Publications (total 954) Less... | - Siegel N et al., "New Cortinariaceae species associated with Dicymbe, Aldina, and Pakaraimaea in Guyana.", Mycologia, 2024 Sep-Oct;116(5):848-864
More...- Siegel N et al., "New Cortinariaceae species associated with Dicymbe, Aldina, and Pakaraimaea in Guyana.", Mycologia, 2024 Sep-Oct;116(5):848-864
- Haqnawaz M et al., "Four new species of Candolleomyces (Psathyrellaceae) from the Punjab Plains, Pakistan.", Mycologia, 2024 Nov-Dec;116(6):1033-1045
- Stallman JK et al., "Recent fieldwork and fungarium studies double known diversity of Chlorosplenium and improve understanding of species distributions.", Mycologia, 2024 Nov-Dec;116(6):993-1018
- Liang YS et al., "Three new species of Agaricus from Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou, China.", Mycologia, 2024 May-Jun;116(3):431-448
- Noffsinger CR et al., "Three new species in Russula subsection Xerampelinae supported by genealogical and phenotypic coherence.", Mycologia, 2024 Mar-Apr;116(2):322-349
- Iwakiri A et al., "Chionobium takahashii, gen. et sp. nov., associated with snow blight of conifers in Japan.", Mycologia, 2024 Mar-Apr;116(2):299-308
- Cho Y et al., "Phylogenetic Assessment of Understudied Families in Hymenochaetales (Basidiomycota, Fungi)-Reporting Uncovered Species and Reflecting the Recent Taxonomic Updates in the Republic of Korea.", J Microbiol, 2024 Jun;62(6):429-447
- Asif M et al., "Molecular insights into fungal diversity reveal three novel species of Leucocoprinus from southern Punjab, Pakistan.", Mycologia, 2024 Jul-Aug;116(4):601-620
- Darmostuk V et al., "First molecular evidence of lichen-inhabiting Acrospermum and new insights into the evolution of lifestyles of Acrospermales (Dothideomycetes).", Mycologia, 2024 Jan-Feb;116(1):17-30
- Nakagiri A et al., "Taxonomic and life cycle reappraisals of the marine basidiomycete Nia vibrissa complex, with descriptions of three new Nia species.", Mycologia, 2024 Jan-Feb;116(1):59-91
- Yang Y et al., "Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Analyses Reveal Three New Wood-Inhabiting Fungi (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 8;10(1)
- Wang MM et al., "Microascaceae from the Marine Environment, with Descriptions of Six New Species.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 5;10(1)
- Wang SE et al., "Six New Species of Agaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from Northeast China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 11;10(1)
- Moura JC et al., "Scaptona ramosa gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from nest of the stingless bee.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2024 Jan;74(1)
- Avesani M et al., "Yamadazyma oleae f.a. sp. nov. and Yamadazyma molendinolei f.a. sp. nov., two novel ascomycetous yeast species isolated from olive oil mills in Italy, and reassignment of 11 Candida species to the genus Yamadazyma.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2024 Dec;74(12)
- Guerra-Mateo D et al., "Sunken Riches: Ascomycete Diversity in the Western Mediterranean Coast through Direct Plating and Flocculation, and Description of Four New Taxa.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Apr 11;10(4)
- Peng XC et al., "Two new species and one new combination of Ophiocordyceps (Hypocreales, Ophiocordycipitaceae) in Guizhou.", MycoKeys, 2024;102:245-266
- Zhou XY et al., "Four new species of Cystolepiota (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from northeastern China.", Front Microbiol, 2024;15:1358612
- Lu Y et al., "Genomic comparative analysis of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato.", Front Microbiol, 2024;15:1293077
- Yuan Q et al., "Morphology and multigene phylogeny revealed four new species of Xylodon (Schizoporaceae, Basidiomycota) from southern China.", MycoKeys, 2024;107:161-187
- Wang CG et al., "Three new species of Cyanosporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China.", MycoKeys, 2024;107:249-272
- Caboňová M et al., "Taxonomic reintroduction of Taphrinaviridis (Taphrinales, Ascomycota) associated with Alnusalnobetula as one of five well defined European species colonizing alders.", MycoKeys, 2024;108:249-267
- Leonardi GR et al., "Thyridiumlauri sp. nov. (Thyridiaceae, Thyridiales): a new pathogenic fungal species of bay laurel from Italy.", MycoKeys, 2024;110:211-236
- Van Caenegem W et al., "Five new species of Gloeandromyces (Fungi, Laboulbeniales) from tropical American bat flies (Diptera, Streblidae), revealed by morphology and phylogenetic reconstruction.", Mycologia, 2023 Sep-Oct;115(5):714-737
- Song HB et al., "Conocybe Section Pilosellae in China: Reconciliation of Taxonomy and Phylogeny Reveals Seven New Species and a New Record.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Sep 13;9(9)
- Rani AK et al., "Identification and taxonomic position of a new Pseudoomphalina species from Pakistan based on light, scanning electron microscopy, and molecular analysis.", Microsc Res Tech, 2023 Sep;86(9):1144-1153
- Zhou SY et al., "Three new species and a new record of Cortinarius section Camphorati from southwestern China.", Mycologia, 2023 Nov-Dec;115(6):904-917
- Deng H et al., "Four New Species of Strobilomyces (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Hainan Island, Tropical China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Nov 22;9(12)
- Xue R et al., "The subfamily Xerocomoideae (Boletaceae, Boletales) in China.", Stud Mycol, 2023 Nov;106:95-197
- Nualthaisong P et al., "Kodamaea samutsakhonensis f.a., sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast species isolated from wild mushrooms in Thailand.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2023 May;73(5)
- Mao N et al., "Villoboletus persicinus, gen. et sp. nov. (Boletaceae), a bolete with flocculent-covered stipe from northern China.", Mycologia, 2023 Mar-Apr;115(2):255-262
- Mao WL et al., "A contribution to Porogramme (Polyporaceae, Agaricomycetes) and related genera.", IMA Fungus, 2023 Mar 7;14(1):5
- Wongkanoun S et al., "Studies on the Genus Pyrenopolyporus (Hypoxylaceae) in Thailand Using a Polyphasic Taxonomic Approach.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 30;9(4)
- Nguyen TTT et al., "Discovery of a New Lichtheimia (Lichtheimiaceae, Mucorales) from Invertebrate Niche and Its Phylogenetic Status and Physiological Characteristics.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 3;9(3)
- Li J et al., "A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 21;9(3)
- Hurdeal VG et al., "Integrative approach to species delimitation in Rhizophydiales: Novel species of Angulomyces, Gorgonomyces, and Terramyces from northern Thailand.", Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2023 Mar;180:107706
- Yan J et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of Clavulinopsis (Clavariaceae, Agaricales): Description of Six New Species and One Newly Recorded Species from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Jun 12;9(6)
- Chen X et al., "Hanseniaspora menglaensis f.a., sp. nov., a novel apiculate yeast species isolated from rotting wood.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2023 Jul;73(7)
- Gallardo-Pillancari E et al., "Natural infection of Chiromyzinae larvae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) in southern Chile by Tolypocladium valdiviae sp. nov.", Fungal Biol, 2023 Jan-Feb;127(1-2):845-853
- Li GJ et al., "Four New Species of Russula Subsection Sardoninae from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Feb 3;9(2)
- Wang X et al., "Seven New Species of the Genus Geastrum (Geastrales, Geastraceae) in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Feb 14;9(2)
- Zhang M et al., "Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny Reveal Five New Species of Laccaria (Hydnangiaceae, Agaricales) from Southern China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Dec 8;9(12)
- Piątek M et al., "The genus Rachicladosporium: introducing new species from sooty mould communities and excluding cold adapted species.", Sci Rep, 2023 Dec 21;13(1):22795
- Yoshihashi Y et al., "Novel Metschnikowia yeasts from the gut of green lacewing in Japan.", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2023 Dec;116(12):1295-1304
- Balocchi F et al., "New Resinogalea species from Araucaria araucana resin in Chile and reclassification of the genus in the Cryptocaliciomycetidae.", IMA Fungus, 2023 Aug 18;14(1):16
- Qu H et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Cystolepiota (Agaricaceae, Agaricales): New Species, New Combinations and Notes on the C. seminuda Complex.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Apr 30;9(5)
- Man XW et al., "Two new species of Haploporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China and Ecuador based on morphology and phylogeny.", Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2023;13:1133839
- Zhang YZ et al., "Updated taxonomy of Chinese Cantharellus subgenera Afrocantharellus and Magni (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales): Three new taxa and amended descriptions of one previous species.", Front Microbiol, 2023;14:1109831
- Xu TM et al., "Ceriporiopsistianshanensis (Polyporales, Agaricomycetes) and Sideratianshanensis (Hymenochaetales, Agaricomycetes), two new species of wood-inhabiting fungi from Xinjiang, Northwest China.", MycoKeys, 2023;98:1-18
- Li Y et al., "Species diversity and taxonomy of Scytinostroma sensu stricto (Russulales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of four new species from China.", MycoKeys, 2023;98:133-152
- Chang R et al., "Nine new species of black lichenicolous fungi from the genus Cladophialophora (Chaetothyriales) from two different climatic zones of China.", Front Microbiol, 2023;14:1191818
- Sui XN et al., "Four new species of Phyllosticta from China based on morphological and phylogenetic characterization.", Mycology, 2023;14(3):190-203
- Li X et al., "Heteroverticillium phytelephatis gen. et sp. nov. intercepted from nuts of Phytelephas macrocarpa, with an updated phylogenetic assessment of Nectriaceae.", Mycology, 2023;14(3):155-174
- Liu SL et al., "Xenasmatellales ord. nov. and Xenasmatellaceae fam. nov. for Xenasmatella (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota).", Mycology, 2023;14(3):175-189
- Lorch JM et al., "Paranannizziopsis spp. infections in wild snakes and a qPCR assay for detection of the fungus.", Front Microbiol, 2023;14:1302586
- Wang L et al., "Identification and characterization of two new Gymnosporangium species causing rust on Juniperus rigida in China.", Mycologia, 2022 Sep-Oct;114(5):857-867
- Yang Q et al., "Two New Species and Two New Records of the Lichen-Forming Fungal Genus Peltula (Ascomycota: Peltulaceae) from China.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Oct 17;11(10)
- Silva NI et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Appraisal of Dothideomycetous Fungi Associated with Magnolia, Lilium longiflorum and Hedychium coronarium.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Oct 17;8(10)
- Zeng ZQ et al., "New Species of Nectriaceae (Hypocreales) from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Oct 13;8(10)
- Harrington AH et al., "Acrogenospora terricola sp. nov., a fungal species associated with seeds of pioneer trees in the soil seed bank of a lowland forest in Panama.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2022 Oct;72(10)
- Lemmond BR et al., "Tuber eburneum and Tuber mujicii: New pine-associated Tuber species from eastern North America.", Mycologia, 2022 May-Jun;114(3):575-586
- Li JC et al., "Taxonomy, Phylogenetic and Ancestral Area Reconstruction in Phyllachora, with Four Novel Species from Northwestern China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 May 18;8(5)
- Thanakitpipattana D et al., "Is Hyperdermium Congeneric with Ascopolyporus? Phylogenetic Relationships of Ascopolyporus spp. (Cordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) and a New Genus Neohyperdermium on Scale Insects in Thailand.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 May 17;8(5)
- Xu YY et al., "New Species and New Records of Otidea from China Based on Molecular and Morphological Data.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 8;8(3)
- Hu J et al., "Morphological and Molecular Evidence Reveal Eight New Species of Gymnopus from Northeast China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 28;8(4)
- Xie ML et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Evidence Reveal Five New Telamonioid Species of Cortinarius (Agaricales) from East Asia.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 2;8(3)
