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Psychological Challenges Associated with CMN

None of us are alone.

 As one of our members said, being a part of the community can help nevus owners "know that they're not alone. None of us are alone." 

Reactions from the Outside

People with large moles get more than their fair share of looks, stares, whispers and finger-pointing. Teasing and bullying can be ongoing problems for children who look different from their peers.


These reactions are not limited to peers.  Adults can also react in immature ways when they come upon a child, or another adult, with a visible large nevus. Experienced parents can help with coping strategies to handle these reactions from the outside. Become a Nevus Outreach Member to ask other parents how they deal with these situations. 

Reactions from the Inside

Self Perception

Because of the way they are treated, and/or the way they perceive themselves, a person with a large nevus may suffer from anxiety, depression or a self-esteem deficiency. Children with large nevi may act out their frustration in all kinds of different ways.


Adults with large nevi, who have suffered under more negative experiences than they can comfortably manage, face a significant challenge. They may prefer to rule their own lives instead of allowing their life to be dominated by their nevus, but may feel they are not succeeding.

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Family Perceptions

It is not uncommon for family members, especially older generations, to either truly believe or delude themselves into believing that a birthmark will “fade.” Some birthmarks do fade. Some large nevi lighten over time, but not to the extent that they go away.


It is also common for grandparents or aunts/uncles of newborns with large nevi to hit the books and champion their grandchild’s cause. (We hear from these relatives-on-a-mission all the time, and we love it. NOTE: This can overwhelm the parents of the newborn! Consider your timing.)


Some family members may insist the best thing to do is hide the child and deny there is anything wrong. Psychologists identify this as a self-centered response rooted in their own subconscious discomfort at being related to someone less than perfect. Perhaps they should look in the mirror.

Medical Misinformation

Unfortunately, new families are still commonly told to take their little disfigured bundle of love home and love on them because they are not going to live very long. Unless they have symptomatic NCM at birth (most don’t), usually nothing is farther from the truth.

How to Deal With It​

Catch Your Breath

If you a new parent of a child with a nevus, you are taking in a lot of information at once. Your emotions are on a roller coaster and you have so many questions you may not know where to begin. It is important to stop and get yourself oriented. Focus on your new bundle of joy and then begin to sort out the most pressing questions you have and start there.

"It Takes a Village"

You can’t do this yourself. Get connected to the thousands of other people who know what you are going through. Nevus Outreach has great resources for connecting with others with our Membership Program and in-person. There is a massive amount of reassurance available to anyone who simply gets connected.


Nevus Outreach is not just for the parents of children with large nevi. There is also an extensive network of adults with large nevi. The frustrated adult with a nevus who has not ever met someone else who also has one may be glad to get connected to this community.

Don't Hide

In the long run, putting your head in the sand will not do any favors to the person with the large nevus. Get educated so you can separate truth from fiction, and get involved so you don’t feel alone.

Heart Confetti

Find Support

While the psychological challenges facing the nevus community can be daunting, connecting with other families that know what you are going through can truly help.

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