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Bookshelf Help [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005-.

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Bookshelf Queries and Discovery Guides

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This living document contains a collection of discovery guides and queries to help you find various types of biomedical, life sciences, and healthcare literature available in the NCBI Bookshelf.

Discovery by Subject

Subject Queries

The following queries are designed to help you find information indexed in Bookshelf across a range of subjects.

The information is from content sources collected by the National Library of Medicine and in scope for Bookshelf, including clinical guidelines, systematic reviews, monographs, textbooks, and other content types deposited by publishers, funders, and funded authors. These queries may be refined by combining them with Bookshelf format queries relevant to your search.

These queries are intended to return the most relevant, rather that the most comprehensive, results on a subject. Bookshelf’s default relevance search algorithm examines all indexed fields and ranks results based on the frequency of searched terms appearing in the full-text content. However, these queries limit the search scope to the title, abstract, available MeSH terms provided by NLM cataloguers, and keywords provided by authors and publishers, delivering more targeted results.

National Library of Medicine Collected Subject Areas with Holdings in Bookshelf
(Hyperlinked to a scope description)
Bookshelf Query
(Hyperlinked to results in Bookshelf)
Addiction Medicine ("behavior, addictive"[mesh] OR collection_hssamhsatipcollect[filter] OR "opioid-related disorders"[mesh] OR "heroin dependence"[mesh] OR "narcotic-related disorders"[mesh] OR "amphetamine-related disorders"[mesh] OR "cocaine-related disorders"[mesh] OR "alcoholism"[mesh] OR "tobacco use disorder"[mesh] OR "drug users"[mesh] OR "neonatal abstinence syndrome"[mesh]) OR (("opioid"[title] OR "alcoholism"[title] OR "smoking"[title] OR "substance abuse"[title] OR "addiction"[title]) AND book[type])
Aerospace Medicine "aerospace medicine"[mesh] OR "altitude"[mesh] OR "space flight"[mesh] OR ("NASA"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("aviation"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("altitude"[title] AND book[type])

Allergy and Immunology
"allergy and immunology"[mesh] OR "hypersensitivity"[mesh] OR ("allergy"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("hypersensitivity"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("immunology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("immune"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("asthma"[title] AND book[type])
Anatomy anatomy[mesh] OR anatomy[kywd] NOT cd[book]
Anesthesiology ("pain management"[mesh] OR "palliative care"[mesh]) OR ("pain"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("palliative"[title] AND book[type])
Anthropology "anthropology"[mesh] OR "anthropology, physical"[mesh] OR "anthropology, medical"[mesh] OR "anthropology, cultural"[mesh]
Behavioral Medicine "behavioral medicine"[mesh] OR "health behavior"[mesh] OR "health risk behaviors"[mesh] OR "patient acceptance of health care"[mesh] OR ("behavior"[title] AND book[type] OR "behavioral"[title] AND book[type])
Biochemistry "biochemistry"[mesh]
Bioengineering "bioengineering"[mesh] OR ("translational science"[title] AND "book"[type])
Bioethics "bioethics"[mesh] OR "bioethical issues"[mesh] OR ("ethics"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("ethical"[title] AND book[type]) NOT SBU[publisher]
Bioinformatics "computational biology"[mesh] OR ("bioinformatics"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("computational"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("data science"[title] AND book[type])
Biomedical Imaging "diagnostic imaging"[mesh] OR "ultrasonography"[mesh] OR ("imaging"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("diagnostic imaging"[kywd] AND book[type])
Biomedical Research "biomedical research"[mesh]
Biophysics "biophysics"[mesh] OR "biophysical phenomena"[mesh]
Biotechnology "biotechnology"[mesh] OR "genetic engineering"[mesh] OR "recombinant proteins"[mesh] OR ("biotechnology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("genetic engineering"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("gene editing"[title] AND book[type])
Cardiology "cardiovascular physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "diagnostic techniques, cardiovascular"[mesh] OR "cardiovascular surgical procedures"[mesh] OR "cardiovascular abnormalities"[mesh] OR "pregnancy complications, cardiovascular"[mesh] OR "cardiovascular agents"[mesh] OR "heart disease risk factors"[mesh] OR "cardiovascular system"[mesh] OR "myocardial infarction"[mesh] OR "cardiovascular diseases"[mesh] OR ("cardiovascular"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("heart"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("stroke"[title] AND book[type])
Cell Biology "cell biology"[mesh] OR ("cell biology"[kywd] AND book[type])
Chemistry "chemistry"[mesh] OR ("chemistry"[kywd] AND book[type])
Clinical Laboratory Science "clinical laboratory techniques"[mesh] OR ("testing"[title] AND book[type]) NOT (RTI[publisher] OR PCORI[publisher] OR (sb[all] AND collection_methodscollect[filter]))
Cognitive Science "cognitive science"[mesh]
Communication Disorders "communication disorders"[mesh] OR ("learning disabilities"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("speech"[title] AND book[type])
Complementary and Alternative Medicine "complementary therapies"[mesh] OR ("yoga"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("acupuncture"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("mindfulness"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("massage"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("art therapy"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("complementary therapies"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("alternative therapies"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("tai chi"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("spinal manipulation"[title] AND book[type]) OR "music therapy"[title] AND book[type] OR ("dance"[title] AND book[type])
Dentistry "dentistry"[mesh] OR ("dentistry"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("oral health"[title] AND book[type])
Dermatology "dermatologic agents"[mesh] OR "skin diseases"[mesh] OR ("skin cancer"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("acne"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("psoriasis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("melanoma"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("skin ulcer"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("eczema"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("dermatitis"[title] AND book[type]) OR "skin disease"[kywd] AND book[type] https://www​.ncbi.nlm​.nih.gov/books/?term​="skin+diseases"[mesh]
Disaster Management "disasters"[mesh] OR "natural disasters"[mesh] OR "disaster planning"[mesh] OR "Fukushima nuclear accident"[mesh] OR "disaster medicine"[mesh] OR ("disaster"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("public health emergency"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("terrorism"[title] AND book[type])
Education for the Health Professions "education, professional"[mesh]
Embryology "embryology"[mesh] OR ("developmental biology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("embryo"[title] AND book[type])
Emergency Medicine "emergency service, hospital"[mesh] OR "emergency treatment"[mesh] OR "emergency medical services"[mesh] OR "emergency services, psychiatric"[mesh] OR "emergency medicine"[mesh] OR "emergency medical technicians"[mesh] OR ("emergency department"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("first responders"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("emergency services"[title] AND book[type])
Endocrinology "endocrine system diseases"[mesh] OR "diagnostic techniques, endocrine"[mesh] OR "endocrine glands"[mesh] OR "hormones"[mesh] OR ("endocrine"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("diabetes"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("diabetic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("thyroid"[title] AND book[type]) OR endotext[book]
Environmental Health "environmental health"[mesh] OR ("environmental"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("climate"[title] AND book[type]) OR "National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences"[publisher] OR "National Toxicology Program"[publisher] OR "Environmental Protection Agency"[publisher]
Exercise Science

"exercise"[mesh] OR ("exercise"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("physical activity"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("fitness"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sport"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("athletic"[title] AND book[type])

Family Practice "family practice"[mesh] OR "comprehensive health care"[mesh] OR ("primary care"[title] AND book[type])
Forensic Medicine "forensic medicine"[mesh] OR ("forensic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("forensic"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("expert witness"[title] AND book[type])
Gastroenterology "gastrointestinal diseases"[mesh] OR ("gastrointestinal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("colorectal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("digestive"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("stomach"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("esophageal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Crohn's disease"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("colitis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("bowel"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("fecal incontinence"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("rectal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("anal"[title] AND book[type]) OR "gastrointestinal"[kywd]
Genetics "genetics"[mesh]

"geriatrics"[mesh] OR "aged"[mesh] OR ("older adults"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("older patients"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("elderly"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("seniors"[title] AND book[type]) OR (aging[title] AND book[type]) OR ("home health"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("assisted living"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("nursing home"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("long term care"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cognitive decline"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cognitive impairment"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Alzheimer's"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("dementia"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("falls"[kywd] AND book[type]) OR ("frail"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("geriatric"[kywd] AND book[type])
Gynecology "gynecology"[mesh] OR "reproductive medicine"[mesh] OR "genital diseases, female"[mesh] OR "gynecologic surgical procedures"[mesh] OR ("menstrual"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cervical cancer"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("menopause"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("reproductive health"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("uterine"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("endometrial"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("preterm delivery"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("pelvic pain"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("BRCA"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("ovarian"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("endometriosis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("gynecological"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("infertility"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("tubal sterilization"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("female genital"[title] AND book[type])
Health Communication "health communication"[mesh] OR ("health literacy"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("health communication"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("misinformation"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("telemedicine"[title] AND book[type])
Health Economics "health care economics and organizations"[mesh] OR ("economic"[title] AND book[type])
Health Facilities "health facilities"[mesh] OR ("hospital"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("clinic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("long term care"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("blood bank"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("laboratories"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("laboratory"[title] AND book[type])
Health Occupations "health occupations"[mesh] OR "allied health occupations"[mesh]
Health Policy "health policy"[mesh] OR ("policy"[title] AND book[type]) OR "social determinants of health"[mesh]
Health Sciences Librarianship "library science"[mesh] OR ("open access"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("public access"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("open science"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("data science"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("national library of medicine"[publisher] NOT hstatcollect[All Fields]) OR (all[sb] AND collection_helpcollect[filter])
Health Services Research "health services research"[mesh]
Hematology "hematologic diseases"[mesh] OR "hematologic agents"[mesh] OR "hematologic neoplasms"[mesh] OR "hematologic tests"[mesh] OR "pregnancy complications, hematologic"[mesh] OR ("sickle cell"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("anemia"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("hematologic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("blood"[kywd] AND book[type])
Histology "histology"[mesh] OR "histological techniques"[mesh] OR "shadowing technique, histology"[mesh] OR "histology, comparative"[mesh] OR "neoplasms by histological type"[mesh] OR "staining and labeling"[mesh]
History of Medicine "history of medicine"[mesh] OR "history, medieval"[mesh] OR "history, ancient"[mesh] OR "history, modern 1601"[mesh] OR "history, early modern 1451-1600"[mesh]
Human Nutrition "nutrition assessment"[mesh] OR "nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "nutritive value"[mesh] OR "nutritional sciences"[mesh] OR "child nutrition sciences"[mesh] OR "prenatal nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "nutrition disorders"[mesh] OR "nutritional status"[mesh] OR "sports nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "child nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "elder nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "nutrition therapy"[mesh] OR "nutritive sweeteners"[mesh] OR "maternal nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "nutrition surveys"[mesh] OR "nutritional requirements"[mesh] OR "nutrigenomics"[mesh] OR "infant nutritional physiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "parenteral nutrition"[mesh] OR "nutrition policy"[mesh] OR "parenteral nutrition, total"[mesh] OR "diet, food, and nutrition"[mesh] OR "nutritional and metabolic diseases"[mesh] OR "nutritional support"[mesh] OR "enteral nutrition"[mesh] OR "malnutrition"[mesh] OR "child nutrition disorders"[mesh] OR "parenteral nutrition solutions"[mesh] OR "infant nutrition disorders"[mesh] OR "diet, plant-based"[mesh] OR "food labeling"[mesh] OR "diet, healthy"[mesh] OR "eating"[mesh] OR "food assistance"[mesh] OR "USDA"[publisher] OR ("nutrition"[title] AND book[type])
Infectious Diseases

"skin diseases, infectious"[mesh] OR "communicable diseases"[mesh] OR "communicable diseases, emerging"[mesh] OR "bone diseases, infectious"[mesh] OR "disease vectors"[mesh] OR "zoonoses"[mesh] OR "infectious disease transmission, vertical"[mesh] OR "infectious disease transmission, patient-to-professional"[mesh] OR "contact tracing"[mesh] OR "fatigue syndrome, chronic"[mesh] OR "infectious disease transmission, professional-to-patient"[mesh] OR ("infectious"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("HIV"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("COVID"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("coronavirus"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("hepatitis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("zika"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("malaria"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("influenza"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sexually transmitted"[title] AND book[type])

Internal Medicine "internal medicine"[mesh]
Laboratory Animal Science "laboratory animal science"[mesh]
Medical Botany "botany"[mesh]
Medical Genetics "medical genetics resources"[Resource Type] OR "genetics, medical"[mesh]
Medical Humanities "humanities"[mesh]
Medical Informatics "informatics"[mesh] OR ("informatics"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("data science"[title] AND book[type])
Medical Sociology "sociology, medical"[mesh] OR "sociological factors"[mesh] OR "sociology"[mesh]
Medicine "medicine"[mesh]
Microbiology "microbiology"[mesh] OR "microbiological techniques"[mesh] OR "microbiological phenomena"[mesh] OR "air microbiology"[mesh] OR "environmental microbiology"[mesh] OR "food microbiology"[mesh] OR "industrial microbiology"[mesh] OR "water microbiology"[mesh] OR ("microbiology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("microbial"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("bacterial"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("antibiotic"[title] AND book[type]) OR "microbiology resources"[Resource Type]
Military Medicine "military medicine"[mesh] OR vaespcollect[book]
Molecular Biology "molecular biology"[mesh] OR ("molecular biology"[title] AND book[type])
Nephrology ("kidney diseases"[mesh] OR "kidney"[mesh] OR "kidney neoplasms"[mesh] OR "polycystic kidney diseases"[mesh] OR "kidney transplantation"[mesh] OR "kidney diseases, cystic"[mesh] OR "renal insufficiency"[mesh] OR "kidney function tests"[mesh] OR "acute kidney injury"[mesh] OR "renal replacement therapy"[mesh] OR "renal insufficiency, chronic"[mesh] OR "kidney failure, chronic"[mesh] OR "diabetic nephropathies"[mesh]) OR ("kidney diseases"[kywd] OR "kidney"[kywd] OR "kidney neoplasms"[kywd] OR "polycystic kidney diseases"[kywd] OR "kidney transplantation"[kywd] OR "renal insufficiency"[kywd] OR "kidney function tests"[kywd] OR "acute kidney injury"[kywd] OR "renal replacement therapy"[kywd] OR "renal insufficiency, chronic"[kywd] OR "kidney failure, chronic"[kywd] OR "diabetic nephropathies"[kywd] AND "NICE"[publisher]) OR ("kidney"[title] AND book[type])
Neuroscience "neurosciences"[mesh] OR ("neuroscience"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("brain"[title] AND book[type])
Nursing ("nursing"[title] AND "book"[type]) OR nursing[mesh] OR "openrncollect"[book] OR ("nurse"[title] AND book[type])


"obstetrics"[mesh] OR "obstetric surgical procedures"[mesh] OR "pregnancy complications"[mesh] OR ("pregnancy"[title] AND book[type]) OR "caesarean"[title] AND book[type] OR ("postpartum"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("obstetric"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("preeclampsia"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("birth"[title] AND book[type]) OR (("labor"[title] NOT "labor market"[title]) AND book[type]) OR ("labour"[title] AND book[type]) OR ((pregnant[title] NOT non-pregnant[title]) AND book[type])

Occupational Health and Safety

"occupational health"[mesh] OR "occupational health services"[mesh] OR "occupational medicine"[mesh] OR (("work"[title] NOT "social work"[title]) AND book[type])
Oncology "medical oncology"[mesh] OR "neoplasms"[mesh] OR ("cancer"[title] AND book[type])
Ophthalmology "eye diseases"[mesh] OR ("ocular"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("vision conditions"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("vision loss"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("vision correction"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("vision disorders"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("vision screening"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("retinal"[title] AND book[type]) OR "macular degeneration"[title] AND book[type] OR ("glaucoma"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("eye"[title] AND book[type])


"orthopedics"[mesh] OR "orthopedic procedures"[mesh] OR ("fractures"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("fracture"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("joint replacement"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("hip"[title] AND book[type]) OR "knee"[title] AND book[type] OR ("shoulder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("orthopedic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("neck pain"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("back pain"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("spinal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("scoliosis"[title] AND book[type])


"otologic surgical procedures"[mesh] OR "otorhinolaryngologic diseases"[mesh] OR "otorhinolaryngologic surgical procedures"[mesh] OR ("hearing loss"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("hearing screening"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cochlear"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("rhinosinusitis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("throat"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sleep apnea"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sinus"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sinuses"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("otitis media"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("tinnitus"[title] AND book[type])


"parasitic diseases"[mesh] OR "parasites"[mesh] OR ("parasites"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("malaria"[title] AND book[type])


"pathology"[title] AND book[type]


"pediatrics"[mesh] OR ("pediatric"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("paediatric"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("children"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("child"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("young people"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("youth"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("adolescent"[title] AND book[type])


"pharmacology"[mesh] OR "pharmacological and toxicological phenomena"[mesh] OR "technology, pharmaceutical"[mesh] OR ("drug"[title] AND book[type]) OR "drugs"[title] AND book[type] OR ("opioid"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("assay"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("assays"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("pharmaceutical"[title] AND "book"[type]) OR ("antimicrobials"[title] AND book[type]) OR cadthcdrcollect[book] OR livertox[book] OR lactmed[book]

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

"physical and rehabilitation medicine"[mesh] OR "physical therapy modalities"[mesh] OR "rehabilitation"[mesh] OR "biomechanical phenomena"[mesh] OR ("rehabilitation"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("physical therapy"[title] AND book[type])


"physiology"[mesh] OR "physiological phenomena"[mesh]

Plant Biology

"plants"[mesh] OR "herbicides"[mesh] OR "pharmacognosy"[mesh] OR "phytotherapy"[mesh] OR "plant proteins"[mesh] OR ("herbal"[title] AND book[type])


"foot diseases"[mesh] OR ("foot"[title] AND book[type])

Preventive Medicine

"health promotion"[mesh] OR ("preventative"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("prevention"[title] AND book[type])


"primates"[mesh] OR ("primate"[title] AND book[type])


"psychiatry"[mesh] OR "mental disorders"[mesh] OR "mentally ill persons"[mesh] OR ("mental illness"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("mental health"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("substance use"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("alcohol"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("drug use"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("opioid"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("smoking"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("tobacco"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("bipolar disorder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("posttraumatic stress disorder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("post-traumatic stress disorder"[title] AND book[title]) OR ("depression"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("depressive disorder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("anxiety"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("panic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("psychosis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("schizophrenia"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("borderline personality"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("dementia"[title] AND book[type]) AND book[type] OR ("eating disorders"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("ADHD"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("autism"[title] AND book[type])


"psychology"[mesh] OR ("psychological"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("behavioral"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cognitive"[title] AND book[type])

Public Health

"public health"[mesh] OR "social medicine"[mesh] OR "national health programs"[mesh] OR ("disasters"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("epidemiology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("screening"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("preventative"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("population health"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("health disparities"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("demographic"[title] AND book[type]) OR "world health organization"[publisher] OR "world bank"[publisher] OR intra_hhs_collaborations[filter] OR trans_nih_collaborations[filter]

Pulmonary Medicine

"lung diseases"[mesh] OR "respiratory system"[mesh] OR ("lung cancer"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("COVID"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("asthma"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("tuberculosis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("COPD"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("pneumonia"[title] AND book[type])


"radiology"[mesh] OR "nuclear medicine"[mesh] OR ("nuclear medicine"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("imaging"[title] AND book[title]) OR "micad"[book] OR ("radiological"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("radiology"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("x-ray"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("MRI"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("CT"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("ultrasound"[title] AND book[type])

Religion and Medicine

"religion"[mesh] OR ("mindfulness"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("spiritual"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("religious"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("religion"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("yoga"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Christianity"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Christian"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Catholic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Protestant"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Buddhism"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Buddhist"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Muslim"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Islamic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("Jewish"[title] AND book[type])

Reproductive Medicine

"reproductive medicine"[mesh] OR "reproductive health"[mesh] OR "reproductive techniques"[mesh] OR ("reproductive"[title] AND book[type]) AND ("fertility"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("infertility"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("contraception"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("contraceptive"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sexuality"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("oocytes"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("regenerative medicine"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("stem cell"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("IVF"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("in vitro fertilization"[title] AND book[type])


"rheumatology"[mesh] OR "rheumatic diseases"[mesh] OR ("rheumatoid arthritis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("rheumatic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("osteoarthritis"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("gout"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("arthritis"[title] AND book[type])

Space Life Sciences

"exobiology"[mesh] OR "extraterrestrial environment"[mesh] OR ("NASA"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("planetary"[title] AND book[type])

Sports Medicine

"sports medicine"[mesh] OR "sports"[mesh] OR "athletic injuries"[mesh] OR "doping in sports"[mesh] OR "exercise"[mesh] OR "exercise movement techniques"[mesh] OR "exercise therapy"[mesh] OR ("sports"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("sport"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("fitness"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("physical activity"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("exercise"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("athletic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("athlete"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("athletes"[title] AND book[type])


"general surgery"[title] OR ("surgical"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("surgery"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("operative"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("operation"[title] AND book[type])


"therapeutics"[mesh] OR ("therapy"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("therapies"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("treatment"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("treatments"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("intervention"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("interventions"[title] AND book[type])


"toxicology"[mesh] OR "pharmacogenetics"[mesh] OR "poisons"[mesh] OR "Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry"[publisher] OR (all[sb] AND collection_iarcmonocollect[filter]) OR ("National Academies Press"[publisher] AND toxicology[title] AND book[type]) OR "lactmed"[book] OR "livertox"[book] OR (all[sb] AND collection_consexpocollect[filter]) OR "National Toxicology Program"[publisher] OR "National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences"[publisher] OR "Environmental Protection Agency"[publisher] OR (all[sb] AND collection_nichdbpcacollect[filter])


"urinary incontinence"[mesh] OR "urogenital neoplasms"[mesh] OR "urologic diseases"[mesh] OR "urologic surgical procedures"[mesh] OR ("bladder"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("urinary incontinence"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("urinary"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("kidney"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("prostate"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("anal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("cervical"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("nephropathy"[title] AND book[type])

Veterinary Medicine

"veterinary medicine"[mesh] OR "animal diseases"[mesh] OR "animal technicians"[mesh] OR "laboratory animal science"[mesh] OR ("zoonotic"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("rodents"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("rats"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("mice"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("primate"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("primates"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("animal"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("animals"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("veterinary"[title] AND book[type])

Toxicology Discovery Guide

Bookshelf contains a substantial collection of toxicology literature. The following sections provide more detail about this collection and how to discover toxicology content within Bookshelf.

What Toxicology content is collected by NLM?

According to the American College of Medical Toxicologists, medical toxicology is a field of medicine dedicated to the evaluation and treatment of poisoned patients. Some of the problems they evaluate include unintentional and intentional overdoses, exposure to industrial chemical products and environmental hazards, substance use disorder management, diagnosis and management of certain exposures, and independent medical examinations to assess injury or disability resulting from toxic exposures. Please see the NLM guidelines for toxicology for additional information on the scope of collecting toxicology content within the National Library of Medicine.

How can I find Toxicology content in Bookshelf?

Using Browse Titles
  • You can also browse titles in Bookshelf by specific publishers. On the Bookshelf homepage, below the search bar, click “Browse Titles”. From the “Publishers” box on the left-hand side of the screen, select a publisher. Alternatively, enter search terms and then limit your results by selecting a specific publisher. You can further narrow your search by resource types using the “Types” box. For more details, refer to the Bookshelf Help guide.

Image findingaide-Image002.jpg

What formats of Toxicology content does Bookshelf collect?

Image findingaide-Image003.jpg

Bookshelf includes full-text toxicology reports, assessments, and technical reports. You can filter results on the left sidebar by the following content types.

Report: Technical reports detail the progress or results of scientific, technical, or policy research often in response to a narrowly defined research need. Reports in Bookshelf also include systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines.