- Angchuan J et al., "Pichia bovicola sp. nov., a yeast species associated with small-intestinal content of cattle.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2022 Mar;72(3)
- Ma H et al., "Four New Pale-Spored Species of Xylaria (Xylariaceae, Xylariales) with a Key to Worldwide Species on Fallen Fruits and Seeds.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Jun 8;11(6)
- Xu YY et al., "Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Four New Species of Otidea from China.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Jun 6;11(6)
- Nguyen TTT et al., "Discovery of Three New Mucor Species Associated with Cricket Insects in Korea.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 3;8(6)
- Zhou HM et al., "Phylogeny and Diversity of the Genus Pseudohydnum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota).", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 23;8(7)
- Ahmed SA et al., "Meanderella rijsii, a new opportunist in the fungal order Pleosporales.", Microbes Infect, 2022 Jun;24(4):104932
- Xu YY et al., "Gomphocantharellus, a new genus of Gomphales.", Mycologia, 2022 Jul-Aug;114(4):748-756
- Yu XD et al., "Morpho-Phylogenetic Evidence Reveals Novel Pleosporalean Taxa from Sichuan Province, China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jul 9;8(7)
- Wu G et al., "Phylogenetic analysis reveals the new genus Amoenoboletus from Asia and New Zealand.", Mycologia, 2022 Jan-Feb;114(1):144-156
- Yang Q et al., "Five New Species of the Lichen-Forming Fungal Genus Peltula from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jan 28;8(2)
- Xie N et al., "Morpho-Molecular Characterization of Five Novel Taxa in Parabambusicolaceae (Massarineae, Pleosporales) from Yunnan, China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jan 24;8(2)
- Vohník M et al., "Hyaloscypha gabretae and Hyaloscypha gryndleri spp. nov. (Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiales), two new mycobionts colonizing conifer, ericaceous and orchid roots.", Mycorrhiza, 2022 Jan;32(1):105-122
- Wan SP et al., "Phylogenetic Analyses of Hydnobolites and New Species from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Dec 15;8(12)
- Reñé A et al., "The new chytridiomycete Paradinomyces triforaminorum gen. et sp. nov. co-occurs with other parasitoids during a Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (Dinophyceae) bloom in the Baltic Sea.", Harmful Algae, 2022 Dec;120:102352
- Zhao H et al., "Species Diversity and Ecological Habitat of Absidia (Cunninghamellaceae, Mucorales) with Emphasis on Five New Species from Forest and Grassland Soil in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 30;8(5)
- Magnago AC et al., "New genera, species, and combinations of Boletaceae from Brazil and Guyana.", Mycologia, 2022 Apr 22;:1-19
- Song CG et al., "A Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Study on Phellodon (Bankeraceae, Thelephorales) from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 22;8(5)
- Lee BG et al., "A New Lichenized Fungus, Psoroglaena humidosilvae, from a Forested Wetland of Korea, with a Taxonomic Key to the Species of Psoroglaena.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 12;8(4)
- Li QZ et al., "Redelimitation of Heteroradulum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota) with H.australiense sp. nov.", MycoKeys, 2022;86:87-101
- Sugita R et al., "Thyridium revised: Synonymisation of Phialemoniopsis under Thyridium and establishment of a new order, Thyridiales.", MycoKeys, 2022;86:147-176
- Xie CM et al., "Revision of Immersaria and a new lecanorine genus in Lecideaceae (lichenised Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes).", MycoKeys, 2022;87:99-132
- Li JP et al., "Emending Gymnopus sect. Gymnopus (Agaricales, Omphalotaceae) by including two new species from southern China.", MycoKeys, 2022;87:183-204
- Dong QY et al., "Morphology and Phylogeny Reveal Five Novel Species in the Genus Cordyceps (Cordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) From Yunnan, China.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:846909
- Lu X et al., "Six New Species of Tomentella (Thelephorales, Basidiomycota) From Tropical Pine Forests in Central Vietnam.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:864198
