Parameter | Description |
mmdbafid | A list of PDB or AlphaFold UniProt IDs for realignment, e.g.,,4N7N,P69905,P01942. You could then input multiple PDB files with the menu "File > Open File > PDB Files (appendable)". Next you could click the menu "File > Realign Selection > by Structure Alignment" to realign all loaded structures. |
mmdbid | NCBI MMDB ID or PDB ID, e.g., ?mmdbid=1tup&showanno=1&show2d=1 |
mmtfid | MMTF ID, e.g., ?mmtfid=1tup |
pdbid | PDB ID, e.g., ?pdbid=1tup |
mmcifid | mmCIF ID, e.g., ?mmcifid=1tup |
gi | NCBI protein gi number, e.g., ?gi=827343227 |
cid | PubChem Compound ID, e.g., ?cid=2244 |
blast_rep_id | NCBI protein accession of a chain of a 3D structure. "blast_rep_id" combines with the parameter "query_id" of a protein sequence to show the sequence-structure alignment, e.g., from=icn3d&blast_rep_id=1TSR_A&query_id=NP_001108451.1 |
align | Two PDB IDs or MMDB IDs for structure alignment, e.g., ?align=1hho,4n7n |
chainalign | Two chains for structure alignment, e.g., ?chainalign=1HHO_A,4N7N_A |
url | Use the url (encoded) to retrieve the 3D structure. The url requires another parameter "type", e.g., ?type=pdb& |
width | Width of the structure image. It can be percentage such as '100%', or pixel values such as 400. The default is "100%". |
height | Height of the structure image. It can be percentage such as '100%', or pixel values such as 400. The default is "100%". |
resize | Set "true" or "1" to resize the image when the container is resized. The default is "true". |
rotate | Set "right", "left", "up", or "down" to rotate the structure when it is displayed at the beginning. The default is "right". |
showanno | Set "true" or "1" to show annotations, such as SNPs, ClinVar, domains, binding sites. The default is "false". |
showalignseq | Set "true" or "1" to show the aligned sequence window. The default is "false". |
showsets | Set "true" or "1" to show the defined sets. The default is "false". |
show2d | Set "true" or "1" to show the 2D interaction. The default is "false". |
showmenu | Set "false" or "0" to hide the menus and buttons at the top of the structure canvas. The default is "true". |
showtitle | Set "false" or "0" to hide the title at the top of the structure canvas. The default is "true". |
showcommand | Set "false" or "0" to hide the command window. The default is "true". |
mobilemenu | Set "true" or "1" to show the mobile-style menu. Users can click to see all menus. The default is "false". |
imageonly | Set "true" or "1" to show an image instead of interactive 3D viewer. The default is "false". |
closepopup | Set "true" or "1" to close the dialogs of "Defined Sets", "Interactions", and "Sequences and Annotations". The default is "false". |
command | Besides the "Script/Log" section at the bottom of the canvas, commands can also be attached to the url parameter "command". The easy way to generate the commands is to operate manually to get your custom display and then click "File > Share Link" to find the URL with full commands or just the short URL. |
replay | Set "true" or "1" to replay each step of a custom display. |
usepdbnum | Set "true" or "1" to use PDB residue numbers instead of NCBI residue numbers when the input is MMDB ID and the residue numbers are different. The default is "true". |
hidelicense | Set "true" or "1" to hide the features requiring licenses, such as "Analysis > DelPhi Potential". The default is "false". |
shownote | Set "true" or "1" to show the content in "Analysis > Window Title" as the window title. The default is "false". |
menuicon | Set "true" or "1" to show icons for those menus requiring internet or license. The default is "false". |
Menu | Command | Function |
a) Retrieve by ID | ||
MMDB ID: | load mmdb0 [1GPK] | ic.mmdbParserCls.downloadMmdb |
Binary CIF ID: | load bcif [1GPK] | ic.bcifParserCls.downloadBcif |
PDB ID: | load pdb [1GPK] | ic.pdbParserCls.downloadPdb |
OPM PDB ID: | load opm [6JXR] | ic.opmParserCls.downloadOpm |
mmCIF ID: | load mmcif [1GPK] | ic.mmcifParserCls.downloadMmcif |
PubChem CID: | load cid [2244] | ic.sdfParserCls.downloadCid |
b) Open File | ||
PDB File: | [no command available] | |
mmCIF File: | [no command available] | |
Mol2 File: | [no command available] | |
SDF File: | [no command available] | |
XYZ File: | [no command available] | |
URL (CORS): | load url [] | ic.pdbParserCls.downloadUrl |
iCn3D PNG Image: | [no command available] | |
State/Script File: | [no command available] | ic.loadScriptCls.loadScript |
Selection File: | [no command available] | |
Electron Density (DSN6) - Local File: | set map 2fofc sigma 1.5 | ic.dsn6ParserCls.loadDsn6Data() |
Electron Density (DSN6) - URL (CORS): | set map 2fofc sigma 1.5 | [URL] | ic.dsn6ParserCls.dsn6ParserBase() |
c) Align | ||
Sequence to Structure: | load seq_struc_ids [23491729,1TUP_A] | ic.mmdbParserCls.downloadBlast_rep_id |
Protein Complexes - Invariant Substructure Superposed: | load alignment [1HHO,4N7N] | parameters atype=1 | ic.alignParserCls.downloadAlignment |
Protein Complexes - All Matching Molecules Superposed: | load alignment [1HHO,4N7N] | parameters atype=0 | ic.alignParserCls.downloadAlignment |
Chain to Chain: | load chainalignment [1HHO_A,4N7N_A] | ic.chainalignParserCls.downloadChainAlignment |
