Publications (total 1548) Less... | - van der Merwe B et al., "A description of two novel Psilocybe species from southern Africa and some notes on African traditional hallucinogenic mushroom use.", Mycologia, 2024 Sep-Oct;116(5):821-834
More...- van der Merwe B et al., "A description of two novel Psilocybe species from southern Africa and some notes on African traditional hallucinogenic mushroom use.", Mycologia, 2024 Sep-Oct;116(5):821-834
- Luo J et al., "Pinibarreniales, a new order of Sordariomycetes from pine barrens ecosystem.", Mycologia, 2024 Sep-Oct;116(5):835-847
- Haqnawaz M et al., "Four new species of Candolleomyces (Psathyrellaceae) from the Punjab Plains, Pakistan.", Mycologia, 2024 Nov-Dec;116(6):1033-1045
- Stallman JK et al., "Recent fieldwork and fungarium studies double known diversity of Chlorosplenium and improve understanding of species distributions.", Mycologia, 2024 Nov-Dec;116(6):993-1018
- Liang YS et al., "Three new species of Agaricus from Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou, China.", Mycologia, 2024 May-Jun;116(3):431-448
- Noffsinger CR et al., "Three new species in Russula subsection Xerampelinae supported by genealogical and phenotypic coherence.", Mycologia, 2024 Mar-Apr;116(2):322-349
- Iwakiri A et al., "Chionobium takahashii, gen. et sp. nov., associated with snow blight of conifers in Japan.", Mycologia, 2024 Mar-Apr;116(2):299-308
- Azizi R et al., "Apple crown and collar canker and necrosis caused by Cytospora balanejica sp. nov. in Iran.", Sci Rep, 2024 Mar 19;14(1):6629
- Leão AF et al., "Amphichorda monjolensis sp. nov., a new fungal species isolated from a Brazilian limestone cave, with an update on acremonium-like species in Bionectriaceae.", Braz J Microbiol, 2024 Jun;55(2):1569-1585
- Cho Y et al., "Phylogenetic Assessment of Understudied Families in Hymenochaetales (Basidiomycota, Fungi)-Reporting Uncovered Species and Reflecting the Recent Taxonomic Updates in the Republic of Korea.", J Microbiol, 2024 Jun;62(6):429-447
- Asif M et al., "Molecular insights into fungal diversity reveal three novel species of Leucocoprinus from southern Punjab, Pakistan.", Mycologia, 2024 Jul-Aug;116(4):601-620
- Han XX et al., "A Taxonomic Study of Candolleomyces Specimens from China Revealed Seven New Species.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jul 19;10(7)
- Darmostuk V et al., "First molecular evidence of lichen-inhabiting Acrospermum and new insights into the evolution of lifestyles of Acrospermales (Dothideomycetes).", Mycologia, 2024 Jan-Feb;116(1):17-30
- Mujic AB et al., "Rare but widespread: A systematic revision of the truffle-forming genera Destuntzia and Kjeldsenia and the formation of a new genus, Hosakaea.", Mycologia, 2024 Jan-Feb;116(1):148-169
- Nakagiri A et al., "Taxonomic and life cycle reappraisals of the marine basidiomycete Nia vibrissa complex, with descriptions of three new Nia species.", Mycologia, 2024 Jan-Feb;116(1):59-91
- Yang Y et al., "Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Analyses Reveal Three New Wood-Inhabiting Fungi (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 8;10(1)
- Wang MM et al., "Microascaceae from the Marine Environment, with Descriptions of Six New Species.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 5;10(1)
- Wang SE et al., "Six New Species of Agaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from Northeast China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Jan 11;10(1)
- Okubo A et al., "Talaromyces mellisjaponici sp. nov., a xerophilic species isolated from honey in Japan.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2024 Jan;74(1)
- Avesani M et al., "Yamadazyma oleae f.a. sp. nov. and Yamadazyma molendinolei f.a. sp. nov., two novel ascomycetous yeast species isolated from olive oil mills in Italy, and reassignment of 11 Candida species to the genus Yamadazyma.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2024 Dec;74(12)
- Guerra-Mateo D et al., "Sunken Riches: Ascomycete Diversity in the Western Mediterranean Coast through Direct Plating and Flocculation, and Description of Four New Taxa.", J Fungi (Basel), 2024 Apr 11;10(4)
- Zhou XY et al., "Four new species of Cystolepiota (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from northeastern China.", Front Microbiol, 2024;15:1358612
- Senwanna C et al., "Insights into the molecular phylogeny and morphology of three novel Dothiora species, along with a worldwide checklist of Dothiora.", Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2024;14:1367673