- Li Y et al., "Global Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Irpicaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) With Descriptions of Seven New Species and Proposals of Two New Combinations.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:911978
- Zhang YZ et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Evidences Reveal Four New Species of Cantharellus Subgenus Cantharellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales) From China.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:900329
- Liu SL et al., "Alloexidiopsis gen. nov., A Revision of Generic Delimitation in Auriculariales (Basidiomycota).", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:894641
- Zhang M et al., "New insights into the genus Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales), with establishment of four new sections and description of five new species from China.", Mycology, 2022;13(3):223-242
- Zhang QY et al., "Taxonomy and Multi-Gene Phylogeny of Poroid Panellus (Mycenaceae, Agaricales) With the Description of Five New Species From China.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:928941
- Lu YZ et al., "Four new species and three new records of helicosporous hyphomycetes from China and their multi-gene phylogenies.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1053849
- Zhou M et al., "Two new species of Fistulina (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from the Northern Hemisphere.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1063038
- Wang YR et al., "A new contribution to Megasporoporia sensu lato: Six new species and three new combinations.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1046777
- Huang T et al., "Notes on Amanita section Validae in Hainan Island, China.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1087756
- Rodríguez-Andrade E et al., "A revision of malbranchea-like fungi from clinical specimens in the United States of America reveals unexpected novelty.", IMA Fungus, 2021 Sep 7;12(1):25
- Jiang HB et al., "A Taxonomic Appraisal of Bambusicolous Fungi in Occultibambusaceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) with New Collections from Yunnan Province, China.", Life (Basel), 2021 Sep 7;11(9)
- Bundhun D et al., "Yuxiensis granularis gen. et sp. nov., a Novel Quellkörper-Bearing Fungal Taxon Added to Scortechiniaceae and Inclusion of Parasympodiellaceae in Coronophorales Based on Phylogenetic Evidence.", Life (Basel), 2021 Sep 25;11(10)
- Yu FM et al., "Comprehensive Review of Tolypocladium and Description of a Novel Lineage from Southwest China.", Pathogens, 2021 Oct 27;10(11)
- Wei DP et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Appraisal of Novel and Extant Taxa of Stictidaceae from Northern Thailand.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Oct 19;7(10)
- de la Fuente JI et al., "Revision of the genus Restingomyces, including two new species from Mexico.", Mycologia, 2021 Nov-Dec;113(6):1316-1326
- Wu F et al., "Global Diversity and Updated Phylogeny of Auricularia (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota).", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Nov 3;7(11)
- Liu SL et al., "Two New Species of Fibrodontia (Trechisporales, Basidiomycota) with a Key to Worldwide Species.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Nov 18;7(11)
- Zheng HD et al., "The Genus Chlorosplenium (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes) from China with Notes on C. chlora Complex.", Life (Basel), 2021 Nov 1;11(11)
- Hongsanan S et al., "Introducing a new pleosporalean family Sublophiostomataceae fam. nov. to accommodate Sublophiostoma gen. nov.", Sci Rep, 2021 May 4;11(1):9496
- Harrington TC et al., "Corticioid basidiomycetes associated with bark beetles, including seven new Entomocorticium species from North America and Cylindrobasidium ipidophilum, comb. nov.", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2021 May;114(5):561-579
- Liu JW et al., "Squamanitaceae and three new species of Squamanita parasitic on Amanita basidiomes.", IMA Fungus, 2021 Mar 3;12(1):4