Systematic reviews are characterized by a methodical and replicable methodology and presentation. They involve a comprehensive search to locate all relevant published and unpublished work on a subject; a systematic integration of search results; and a critique of the extent, nature, and quality of evidence in relation to a particular research question.

Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances.

Book – Publications that are complete in one volume or a limited number of volumes. In Bookshelf this includes multi-chapter monographs, contributed reference books, and contributed funded chapters.

Collection – A collection of similarly developed and reviewed publications of a similar format funded by the same funder or published by the same publisher.

Documentation – Documentation about a program, product, or service of the National Library of Medicine.

Database – A database is a collection of individual records (often categorized by subject matter) that are most often standardized in both format and content. LiverTox and LactMed are the main databases for toxicology content in the NCBI Bookshelf.

Where does Toxicology content in Bookshelf come from?

The NCBI Bookshelf does not author or publish toxicology content. Instead, it collaborates with scholarly and non-commercial publishers, such as government agencies and NGOs, to make this content accessible and discoverable through its full-text repository.

Some of the main contributors of toxicology assessments, reviews, and reports in Bookshelf include the following agencies. You can use the corresponding PubMed query to find their selected indexed full-text content in PubMed:

Discovery by Format

Bookshelf Format Queries

The following queries help you find reference information indexed in Bookshelf that match formats in scope for Bookshelf. You can refine these queries by combining them with other Bookshelf reference queries relevant to your search.

These queries were developed to help users find relevant content based on MeSH publication types or other formats that are meaningful to users and significant to the Bookshelf collection.

National Library of Medicine Collected Subject Areas with Holdings in Bookshelf
(Hyperlinked to a scope description)
Bookshelf Query
(Hyperlinked to results in Bookshelf)





Clinical Practice Guidelines

"practice guideline"[pt] OR "clinical guidelines"[Resource Type]

Collected Works

"collected work"[pt]


"database"[pt] OR "database"[Resource Type]

Developing Countries Publications

"AOSIS"[publisher] OR "ISEAS"[publisher] OR "Istanbul Research"[publisher] OR "Orient"[publisher] OR "Panamericana"[publisher] OR "Rosario"[publisher] OR "Rio Grande"[publisher]

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

"dictionary"[pt] OR "encyclopedia[pt]

Edited Reference Works

"reference works"[Resource Type]

Government Publications

"Health Care Policy"[publisher] OR "Healthcare Research"[publisher] OR "Planning and Evaluation"[publisher] OR "Toxic Substances"[publisher] OR "Canadian Agency"[publisher] OR "Disease Control"[publisher] OR "Medicare"[publisher] OR "Dutch Institute"[publisher] OR "Drug Administration"[publisher] OR "Human Services"[publisher] OR "Health Resources"[publisher] OR "International Agency"[publisher] OR "Reproductive Health"[publisher] OR "Health Economics"[publisher] OR "Indian Health"[publisher] OR "Quality and Efficiency"[publisher] OR "Minnesota"[publisher] OR "Translational Sciences"[publisher] OR "Biotechnology Information"[publisher] OR "Collaborating Centre"[publisher] OR "Health Statistics"[publisher] OR "Cancer Institute"[publisher] OR "Care Research"[publisher] OR "Blood Institute"[publisher] OR "Care Excellence"[publisher] OR "Child Health"[publisher] OR "Drug Abuse"[publisher] OR "Craniofacial Research"[publisher] OR "Kidney Diseases"[publisher] OR "Environmental Health"[publisher] OR "National Institutes"[publisher] OR "National Institute"[publisher] OR "Norwegian Institute"[publisher] OR "National Joint"[publisher] OR "National Library"[publisher] OR "Nigerian"[publisher] OR "National Toxicology"[publisher] OR "Surgeon General"[publisher] OR "Moscow Healthcare"[publisher] OR "Swedish Agency"[publisher] OR "USDA"[publisher] OR "Environmental Protection"[publisher] OR "Veterans Affairs"[publisher] OR "International Bank"[publisher] OR "World Health"[publisher]