d) Realign Selection | realign on seq align | ic.realignParserCls.realignOnSeqAlign |
e) 3D Printing | ||
VRML (Color, W/ Stabilizers): | export vrml stabilizer file | ic.export3DCls.saveVrmlFile |
STL (W/ Stabilizers): | export stl stabilizer file | ic.export3DCls.saveStlFile |
VRML (Color): | export vrml file | ic.export3DCls.saveVrmlFile |
STL: | export stl file | ic.export3DCls.saveStlFile |
Add All Stabilizers: | stabilizer | ic.threeDPrintCls.addStabilizer |
Remove All Stabilizers: | set stabilizer off | ic.threeDPrintCls.hideStabilizer |
Add One Stabilizer: | add one stabilizer | [atom serial] [atom serial] | |
Remove One Stabilizer: | remove one stabilizer | [atom serial] [atom serial] | |
Set Thickness: | set thickness | linerad 0.6 | coilrad 1 | stickrad 0.8 | crosslinkrad 0.8 | ribbonthick 0.8 | proteinwidth 2 | nucleotidewidth 1.2 | ballscale 0.6 | |
Reset Thickness: | reset thickness | ic.threeDPrintCls.resetAfter3Dprint |
f) Save File | ||
iCn3D PNG Image: | export canvas (URL example: | ic.saveFileCls.saveFile([filename], 'png') |
State File: | [no command available] | ic.saveFileCls.saveFile |
All Selections: | [no command available] | ic.saveFileCls.saveFile |
Residue Counts: | [no command available] | ic.saveFileCls.saveFile |
PDB: | [no command available] | ic.saveFileCls.getAtomPDB |
g) Share Link: | [no command available] | ic.shareLinkCls.shareLink |
g) Replay Each Step: | replay on | replayon |
Menu | Command | Method |
a) View -> View Only Selection: | show selection | ic.selectionCls.showSelection |
b) View -> Zoom in Selection: | zoom selection | ic.resizeCanvasCls.zoominSelection |
c) View -> Center Selection: | center selection | ic.applyCenterCls.centerSelection |
d) View -> View Full Structure: | show all | ic.selectionCls.showAll |
e) View -> Show Side by Side: | side by side | [url] | |
f) View -> Rotate |
f1) Rotate 90° |
X-axis: | rotate x | ic.transformCls.setRotation |
Y-axis: | rotate y | ic.transformCls.setRotation |
Z-axis: | rotate z | ic.transformCls.setRotation |
f2) Auto Rotation |
Rotate Left: | rotate left | ic.transformCls.rotStruc |
Rotate Right: | rotate right | ic.transformCls.rotStruc |
Rotate Up: | rotate up | ic.transformCls.rotStruc |
Rotate Down: | rotate down | ic.transformCls.rotStruc |
g) View -> Camera |
Perspective: | set camera perspective | ic.opts['camera'] = 'perspective'; |
Orthographic: | set camera orthographic | ic.opts['camera'] = 'orthographic'; |
h) View -> Fog for Selection |
On: | set fog on | ic.opts['fog'] = 'yes'; |
Off: | set fog off | ic.opts['fog'] = 'no'; |
i) View -> Slab for Selection |
On: | set slab on | ic.opts['slab'] = 'yes'; |
Off: | set slab off | ic.opts['slab'] = 'no'; |
j) View -> XYZ-axes |
Show: | set axis on | ic.opts['axis'] = 'yes'; |
Hide: | set axis off | ic.opts['axis'] = 'no'; |
k) View -> Reset: |
All: | reset | ic.loadScriptCls.renderFinalStep |
Orientation: | reset orientation | ic.transformCls.resetOrientation |
l) View -> Undo: | back | ic.resizeCanvasCls.back |
m) View -> Redo: | forward | ic.resizeCanvasCls.forward |
n) View -> Full Screen: | [no command available] |
Menu | Command | Method |
a) Style -> Protein | ||
Ribbon: | style proteins ribbon | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Strand: | style proteins strand | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Cylinder and Plate: | style proteins cylinder and plate | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Schematic: | style proteins schematic | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
C Alpha Trace: | style proteins c alpha trace | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Backbone: | style proteins backbone | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
B-factor Tube: | style proteins b factor tube | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Lines: | style proteins lines | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Stick: | style proteins stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Ball and Stick: | style proteins ball and stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Sphere: | style proteins sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style proteins nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
b) Style -> Side Chains |
Lines: | style sidec lines | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Stick: | style sidec stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Ball and Stick: | style sidec ball and stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Sphere: | style sidec sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style sidec nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
c) Style -> Nucleotides |
Nucleotide Cartoon: | style nucleotides nucleotide cartoon | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
O3' Trace: | style nucleotides o3 trace | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Backbone: | style nucleotides backbone | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Schematic: | style nucleotides schematic | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Lines: | style nucleotides lines | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Stick: | style nucleotides stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Ball and Stick: | style nucleotides ball and stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Sphere: | style nucleotides sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style nucleotides nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