- Yuan Q et al., "Morphology and multigene phylogeny revealed four new species of Xylodon (Schizoporaceae, Basidiomycota) from southern China.", MycoKeys, 2024;107:161-187
- Wang CG et al., "Three new species of Cyanosporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China.", MycoKeys, 2024;107:249-272
- Li J et al., "Three new species of Laccaria (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Southwest China (Yunnan) based on morphological and multi-gene sequence data.", Front Microbiol, 2024;15:1411488
- Gao Y et al., "Three new species of the genus Clavulina (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales) from North China based on morphological and phylogenetic analysis.", MycoKeys, 2024;108:75-94
- Caboňová M et al., "Taxonomic reintroduction of Taphrinaviridis (Taphrinales, Ascomycota) associated with Alnusalnobetula as one of five well defined European species colonizing alders.", MycoKeys, 2024;108:249-267
- Leonardi GR et al., "Thyridiumlauri sp. nov. (Thyridiaceae, Thyridiales): a new pathogenic fungal species of bay laurel from Italy.", MycoKeys, 2024;110:211-236
- Réblová M et al., "Re-evaluation of Ceratostomella and Xylomelasma with introduction of two new species (Sordariomycetes).", MycoKeys, 2024;110:319-360
- Rassbach J et al., "Non-canonical two-step biosynthesis of anti-oomycete indole alkaloids in Kickxellales.", Fungal Biol Biotechnol, 2023 Sep 5;10(1):19
- Song HB et al., "Conocybe Section Pilosellae in China: Reconciliation of Taxonomy and Phylogeny Reveals Seven New Species and a New Record.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Sep 13;9(9)
- Rani AK et al., "Identification and taxonomic position of a new Pseudoomphalina species from Pakistan based on light, scanning electron microscopy, and molecular analysis.", Microsc Res Tech, 2023 Sep;86(9):1144-1153
- Xie ML et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Characterization of Three Novel Thaxterogaster (Cortinariaceae) Species from China with an Emphasis on Their Subtropical Distribution.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Oct 28;9(11)
- Zang W et al., "Two New Species of Talaromyces Sect. Trachyspermi Discovered in China.", Mycopathologia, 2023 Oct;188(5):793-804
- Bradshaw M et al., "Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genera of Erysiphaceae, part 4: Erysiphe (the "Uncinula lineage").", Mycologia, 2023 Nov-Dec;115(6):871-903
- Eberhardt U et al., "Many were named, but few are current: The Hebeloma of Hesler, Smith, and coauthors.", Mycologia, 2023 Nov-Dec;115(6):813-870
- Zhou SY et al., "Three new species and a new record of Cortinarius section Camphorati from southwestern China.", Mycologia, 2023 Nov-Dec;115(6):904-917
- Xue R et al., "The subfamily Xerocomoideae (Boletaceae, Boletales) in China.", Stud Mycol, 2023 Nov;106:95-197
- Eberhardt U et al., "Old but not obsolete: A new life for some of Murrill's (Hebeloma) names.", Mycologia, 2023 May-Jun;115(3):375-426
- Mao WL et al., "A contribution to Porogramme (Polyporaceae, Agaricomycetes) and related genera.", IMA Fungus, 2023 Mar 7;14(1):5
- Wongkanoun S et al., "Studies on the Genus Pyrenopolyporus (Hypoxylaceae) in Thailand Using a Polyphasic Taxonomic Approach.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 30;9(4)
- Nascimbene J et al., "Freshwater Lichens, Including New Species in the Genera Verrucaria, Placopyrenium and Circinaria, Associated with Lobothallia hydrocharis (Poelt & Nimis) Sohrabi & Nimis from Watercourses of Sardinia.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 21;9(3)
- Li J et al., "A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Mar 21;9(3)
- Hurdeal VG et al., "Integrative approach to species delimitation in Rhizophydiales: Novel species of Angulomyces, Gorgonomyces, and Terramyces from northern Thailand.", Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2023 Mar;180:107706
- Yan J et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of Clavulinopsis (Clavariaceae, Agaricales): Description of Six New Species and One Newly Recorded Species from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Jun 12;9(6)
- Ju YM et al., "Xylaria furcata reconsidered and nine resembling species.", Bot Stud, 2023 Jul 17;64(1):21
- Brysch-Herzberg M et al., "Schizosaccharomyces lindneri sp. nov., a fission yeast occurring in honey.", Yeast, 2023 Jul;40(7):237-253
- Chen X et al., "Hanseniaspora menglaensis f.a., sp. nov., a novel apiculate yeast species isolated from rotting wood.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2023 Jul;73(7)
- Akhmetova GK et al., "Multilocus molecular phylogenetic-led discovery and formal recognition of four novel root-colonizing Fusarium species from northern Kazakhstan and the phylogenetically divergent Fusarium steppicola lineage.", Mycologia, 2023 Jan-Feb;115(1):16-31
- Salas-Lizana R et al., "Neotropical Clavulina: Two new species from Mexico and a re-evaluation of Clavulina floridana.", Mycologia, 2023 Jan-Feb;115(1):135-152
- Gallardo-Pillancari E et al., "Natural infection of Chiromyzinae larvae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) in southern Chile by Tolypocladium valdiviae sp. nov.", Fungal Biol, 2023 Jan-Feb;127(1-2):845-853
- Kularathnage ND et al., "Plant-Associated Novel Didymellaceous Taxa in the South China Botanical Garden (Guangzhou, China).", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Jan 29;9(2)
- Li GJ et al., "Four New Species of Russula Subsection Sardoninae from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Feb 3;9(2)
- Wang X et al., "Seven New Species of the Genus Geastrum (Geastrales, Geastraceae) in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Feb 14;9(2)
- Hagiuda R et al., "Aspergillus verrucosus sp. nov., a xerophilic species isolated from house dust and honey in Japan.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2023 Feb;73(2)
- Zhang M et al., "Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny Reveal Five New Species of Laccaria (Hydnangiaceae, Agaricales) from Southern China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Dec 8;9(12)
- Piątek M et al., "The genus Rachicladosporium: introducing new species from sooty mould communities and excluding cold adapted species.", Sci Rep, 2023 Dec 21;13(1):22795
- Yoshihashi Y et al., "Novel Metschnikowia yeasts from the gut of green lacewing in Japan.", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2023 Dec;116(12):1295-1304
- Balocchi F et al., "New Resinogalea species from Araucaria araucana resin in Chile and reclassification of the genus in the Cryptocaliciomycetidae.", IMA Fungus, 2023 Aug 18;14(1):16
- Qu H et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Cystolepiota (Agaricaceae, Agaricales): New Species, New Combinations and Notes on the C. seminuda Complex.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Apr 30;9(5)
- Zitouni-Haouar FE et al., "Bioclimatic Origin Shapes Phylogenetic Structure of Tirmania (Pezizaceae): New Species and New Record from North Africa.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Apr 29;9(5)
- Cedeño-Sanchez M et al., "Redisposition of apiosporous genera Induratia and Muscodor in the Xylariales, following the discovery of an authentic strain of Induratia apiospora.", Bot Stud, 2023 Apr 13;64(1):8
- Charria-Girón E et al., "Amesia hispanica sp. nov., Producer of the Antifungal Class of Antibiotics Dactylfungins.", J Fungi (Basel), 2023 Apr 12;9(4)
- Zhou HM et al., "Morphological and phylogenetic evidence reveal three new Pseudohydnum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota) species from North China.", Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2023;13:1139449
- Man XW et al., "Two new species of Haploporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China and Ecuador based on morphology and phylogeny.", Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2023;13:1133839
- Bilański P et al., "Soil-borne Ophiostomatales species (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) in beech, oak, pine, and spruce stands in Poland with descriptions of Sporothrixroztoczensis sp. nov., S.silvicola sp. nov., and S.tumida sp. nov.", MycoKeys, 2023;97:41-69
- Kukwa M et al., "Two new species of Astrothelium from Sud Yungas in Bolivia and the first discovery of vegetative propagules in the family Trypetheliaceae (lichen-forming Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota).", MycoKeys, 2023;95:83-100
- Wang W et al., "Identification and pathogenicity of Aurifilum species (Cryphonectriaceae, Diaporthales) on Terminalia species in Southern China.", MycoKeys, 2023;98:37-58
- Li Y et al., "Species diversity and taxonomy of Scytinostroma sensu stricto (Russulales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of four new species from China.", MycoKeys, 2023;98:133-152
- Ujat AH et al., "Re-Examination of Several Elsinoë Species Reported from Japan.", Mycobiology, 2023;51(3):122-138
- Chang R et al., "Nine new species of black lichenicolous fungi from the genus Cladophialophora (Chaetothyriales) from two different climatic zones of China.", Front Microbiol, 2023;14:1191818
