linked, or reproduced without further permission from NIEHS. However, we do ask that you cite NIEHS as the source. Examples include:

  • Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/National Institutes of Health.
  • Credit: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH.
  • Image courtesy of NIEHS/NIH.

Contact a member of the media team if you need additional images or need help downloading the file.