Handbooks and Manuals

"handbook"[pt] OR "manual"[pt] OR ("handbook"[title] AND book[type]) OR ("manual"[title] AND book[type] NOT "therapy"[title] NOT "treatment"[title] NOT "physiotherapy"[title] NOT "skills"[title] NOT "non-manual"[title])

Laboratory Manuals

"laboratory manual"[pt] OR "assayguide"[book]


monographs[Resource Type]



Standards and Guidelines

"guideline"[pt] OR "clinical guidelines"[Resource Type]

Statistical Works

"statistics"[pt] OR "statistical works"[Resource Type]

Study Guides

"study guide"[pt]

Systematic Reviews

"systematic review"[pt] OR "systematic reviews"[Resource Type]

Technical Reports

"technical report"[pt] OR "report"[Resource Type]


"textbooks"[Resource Type]

Textbooks & Reference Works Discovery Guide

Textbooks and reference works are the most heavily accessed content in Bookshelf, a trend that has remained consistent throughout Bookshelf’s history. In fact, Bookshelf began in 1999 with Alberts’ Molecular Biology of the Cell to provide high-quality reference information to support the understanding of original studies and reviews indexed in PubMed.

What do textbooks & reference works mean in Bookshelf?

While there is significant overlap between the two, textbooks in Bookshelf are primarily edited for educational purposes, while reference works include contributed monographs, edited works, or collections of structured reviews with multiple contributors. These references works are used for research, education, and health professional practice.

How to find textbooks & reference works in Bookshelf?

Using Advanced Search

To start exploring textbooks or reference works within NCBI Bookshelf, follow these steps in the advanced search feature.

Step 1: Change the “Builder” drop-down menu to “Resource Type”

Step 2: Click “Show index list”

Step 3: Select “textbooks” or “reference works” from the list

Image findingaide-Image004.jpg

Browsing titles by subjects

NCBI Bookshelf offers a variety of textbooks that can be navigated by subject. To browse these textbooks:

Step 1: Navigate to “Browse Titles”

Step 2: Enter search term for the subject of interest

Step 3: Select ‘Book’ from the Types menu

Image findingaide-Image005.jpg

Clinical Guidelines and Systematic Reviews Discovery Guide

Bookshelf has an extensive collection of clinical guidelines and systematic reviews.

What are Clinical Guidelines and Systematic Reviews?

Clinical guidelines assist the health care practitioner with patient care decisions about appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic, or other clinical procedures for specific clinical circumstances. Trustworthy clinical guidelines are evidence-based and meet the standards of the Institute of Medicine. The evidence on which guidance is based is often published as one or more related systematic review.

Systematic reviews are reviews of the primary literature in health and health policy that attempt to identify, appraise, and synthesize all the empirical evidence that meets specified eligibility criteria to answer a given research question. Its conduct uses explicit methods aimed at minimizing bias to produce more reliable findings regarding the effects of interventions for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation that can be used to inform decision making.

How can I find Clinical Guidelines and Systematic Reviews in Bookshelf?

Using Advanced Search

To start exploring clinical guidelines or systematic reviews within NCBI Bookshelf, follow these steps:

Step 1: Change the “Builder” drop down menu to “Resource Type”

Step 2: Click “Show index list”

Step 3: Select “clinical guidelines” and/or “systematic reviews” from the list

This will result in the following query: "clinical guidelines"[Resource Type] OR "systematic reviews"[Resource Type]

Discovery by Programmatic Access

About 75% of the clinical guidelines and systematic reviews in the Bookshelf collection are also available for mining and reuse through Bookshelf’s FTP service. To locate a specific title or set of clinical guidelines or systematic reviews via this service, refer to this file list updated monthly.

Each list entry includes the following information:

  • The fully qualified name of the .tar.gz file for a book, with directory structure
  • Citation details:
    • Book title
    • Publisher
    • Publication date
  • The accession number for the title, a unique, persistent ID that can be used to display it in Bookshelf
  • Last updated (YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  • Bookshelf Categories
Bookshelf ID: NBK604647


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