- Sui XN et al., "Four new species of Phyllosticta from China based on morphological and phylogenetic characterization.", Mycology, 2023;14(3):190-203
- Li X et al., "Heteroverticillium phytelephatis gen. et sp. nov. intercepted from nuts of Phytelephas macrocarpa, with an updated phylogenetic assessment of Nectriaceae.", Mycology, 2023;14(3):155-174
- Liu SL et al., "Xenasmatellales ord. nov. and Xenasmatellaceae fam. nov. for Xenasmatella (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota).", Mycology, 2023;14(3):175-189
- Hongsanan S et al., "Exploring ascomycete diversity in Yunnan, China I: resolving ambiguous taxa in Phaeothecoidiellaceae and investigating conservation implications of fungi.", Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2023;13:1252387
- Wang Y et al., "Phylogeny and species delimitations in the economically, medically, and ecologically important genus Samsoniella (Cordycipitaceae, Hypocreales).", MycoKeys, 2023;99:227-250
- Lambert C et al., "Four new endophytic species of Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) isolated from Cameroon.", MycoKeys, 2023;99:319-362
- Cabral TS et al., "Diversity of Neotropical stalked-puffball: Two new species of Tulostoma with reticulated spores.", PLoS One, 2023;18(12):e0294672
- Kim JS et al., "Neodothiora pruni sp. nov., a Biosurfactant-Producing Ascomycetous Yeast Species Isolated from Flower of Prunus mume.", Mycobiology, 2023;51(6):388-392
- Jiang SH et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Characterizations Reveal Five New Species of Astrothelium (Trypetheliales, Ascomycota) from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Sep 22;8(10)
- Yang Q et al., "Two New Species and Two New Records of the Lichen-Forming Fungal Genus Peltula (Ascomycota: Peltulaceae) from China.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Oct 17;11(10)
- Silva NI et al., "Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Appraisal of Dothideomycetous Fungi Associated with Magnolia, Lilium longiflorum and Hedychium coronarium.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Oct 17;8(10)
- Kanetis LI et al., "A Novel Seimatosporium and Other Sporocadaceae Species Associated with Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Cyprus.", Plants (Basel), 2022 Oct 16;11(20)
- Harrington AH et al., "Acrogenospora terricola sp. nov., a fungal species associated with seeds of pioneer trees in the soil seed bank of a lowland forest in Panama.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2022 Oct;72(10)
- Bradshaw MJ et al., "Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genera of Erysiphaceae, part 1: Golovinomyces.", Mycologia, 2022 Nov-Dec;114(6):964-993
- Gomzhina MM et al., "Diaporthe species infecting sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Russia, with the description of two new species.", Mycologia, 2022 May-Jun;114(3):556-574
- Svensson M et al., "The circumscription and phylogenetic position of Bryonora (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota), with two additions to the genus.", Mycologia, 2022 May-Jun;114(3):516-532
- Alvarado P et al., "Amanita Section Phalloideae Species in the Mediterranean Basin: Destroying Angels Reviewed.", Biology (Basel), 2022 May 18;11(5)
- Li JC et al., "Taxonomy, Phylogenetic and Ancestral Area Reconstruction in Phyllachora, with Four Novel Species from Northwestern China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 May 18;8(5)
- Thanakitpipattana D et al., "Is Hyperdermium Congeneric with Ascopolyporus? Phylogenetic Relationships of Ascopolyporus spp. (Cordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) and a New Genus Neohyperdermium on Scale Insects in Thailand.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 May 17;8(5)
- Eberhardt U et al., "96 North American taxa sorted - Peck's Hebeloma revisited.", Mycologia, 2022 Mar-Apr;114(2):337-387
- Sugawara R et al., "Systematic revision of Hydnum species in Japan.", Mycologia, 2022 Mar-Apr;114(2):413-452
- Xu YY et al., "New Species and New Records of Otidea from China Based on Molecular and Morphological Data.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 8;8(3)
- Hu J et al., "Morphological and Molecular Evidence Reveal Eight New Species of Gymnopus from Northeast China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 28;8(4)
- Xie ML et al., "Morphological and Phylogenetic Evidence Reveal Five New Telamonioid Species of Cortinarius (Agaricales) from East Asia.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Mar 2;8(3)