- Liu ZB et al., "Global Diversity and Taxonomy of Sidera (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Four New Species and Keys to Species of the Genus.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Mar 26;7(4)
- Mešić A et al., "Inocybe brijunica sp. nov., a New Ectomycorrhizal Fungus from Mediterranean Croatia Revealed by Morphology and Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Mar 10;7(3)
- Nel WJ et al., "Ophiostomatalean fungi associated with wood boring beetles in South Africa including two new species.", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2021 Jun;114(6):667-686
- Crous PW et al., "Redefining genera of cereal pathogens: Oculimacula, Rhynchosporium and Spermospora.", Fungal Syst Evol, 2021 Jun;7:67-98
- Palacio M et al., "An overview of Favolus from the Neotropics, including four new species.", Mycologia, 2021 Jul-Aug;113(4):759-775
- Alvarado P et al., "Phylogenetic relationships among false truffle genera of Paxillaceae-Alpova, Melanogaster, Neoalpova, and Paralpova, gen. nov.", Mycologia, 2021 Jul-Aug;113(4):828-841
- Yu J et al., "Taxonomy and phylogeny of Resinicium sensu lato from Asia-Pacific revealing a new genus and five new species (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota).", IMA Fungus, 2021 Jul 19;12(1):19
- Tong X et al., "Phylogenetic Position of Shiraia-Like Endophytes on Bamboos and the Diverse Biosynthesis of Hypocrellin and Hypocrellin Derivatives.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Jul 14;7(7)
- Haelewaters D et al., "Inopinatum lactosum gen. & comb. nov., the first yeast-like fungus in Leotiomycetes.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2021 Jul;71(7)
- Mighell KS et al., "Amanita in the Guineo-Congolian rainforest: Epitypes and new species from the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon.", Mycologia, 2021 Jan-Feb;113(1):168-190
- Dos Santos MDDM et al., "New genus of trichomatous coelomycete on Myrcia fenzliana from the Brazilian Cerrado.", Mycologia, 2021 Jan-Feb;113(1):231-244
- Mei Y et al., "Phlebopus roseus, a new edible bolete from China, is associated with insects and plants.", Mycologia, 2021 Jan-Feb;113(1):33-42
- Calabon MS et al., "Five Novel Freshwater Ascomycetes Indicate High Undiscovered Diversity in Lotic Habitats in Thailand.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Feb 5;7(2)
- Thiyagaraja V et al., "The Evolution of Life Modes in Stictidaceae, with Three Novel Taxa.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Feb 2;7(2)
- Seldeslachts L et al., "Overcome Double Trouble: Baloxavir Marboxil Suppresses Influenza Thereby Mitigating Secondary Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Dec 21;8(1)
- Wang DQ et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Evidence for Recognition of Two New Species of Phanerochaete from East Asia.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Dec 11;7(12)
- Tsang CC et al., "Hepatic phaeohyphomycosis due to a novel dematiaceous fungus, Pleurostoma hongkongense sp. nov., and importance of antifungal susceptibility testing.", Emerg Microbes Infect, 2021 Dec;10(1):81-96
- Dong W et al., "Five Novel Taxa from Freshwater Habitats and New Taxonomic Insights of Pleurotheciales and Savoryellomycetidae.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Aug 30;7(9)
- Montoya QV et al., "Fungi inhabiting attine ant colonies: reassessment of the genus Escovopsis and description of Luteomyces and Sympodiorosea gens. nov.", IMA Fungus, 2021 Aug 24;12(1):23
- Hainsworth S et al., "Three-gene phylogeny of the genus Arthroderma: Basis for future taxonomic studies.", Med Mycol, 2021 Apr 6;59(4):355-365
- An YY et al., "One new species and one new record of Zasmidium in China.", Biodivers Data J, 2021;9:e59001
- Zhao YN et al., "Global Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Wood-Decaying Fungal Genus Phlebiopsis (Polyporales, Basidiomycota).", Front Microbiol, 2021;12:622460
- Cao T et al., "Multiple-marker phylogeny and morphological evidence reveal two new species in Steccherinaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Asia.", MycoKeys, 2021;78:169-186
- Wang CG et al., "Phylogeny and diversity of Bjerkandera (Polyporales, Basidiomycota), including four new species from South America and Asia.", MycoKeys, 2021;79:149-172
