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NTA Group Photo 2012

The NIEHS Trainees Assembly (NTA) is an organization coordinated and governed by NIEHS scientists-in-training and was created through the support of the NIEHS Office of the Scientific Director in order to foster the professional development of NIEHS trainees. The membership is comprised of all non-tenured/non-tenure track, non-permanent scientists training at the institute. Due to the broad range of training needs, the NTA organizes and sponsors a variety of activities.


  1. To organize and promote educational activities including training courses and seminars.
  2. To identify future employment opportunities in both traditional and non-traditional career paths.
  3. To assist in the orientation of new trainees.
  4. To provide an atmosphere of intercommunication among members.
  5. To act as official trainees' liaison to NIEHS administration.


An important goal of the NTA is to make sure that you are aware of all of these events. The NTA maintains a bulletin board located in the C Mall Area (across from the mailroom) and a website which provides information about the current activities organized by the NTA.

These activities include:

  • Distinguished Lecturer Luncheon:
    Each month, NIEHS sponsors a seminar by a renowned scientist. Following the presentation, the NTA hosts a lunch with the speaker to discuss issues relevant to science and career development.

  • NIEHS/NTA Biomedical Career Fair:
    This annual event is one of the largest assemblies of biomedical organizations and young scientists in Research Triangle Park, NC. Targeting postdoctoral fellows and advanced graduate students, the Career Fair provides these young scientists an opportunity to explore a myriad of fields and create a contact network as they plan for their future careers in the biomedical sciences.

  • NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00):
    The award provides up to five years of support consisting of two phases. The initial award (K99) provides one to two years of mentored, postdoctoral support. The second phase (R00) provides up to three years of independent research support and is activated when the awardee accepts a full time tenure track (or equivalent) faculty position. Applicants must be in postdoctoral positions and may be at nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, including intramural NIH laboratories. Both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens are eligible.

The NTA also holds general assembly meetings twice a year, and all trainees are encouraged to attend. These meetings allow us to update you on current activities, as well as to receive your comments on the training environment at NIEHS. Our NTA Steering Committee meets every month to discuss NTA issues.

Stories about NTA Activities: