Activities to explain how our bodies use the air we breathe and the importance of keeping our air clean.
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences health topic on different types of substances which can trigger allergies and asthma.
BioEd Online is an online educational resource for educators, students, and parents. BioEd Online utilizes state-of-the-art technology to give you instant access to reliable, cutting-edge information and educational tools for biology and related subjects. The goal of BioEd Online is to provide useful, accurate, and current information and materials that build upon and enhance the skills and knowledge of science educators. Developed under the guidance of its expert Editorial Board, BioEd Online offers the following high-quality resources: downloadable lessons and curriculum guides, short courses, streaming video presentations, slide library, and nature science update.
Find out what causes baldness - don't blame your grandpa, it's more complicated than that!
Booklet created by scientists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to discuss the connection between cancer and exposure to toxic substances in the environment.
The Report on Carcinogens is a science-based, public health document created by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The report includes 248 listings of agents, substances, mixtures and exposure instances that are known or thought to cause cancer in humans.
Online story book about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Men and women who work in environmental public health are concerned with anything in the environment that may affect human health, from clean water to polluted air, mercury to mosquitoes. This interactive activity from Teachers Domain describes careers in different environmental public health disciplines. Learn about careers in these fields and how environmental public health professionals prevent disease, create safe environments, treat people sickened from environmental exposures, and help the public make healthy decisions.
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory offers undergraduates two 8-10 week summer research programs that provide hands-on research training in the biological and biomedical sciences: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, and Maine IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence.
Location: Salisbury Cove, ME
This program provides students with interactive and fulfilling research experience in various laboratories and with very prestigious mentors at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Location: Smithville, TX
This program provides students with interactive and fulfilling research experience in various laboratories and with very prestigious mentors at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Location: Smithville, TX
In this self-paced lesson, students learn how environmental factors affect the health of living things, including humans.
Keywords: Chemicals, environmental health, carbon monoxide, lead, radon, pets
Online story book following the adventures of Whiskers the cat. Poisonous plants, chemicals and foods are discussed.
Wetland Ecologist Lief Sigren is interviewed and discusses what a wetland ecologist is and what he likes most about his work!
Question and Answers on the subject of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) and how EMF compares to other forms of electromagnetic energy.
PBS Learning Media is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. You'll find media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities. The Environmental Public Health section of the website offers classroom-ready resources for middle and high school students to help examine real-world environmental perils and the role of public health.
Environmental Analyst Jim Burkhart, Ph.D. is interviewed and discusses what an environmental ecologist is and what he likes most about his work!
Online story book on the dangers of smoking while pregnant. This story looks at the long-term health effects from smoking on both the child and the entire family.
Students will learn the essential steps in an epidemiology investigation by studying John Snow's classic investigation of the cholera epidemic in London in 1854.
Keywords: Epidemiology, cholera, illness outbreak
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, History
This entertaining and educational activity gives elementary and middle school students a hands-on lesson in evaluating environmental health problems. In a well controlled activity, students smash lemons and onions to observe what happens when they are exposed to the odors. Then they participate in a demonstration that links together the health problem, the hazard, and the people who are exposed. Afterwards they use the concept of links in a discussion about how scientists reach a conclusion that a hazard is responsible for causing health problems in people.
Activities to help explain how our bodies use the food we eat and how we can keep our food safe.
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Presentation on the impact substances can have on cancer risk.
Find out what causes baldness - don't blame your grandpa, it's more complicated than that!
Lots of things in our homes, schools and workplaces – and in wild and natural places – can cause harm sometimes. Why "sometimes"? The harm may depend on who you are - as well as what you do, what you are exposed to, and when.
Growth Biologist Marta L. Fiorotto, Ph.D. is interviewed and discusses what a growth biologist is and what she likes most about her work!
Students form teams that take on the roles of the professionals on the Hydroville Health Department team involved in determining the cause and control of an outbreak. Students follow the steps of an epidemiology investigation. They collect data, develop a case definition, and form a hypothesis about the cause of the outbreak. They learn data collection and analysis techniques used by such investigators, analyze simulated data, modify their case definition based on this analysis, and present their results in a press release and press conference format.
Keywords: illness outbreak, epidemiology, pesticides, environmental health, inquiry-based, integrated curriculum, problem-based, science careers
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Health & fitness
The local school board has received complaints of illness at the newly renovated Hydroville Middle School. Many people believe that this is due to poor indoor air quality. High school students participating in this problem act as a team of environmental consults to determine if there really is an indoor air quality problem in the school. Student teams present their findings at the next school board meeting.
Keywords: indoor air quality, indoor air quality in schools, environmental health, inquiry-based, integrated curriculum, problem-based, science careers
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, Geography, Health & fitness
Online story book following Bradley as he visits a doctor and discovers he has been exposed to lead. The story explores sources of lead and steps to prevent exposure.
Presentation introducing the history of lead use, methods of exposures and dangers of lead.
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Illustrated online story book about the adventures of the Lead Buster Club as they look for lead in their neighborhoods, homes and school.
