The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has come a long way in making environmental health research responsive to the needs and concerns of the American people and making environment part of the public health debate. Preventing disease by acknowledging and managing our environment continues to be a source of motivation and purpose for the NIEHS staff and our research partners.
In 2016, as we celebrated 50 years of environmental health research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), past achievements are acknowledged as a light shining on the future.

Milestones Timeline
A snapshot of significant science contributions from NIEHS.

Recently Published Research
NIEHS scientists help to advance public health and environmental science.

Papers of the Year
Publication highlights and their value to the advancement of science.

Past Directors and Nobel Laureate
Past NIEHS directors include Linda Birnbaum, Kenneth Olden, and Nobel Laureate Martin Rodbell.