- Angchuan J et al., "Pichia bovicola sp. nov., a yeast species associated with small-intestinal content of cattle.", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2022 Mar;72(3)
- Zhang X et al., "Rubroboletus flammeus (Boletaceae, Boletales), a novel species unveiled from subtropical China based on morphological and phylogenetic evidences.", Arch Microbiol, 2022 Jun 9;204(7):379
- Ma H et al., "Four New Pale-Spored Species of Xylaria (Xylariaceae, Xylariales) with a Key to Worldwide Species on Fallen Fruits and Seeds.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Jun 8;11(6)
- Xu YY et al., "Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Four New Species of Otidea from China.", Biology (Basel), 2022 Jun 6;11(6)
- Nguyen TTT et al., "Discovery of Three New Mucor Species Associated with Cricket Insects in Korea.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 3;8(6)
- Zhou HM et al., "Phylogeny and Diversity of the Genus Pseudohydnum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota).", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 23;8(7)
- Phookamsak R et al., "Bambusicolous Fungi in Pleosporales: Introducing Four Novel Taxa and a New Habitat Record for Anastomitrabeculia didymospora.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 13;8(6)
- Ševčíková H et al., "Pluteus insidiosus Complex, Four New Species Described and Pluteus reisneri Resurrected.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jun 10;8(6)
- Ahmed SA et al., "Meanderella rijsii, a new opportunist in the fungal order Pleosporales.", Microbes Infect, 2022 Jun;24(4):104932
- Kennedy AH et al., "Publicly Available and Validated DNA Reference Sequences Are Critical to Fungal Identification and Global Plant Protection Efforts: A Use-Case in Colletotrichum.", Plant Dis, 2022 Jun;106(6):1573-1596
- Mitchell JK et al., "Species of the common discomycete genus Bisporella reassigned to at least four genera.", Mycologia, 2022 Jul-Aug;114(4):713-731
- Xu YY et al., "Gomphocantharellus, a new genus of Gomphales.", Mycologia, 2022 Jul-Aug;114(4):748-756
- Yu XD et al., "Morpho-Phylogenetic Evidence Reveals Novel Pleosporalean Taxa from Sichuan Province, China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jul 9;8(7)
- Ševčíková H et al., "Holarctic Species in the Pluteus romellii Clade. Five New Species Described and Old Names Reassessed.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jul 25;8(8)
- Zhang T et al., "Hidden Species Diversity was Explored in Two Genera of Catapyrenioid Lichens (Verrucariaceae, Ascomycota) from the Deserts of China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jul 13;8(7)
- Antonín V et al., "Multilocus phylogeny and taxonomy of European Melanoleuca subgenus Melanoleuca.", Mycologia, 2022 Jan-Feb;114(1):114-143
- Wu G et al., "Phylogenetic analysis reveals the new genus Amoenoboletus from Asia and New Zealand.", Mycologia, 2022 Jan-Feb;114(1):144-156
- Bradshaw M et al., "Phylogeny and taxonomy of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe species on Lupinus hosts.", Mycologia, 2022 Jan-Feb;114(1):76-88
- Ju YM et al., "Wulingshen, the massive Xylaria sclerotia used as traditional Chinese medicine, is produced by multiple species.", Mycologia, 2022 Jan-Feb;114(1):175-189
- Yang Q et al., "Five New Species of the Lichen-Forming Fungal Genus Peltula from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jan 28;8(2)
- Xie N et al., "Morpho-Molecular Characterization of Five Novel Taxa in Parabambusicolaceae (Massarineae, Pleosporales) from Yunnan, China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jan 24;8(2)
- Zheng H et al., "Endophytic Colletotrichum Species from Aquatic Plants in Southwest China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Jan 16;8(1)
- Wang XC et al., "New Species of Aspergillus (Aspergillaceae) from Tropical Islands of China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Feb 24;8(3)
- Moskaluk A et al., "Two novel species of Arthroderma isolated from domestic cats with dermatophytosis in the United States.", Med Mycol, 2022 Feb 2;60(2)
- Lin L et al., "Fungal Richness of Cytospora Species Associated with Willow Canker Disease in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 7;8(4)
- Zhao H et al., "Species Diversity and Ecological Habitat of Absidia (Cunninghamellaceae, Mucorales) with Emphasis on Five New Species from Forest and Grassland Soil in China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 30;8(5)
- Magnago AC et al., "New genera, species, and combinations of Boletaceae from Brazil and Guyana.", Mycologia, 2022 Apr 22;:1-19