Lung Doctor Cindy Jumper, Ph.D. is interviewed and discusses what a lung doctor is and what she like most about her work!
Microbiologist Linda Holman is interviewed and discusses what a microbiologist is and what she like most about her work!
This video and accompanying extensive online educational resources look at health and air pollution and empower students to take an active role in environmental issues that can affect their health today and in the future.
Keywords: asthma, mold, air pollution, indoor air pollution, respiratory system, mystery, science, environmental health, health
Subjects: Science, Health & fitness
Easy to follow guide showing students how to keep a laboratory notebook.
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Students involved in the Hydroville Pesticide Spill Scenario act as members of the team of scientists and engineers that are sent to the site of a pesticide spill. Their task is to remove the liquid, evaluate the risk posed to the citizens of Hydroville, develop a proposal for complete cleanup of the site, and make a presentation about their proposal to an open meeting of the Hydroville Town Council.
Keywords: pesticides, toxicology, dose response, integrated, environmental health, problem-based, science careers
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Mathematics, Science, Social studies, Geography, Health & fitness
Isolation of Naturally Occurring Pesticides: In this classroom experiment, students learn principles of biology, environmental science, and ecology by observing the effects on fruit flies of naturally occurring pesticides, such as those found in various spices and flowers. This teacher's guide provides background information, a list of necessary materials, preparation instructions, and recommendations for variations on the experiment.
This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Fact sheet created by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) on studies in both rats and mice. These studies were used to help clarify health hazards from exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) in 2G and 3G cellphones.
Many important pharmaceuticals and other chemicals are derived from plants. This classroom experiment teaches students about the isolation of plant chemicals using chromatography. Students apply different mixtures of spinach extract, beet leaf extract, and food coloring to strips of filter paper; observe the separation of the components of the mixtures; and extract the isolated components from the filter paper using water. This package of materials includes a teacher's guide, student instructions and notes, and discussion questions and answers.
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
This activity sheet raises awareness and provides information about nine different poisonous substances. Users match substances with their common health effects. Background information about hazardous substances is provided.
This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Meet the people that are on the front line of our defense against environmental health problems.
Collection of scientist interviews including previous Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Dr. Ken Olden.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Program Analysis Branch prepare selected extramural publications from high impact papers published by Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) grantees.
Online story book with Sharon, Mabel the Moose, Bertrand the Bear and Rufus the Rabbit as they explore different types of pollution.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Development Activity: Teacher's Guide and Student Sheet
Toxicology is a fundamental component of environmental health science. This classroom activity teaches about the basic concepts of toxicology as well as the scientific method and laboratory techniques by observing the mutagenic effects of tobacco on bacteria. Students prepare plates of bacteria and observe the effects on the colonies of the addition of varying concentrations of tobacco extract. The package of materials includes a teacher's guide, student instructions, student and class (pooled) data sheets, and discussion questions.
List of popular health topics featured on the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website.
Chemicals, The Environment and You: Explorations in Science Toxicology and Human Health - Students explore the relationship between chemicals in the environment and human health, utilizing basic concepts in the science of toxicology. Developed by teachers, this curriculum includes six hands-on activities that will encourage students to think about chemical exposures, dose-response, and individual susceptibility.
Description: This free summer program offers an extensive variety of workshops for K-12 educators, pursuing the connections between health and the environment. Learn how to help students use scientific inquiry to develop an understanding of the mechanisms that affect the environment and our health. K-12 curricular materials will be featured from a network of institutions nationwide focusing on cancer, genetics, cell biology, indoor and outdoor air pollution, lead poisoning, water quality and toxicology. All workshops are facilitated by educators, scientists, and classroom teachers.
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
LSLC offers professional development workshops on a variety of topics to give educators experience with cutting-edge science technologies. LSLC also offers science camps to students during school breaks, and field trips for high school and middle school students.
Location: Rochester, NY
This video and accompanying extensive print teacher resources explore how water can become polluted, consequences of and potential remedies for water pollution. Students are engaged in a mystery and learn why it is important to take an active role in environmental issues that can affect their health today and in the future.
Keywords: water, water pollution, cholera, water cycle, water purification, mystery, science, environmental health, health
Subjects: Science, Health & fitness
This fact sheet in English presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
Activities to help explain how our bodies use the water we drink and how we can keep our water supplies safe.
Online story book about the water cycle and ways in which we can conserve water and keep our water clean.
This fact sheet in Arabic presents basic information about food safety issues around the home, including sources, symptoms, and avoidance strategies for Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Listeria poisonings.
The town of Hydroville is experiencing some of the social, political, and environmental problems associated with rapid growth and development. The drinking water report shows that certain pollutants in the water supply have increased significantly.Students teams investigate possible causes of the increase in contaminants in the water supply and develop remediation options that will protect the drinking water from further contamination. Students report their findings to the city council through presentations and to the community through newspaper articles and public service announcements.
Keywords: water quality, drinking water, groundwater pollution, groundwater remediation, environmental health, inquiry-based, integrated curriculum, problem- based, science careers
Subjects: Reading, Writing, Communication, Science, Social studies, Geography, Health & fitness
Some content courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.