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NAEHSC Council Members June 2024


The National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council (NAEHSC) is a Congressionally mandated body that advises the secretary of HHS, the director of NIH, and the director of NIEHS on matters relating to the direction of research, research support, training, and career development supported by NIEHS. An important function of the council is secondary review of research grant applications with a focus on NIEHS scientific program priorities and program balance. Membership of the NAEHSC consists of ex-officio members and 18 leaders in the fundamental sciences, medical sciences, education, and public affairs. One-third of the council must be public members. The council meets three times a year: Winter, Spring, and Fall.

Any U.S. citizen wishing to be considered for membership of the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council may indicate their interest by sending an email and including their most recent curriculum vitae to [email protected].

Guidance for Applicants on Communication with the NAEHS Council (150KB)

Council Roster

Upcoming NAEHSC Meeting

  • TBD

Past Meetings - Meeting Minutes

NAEHSC Contacts

Valerie Bartlett
Program Analyst
Tel 984-287-4681
[email protected]

Individual profiles of Council Members are also available.