Grants Administration

As a NIAMS grantee there are many policies and procedures to follow to be successful stewards of federal funds. Listed below are links to NIAMS policies and procedures for grantees and staff. NIAMS grantees are also required to adhere to NIH policies and guidance.

Carryover Unobligated Funds

Learn the process for carrying over unobligated funds remaining at the end of a budget period to the next budget period.

Change of Recipient Organization (Transfers)

See how to transfer grantee institution from one legal entity to another before the expiration date of the approved project period.

NIAMS Grantee Funding Acknowledgement

Follow the guidance for acknowledging NIH support for scientific publications, documents, and presentations.

No Cost Extensions for the Final Budget Period

See the process for extending the final budget period beyond the original expiration date shown in the Notice of Award.

Reduction in Effort for Key Personnel

Find out how to seek approval for a reduction of effort based on the Notice of Award.

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