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The NIEHS Scholars Connect Program (NSCP) is designed to provide a unique opportunity for highly motivated science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) focused undergraduate students to solidly connect with NIEHS and receive frontier-level training in biomedical research. Students in NSCP have an opportunity for hands-on mentored research experiences, as well as professional and personal development. The Program is committed to encouraging students to pursue careers in scientific investigation, both basic and clinical.

NIEHS is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

The Program offers:

  1. An academic-year (3 semesters) paid biomedical research internship
  2. Career mentoring from NIEHS investigators
  3. An opportunity to present findings to the NIEHS community, and at other conferences
  4. Opportunities to attend scientific talks by leading investigators, as well as specially designed professional and career development seminars.

Scholars will be selected by a mentor/lab, and will:

  • Attend mandatory Orientation, Science Boot Camp, and the Scholars Seminar Series
  • With the help of mentors, define a project, construct and test the hypothesis, analyze the results, draw conclusions, and report the results
  • Meet regularly with the Program Coordinator and/or OSEO Director
  • Present an formal update of their projects at the end of each Connection (semester)
  • Submit additional assignments (i.e., End-of-Connection Review)

Summer: $3,150 (junior) and $3,310 (senior) per month
Fall/Spring: Prorated for 15 hours/week


Questions? Please contact Dr. Suchandra Bhattacharjee (NSCP Coordinator) or Dr. Ericka Reid (OSEO/NSCP Director) at [email protected].