- Meswaet Y et al., "Unravelling unexplored diversity of cercosporoid fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Ascomycota) in tropical Africa.", MycoKeys, 2021;81:69-138
- Li SN et al., "Two new toxic yellow Inocybe species from China: morphological characteristics, phylogenetic analyses and toxin detection.", MycoKeys, 2021;81:185-204
- Fan LF et al., "Four new species in the Tremellafibulifera complex (Tremellales, Basidiomycota).", MycoKeys, 2021;82:33-56
- Ren GC et al., "Novel saprobic Hermatomyces species (Hermatomycetaceae, Pleosporales) from China (Yunnan Province) and Thailand.", MycoKeys, 2021;82:57-79
- Zhou M et al., "Two new brown rot polypores from tropical China.", MycoKeys, 2021;82:173-197
- Thiyagaraja V et al., "Mendogiadiffusa sp. nov. and an updated key to the species of Mendogia (Myriangiaceae, Dothideomycetes).", Biodivers Data J, 2021;9:e67705
- Chang R et al., "Ophiostomatoid species associated with pine trees (Pinus spp.) infested by Cryphaluspiceae from eastern China, including five new species.", MycoKeys, 2021;83:181-208
- Hurdeal VG et al., "Novel Mucor species (Mucoromycetes, Mucoraceae) from northern Thailand.", MycoKeys, 2021;84:57-78
- Lee BG et al., "Two new lecanoroid lichen species from the forested wetlands of South Korea, with a key for Korean Protoparmeliopsis species.", MycoKeys, 2021;84:163-183
- Boonmee S et al., "Fungal diversity notes 1387-1511: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa.", Fungal Divers, 2021;111(1):1-335
- Tao SQ et al., "Species diversity, taxonomy, and phylogeny of Gymnosporangium in China.", Mycologia, 2020 Sep-Oct;112(5):941-973
- Marin-Felix Y et al., "Re-Evaluation of the Order Sordariales: Delimitation of Lasiosphaeriaceae s. str., and Introduction of the New Families Diplogelasinosporaceae, Naviculisporaceae, and Schizotheciaceae.", Microorganisms, 2020 Sep 17;8(9)
- Sakpuntoon V et al., "Savitreea pentosicarens gen. nov., sp. nov., a yeast species in the family Saccharomycetaceae isolated from a grease trap.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020 Nov;70(11):5665-5670
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- Yang CL et al., "Neostagonosporellasichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Phaeosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales) on Phyllostachysheteroclada (Poaceae) from Sichuan Province, China.", MycoKeys, 2019;(46):119-150
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- Zhang SN et al., "Striatiguttulaceae, a new pleosporalean family to accommodate Longicorpus and Striatiguttula gen. nov. from palms.", MycoKeys, 2019;49:99-129
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- Yang Q et al., "Nectria-related fungi causing dieback and canker diseases in China, with Neothyronectriacitri sp. nov. described.", MycoKeys, 2019;56:49-66
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- Zhang M et al., "Two new agaricoid species of the family Clavariaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from China, representing two newly recorded genera to the country.", MycoKeys, 2019;57:85-100
- Montoya L et al., "Two new species of Lactifluus (Fungi, Russulales) from tropical Quercus forest in eastern Mexico.", MycoKeys, 2019;59:27-45
- Tennakoon DS et al., "Additions to Chaetothyriaceae (Chaetothyriales): Longihyalospora gen. nov. and Ceramothyrium longivolcaniforme, a new host record from decaying leaves of Ficus ampelas.", MycoKeys, 2019;61:91-109
- Zhang M et al., "Phylogenetic overview of Aureoboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales), with descriptions of six new species from China.", MycoKeys, 2019;61:111-145
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- Réblová M et al., "Introducing the Rhamphoriaceae, fam. nov. (Sordariomycetes), two new genera, and new life histories for taxa with Phaeoisaria- and Idriella-like anamorphs.", Mycologia, 2018 Jul-Aug;110(4):750-770
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- Liu SL et al., "Taxonomy and phylogeny of Dichostereum (Russulales), with descriptions of three new species from southern China.", MycoKeys, 2018;(40):111-126
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