Shouts & Murmurs
“1984” (Keeping in Mind that I’ve Never Read It)
Everything was, like, very bad. Only one man dared to defy the establishment. His name was Orwell. Orwell Jones.
By Ellis Rosen
Shouts & Murmurs
A Standup Comedian Does a Tight Five in George Orwell’s “1984”
What’s the deal with Big Brother? He’s not big and he’s not my brother! I had a brother and Big Brother said that he was a traitor to the state. This guy up front gets it!
By Johnathan Appel
Daily Comment
“1984” at Seventy: Why We Still Read Orwell’s Book of Prophecy
There are elements of the novel—such as its portrait of the surveillance state, or its portrayal of Newspeak—that seem never to fade from relevance.
By Louis Menand
The Theatre
Three Shows About Death
“Marvin’s Room,” “1984,” and “Seeing You” all feature dying as an imminent possibility or reality, but each handles it differently.
By Hilton Als
Life and Letters
The Clockwork Condition
The author comments on his most famous book, in 1973.
By Anthony Burgess