- Song CG et al., "A Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Study on Phellodon (Bankeraceae, Thelephorales) from China.", J Fungi (Basel), 2022 Apr 22;8(5)
- Si YZ et al., "Diaporthe sapindicola sp. nov. Causes Leaf Spots of Sapindus mukorossi in China.", Plant Dis, 2022 Apr;106(4):1105-1113
- Li QZ et al., "Redelimitation of Heteroradulum (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota) with H.australiense sp. nov.", MycoKeys, 2022;86:87-101
- Sugita R et al., "Thyridium revised: Synonymisation of Phialemoniopsis under Thyridium and establishment of a new order, Thyridiales.", MycoKeys, 2022;86:147-176
- Tochihara Y et al., "Examination of the generic concept and species boundaries of the genus Erioscyphella (Lachnaceae, Helotiales, Ascomycota) with the proposal of new species and new combinations based on the Japanese materials.", MycoKeys, 2022;87:1-52
- Xie CM et al., "Revision of Immersaria and a new lecanorine genus in Lecideaceae (lichenised Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes).", MycoKeys, 2022;87:99-132
- Lee BG et al., "Two new Rinodina lichens from South Korea, with an updated key to the species of Rinodina in the far eastern Asia.", MycoKeys, 2022;87:159-182
- Zhang X et al., "Geosmithia Species Associated With Bark Beetles From China, With the Description of Nine New Species.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:820402
- Li Y et al., "Global Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Irpicaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) With Descriptions of Seven New Species and Proposals of Two New Combinations.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:911978
- Zhao H et al., "Phylogeny, Divergence Time Estimation and Biogeography of the Genus Onnia (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetaceae).", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:907961
- Liu SL et al., "Alloexidiopsis gen. nov., A Revision of Generic Delimitation in Auriculariales (Basidiomycota).", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:894641
- Zhang M et al., "New insights into the genus Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales), with establishment of four new sections and description of five new species from China.", Mycology, 2022;13(3):223-242
- Zhang QY et al., "Taxonomy and Multi-Gene Phylogeny of Poroid Panellus (Mycenaceae, Agaricales) With the Description of Five New Species From China.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:928941
- Lu YZ et al., "Four new species and three new records of helicosporous hyphomycetes from China and their multi-gene phylogenies.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1053849
- Zhou M et al., "Two new species of Fistulina (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from the Northern Hemisphere.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1063038
- Wang YR et al., "A new contribution to Megasporoporia sensu lato: Six new species and three new combinations.", Front Microbiol, 2022;13:1046777
- Eberhardt U et al., "Not (only) poison pies - Hebeloma (Agaricales, Hymenogastraceae) in Mexico.", MycoKeys, 2022;90:163-202
- Ahmadpour A et al., "Novel species of Alternaria section Nimbya from Iran as revealed by morphological and molecular data.", Mycologia, 2021 Sep-Oct;113(5):1073-1088
- Ge ZW et al., "Three new species of Smithiomyces from tropical Asia support an amphi-Pacific disjunct distribution in the genus.", Mycologia, 2021 Sep-Oct;113(5):1009-1021
- Andrade KCR et al., "Sequencing and characterization of an L-asparaginase gene from a new species of Penicillium section Citrina isolated from Cerrado.", Sci Rep, 2021 Sep 9;11(1):17861
- Jiang HB et al., "A Taxonomic Appraisal of Bambusicolous Fungi in Occultibambusaceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) with New Collections from Yunnan Province, China.", Life (Basel), 2021 Sep 7;11(9)
- Nguyen TTT et al., "Discovery and Extrolite Production of Three New Species of Talaromyces Belonging to Sections Helici and Purpurei from Freshwater in Korea.", J Fungi (Basel), 2021 Sep 3;7(9)
- Bundhun D et al., "Yuxiensis granularis gen. et sp. nov., a Novel Quellkörper-Bearing Fungal Taxon Added to Scortechiniaceae and Inclusion of Parasympodiellaceae in Coronophorales Based on Phylogenetic Evidence.", Life (Basel), 2021 Sep 25;11(10)
- Vilela R et al., "The taxonomy of two uncultivated fungal mammalian pathogens is revealed through phylogeny and population genetic analyses.", Sci Rep, 2021 Sep 13;11(1):18119
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