Medical Advice Disclaimer
It is not the intention of NIEHS to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. Specific medical advice will not be provided, and NIEHS urges you to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal questions.
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NIEHS does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. The views and opinions expressed on the NIEHS website do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government, and they may not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Pop-up advertisements encountered while visiting the NIEHS website were most likely produced by other websites you visited or by third party software installed on your computer. NIEHS does not endorse or recommend products or services that may appear in such pop-up advertisements.
Much of the information on the NIEHS website is in the public domain and may be used and reproduced without specific permission, however, any reproduction should contain proper acknowledgement to NIEHS including a reference to the website. Certain material on this website, and on other government websites to which NIEHS provides links, is used under license, however, may not be in the public domain. Users should check with the contacts for specific sections of the NIEHS website, as well as the permissions policies of external websites to find out the terms under which the information found there can be used or reproduced.
Links to and Comments from External Sites
The NIEHS website has links to many external websites. NIEHS cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information users provide to linked, external websites. NIEHS is not responsible for the availability or content of these external websites, nor does NIEHS endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at these external websites.
NIEHS also embeds video and multimedia from external websites. If you choose to play multimedia from external websites, the privacy and accessibility policies of those websites will apply.
NIH Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy: Third-Party Sites and Applications
Third-Party Websites and Applications
URL shorteners: NIEHS uses,, and other services to shorten long URLs for use in email messages, Twitter feeds and on Facebook webpages. These services generally collect and provide data on how often email recipients, Facebook and Twitter-users click on the shortened URLs distributed by NIEHS. These analytics show how many people clicked on the URLs posted by NIEHS compared to the total number of clicks on the shortened URLs. Analytics do not provide any personally identifiable information about the visitors who opened the shortened links.
Facebook: NIEHS has a Facebook webpage. On NIEHS Facebook webpage, NIEHS staff posts news and other items of interest to citizens. If you have a Facebook account or 'Like' NIEHS Facebook webpages, you can post comments or click on the 'like' option for individual entries. If you comment or click on the 'like' button, personally identifying information will be visible to NIEHS staff and other Facebook website visitors. The amount of visible personal information will depend on your own Facebook privacy settings. You can completely avoid displaying any personally identifiable information by not creating an account, not posting comments and not clicking on the 'like' options in Facebook. NIEHS staff does not collect, use or disclose any information about visitors who comment or 'like' NIEHS Facebook websites. Facebook collects and reports on non-personally identifiable information about activities on Facebook webpages. This information is password protected and only available to NIEHS managers, members of NIEHS Communications and Web Teams, and other designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. The Facebook privacy policy is available.
X: NIEHS uses X to send short messages (up to 140 characters) to share information about NIEHS with visitors and respond to comments and inquiries sent via X to NIEHS. While visitors may read NIEHS X feeds without subscribing to them, visitors who want to subscribe to (or follow) NIEHS X feeds must create an X account at To create an account, you must provide some personal information, such as name, user name, password and email address. Visitors have the option to provide additional personal information including a short biography, location or a picture. Most information you provide for an X account is available to the public, but you can modify how much of your information is visible by changing your privacy settings at the website. NIEHS staff members monitor the number of subscribers and respond to comments and queries via X, but the staff never takes possession of the personal information belonging to X followers. NIEHS does not collect, maintain, disclose or share any information about people who follow NIEHS on X. The X privacy policy is available.
YouTube: NIEHS posts videos on YouTube and uses videos from YouTube on our website. You do not need to register with either YouTube or Google (YouTube owner) to watch NIEHS videos. When visitors watch videos, YouTube may record non-personally identifiable information about its website usage, such as channels used, videos watched, and data transfer details to improve its services. If you log on to the YouTube website before watching NIEHS videos, YouTube may associate information about your website use with your YouTube account. If you log on to YouTube and comment on an NIEHS video, any personal information you included when registering for your account will be visible to visitors who click on the comment. If you do not log in before watching NIEHS videos posted on YouTube, your website use will not be associated with you or a YouTube account. The YouTube privacy policy is available.
Google Maps: NIEHS uses Google Maps to create interactive maps on our website. You do not need to register with either Google to use NIEHS maps. When visitors load maps, Google may record non-personally identifiable information about its website usage, such as clicks made, zooms in and out, searches, and data transfer details to improve its services. If you log on to the Google website before loading NIEHS maps, Google may associate information about your website use with your Google account. If you do not log in before using NIEHS maps enabled by Google, your website use will not be associated with you or a Google account. The Google privacy policy is available.
GitHub: NIEHS staff post code and other scientific analysis methods of interest to other scientists and informaticians. GitHub provides another mechanism to draw attention to the published code or analytical methods developed by NIEHS scientists. The amount of visible personal information depends on your own GitHub privacy settings. You can completely avoid displaying any personal information by not creating an account, not posting code or other scientific information, and not creating a repository. NIEHS staff users control their own accounts and what information is shared.
Web Accessibility / Section 508
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS is making every effort to ensure that the information available on our website is available to all. If you use special adaptive equipment to access the Web and encounter problems when using our website, please let us know.
Write to: [email protected] and we will attempt to provide the information to you in a suitable format. It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible when describing the information you seek.
If you prefer to call, our main phone number is 919-541-3345.
If you need help accessing a PDF document, Adobe® offers conversion tools at its Accessibility Resource Center.
For help with Microsoft® products, visit their accessibility webpage.
For NIH employees who need assistance, please contact the equal employment opportunity officer in your institute.
To learn more about the regulations governing Federal electronic information products, visit the United States Access Board or the official Section 508 webpage.
Thanks for using the NIEHS website.
Questions about NIEHS Internet policies should be sent to: [email protected].