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The Office of Strategic Coordination, Planning and Evaluation (SCOPE), in the NIEHS Office of the Director, provides scientific and executive leadership, direction, and assistance that contributes to meeting the NIEHS mission and Strategic Plan. SCOPE facilitates partnerships and collaborations across multiple disciplines within and across NIEHS, NIH, other federal agencies, and with other domestic and international partners. SCOPE oversees environmental health science policy across NIEHS.

SCOPE Mission

SCOPE provides executive leadership and scientific coordination, strategic planning, and communication to implement, evaluate, and promote NIEHS’s mission, vision, programs, and priorities.  

SCOPE Vision

SCOPE strives to elevate institute priorities, and foster partnerships and collaborations across disciplines to inspire innovative and interdisciplinary research, policies, and communication to help NIEHS advance the field of environmental health sciences. 

Nicole J. Garbarini, Ph.D.
Nicole J. Garbarini, Ph.D.
Director, Strategic Coordination, Planning, and Evaluation
Tel 301-435-4642
[email protected]
31 Center Dr
Bethesda, MD 20892

SCOPE Office Organization and Staff

SCOPE oversees and coordinates the following functions:

Legislative Activities

  • Leads, reviews, and advises on legislative activities across NIEHS.
  • Coordinates and advises on legislative activities related to appropriations, authorizing legislation, and Congressional requests, in liaison with NIH’s Office of Legislative Policy and Analysis and other NIH institutes, centers, and offices.
  • Prepares annual congressional justification narratives to communicate NIEHS activities for the president’s budget requests.
  • Engages external audiences in support of the NIEHS mission, including liaison activities with the Friends of NIEHS.

Planning, Evaluation, and Reporting

  • Develops the institute’s 5-year strategic plan by engaging senior leaders and staff across the institute, and organizations and interested parties external to NIEHS and NIH.
  • Supports scientific planning, reporting and program evaluation to achieve objectives of NIEHS and NIH.
  • Coordinates NIEHS-wide reporting requirements.
  • Enhances collaboration and resource sharing across the scientific, planning, policy, and evaluation functions of the institute in support of the NIEHS mission.

Strategic Coordination and Science Policy Activities

  • Provides coordination and representation on cross-NIH and interagency committees.
  • Review, coordination, and assessment of interagency review documents.
  • Monitors and advises on science policy-related issues across the institute, and emerging issues of potential interest and impact to NIEHS.