d) Style -> Chemicals |
Lines: | style chemicals lines | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Stick: | style chemicals stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Ball and Stick: | style chemicals ball and stick | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Schematic: | style chemicals schematic | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Sphere: | style chemicals sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style chemicals nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
d2) Style -> Hydrogens |
Show: | hydrogens | ic.setOptionCls.showHydrogens |
Hide: | set hydrogens off | ic.setOptionCls.hideHydrogens |
e) Style -> Ions |
Sphere: | style ions sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Dot: | style ions dot | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style ions nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
f) Style -> Water |
Sphere: | style water sphere | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Dot: | style water dot | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
Hide: | style water nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setStyle |
g) Style -> Set Thickness: | set thickness | linerad 0.6 | coilrad 1 | stickrad 0.8 | crosslinkrad 0.8 | ribbonthick 0.8 | proteinwidth 2 | nucleotidewidth 1.2 | ballscale 0.6 | |
h) Style -> Save Style: | save style | ic.setOptionCls.saveStyle |
i) Style -> Apply Saved Style: | apply saved style | ic.setOptionCls.applySavedStyle |
j) Style -> Surface Type |
Van der Waals: | set surface Van der Waals surface | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
VDW with Context: | set surface Van der Waals surface with context | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
Molecular Surface: | set surface molecular surface | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
MS with Context: | set surface molecular surface with context | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
Solvent Accessible: | set surface solvent accessible surface | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
SA with Context: | set surface solvent accessible surface with context | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
k) Style -> Remove Surface: | set surface nothing | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
l) Style -> Surface Opacity |
1.0: | set surface opacity 1.0 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.9: | set surface opacity 0.9 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.8: | set surface opacity 0.8 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.7: | set surface opacity 0.7 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.6: | set surface opacity 0.6 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.5: | set surface opacity 0.5 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.4: | set surface opacity 0.4 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.3: | set surface opacity 0.3 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.2: | set surface opacity 0.2 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
0.1: | set surface opacity 0.1 | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
m) Style -> Surface Wireframe |
Yes | set surface wireframe on | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
No | set surface wireframe off | ic.applyMapCls.applySurfaceOptions |
n) Style -> Electron Density |
2Fo-Fc Map: | set map 2fofc sigma 1.5 | ic.loadScriptCls.applyCommandMap |
Fo-Fc Map: | set map 2fofc sigma 3 | ic.loadScriptCls.applyCommandMap |
o) Style -> Remove Map: | set map nothing | ic.applyMapCls.applyMapOptions |
p) Style -> Map Wireframe |
Yes | set map wireframe on | ic.applyMapCls.applyMapOptions |
No | set map wireframe off | ic.applyMapCls.applyMapOptions |
q) Style -> EM Density Map: | set emmap percentage 20 | ic.loadScriptCls.applyCommandEmmap |
r) Style -> Remove EM Map: | set emmap nothing | ic.applyMapCls.applyEmmapOptions |
s) Style -> EM Map Wireframe |
Yes | set emmap wireframe on | ic.applyMapCls.applyEmmapOptions |
No | set emmap wireframe off | ic.applyMapCls.applyEmmapOptions |
t) Style -> Background |
Transparent: | set background transparent | ic.opts['background'] = 'transparent' |
Black: | set background black | ic.opts['background'] = 'black' |
Grey: | set background grey | ic.opts['background'] = 'grey' |
White: | set background white | ic.opts['background'] = 'white' |
u) Style -> Dialog Color |
Blue: | set theme blue | ic.setMenuCls.setTheme |
Orange: | set theme orange | ic.setMenuCls.setTheme |
Black: | set theme black | ic.setMenuCls.setTheme |
Menu | Command | Method |
a) | ||
Color -> Spectrum: | color spectrum | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Secondary (Sheet in Green): | color secondary structure | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Secondary (Sheet in Yellow): | color secondary structure yellow | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Secondary (Spectrum): | color secondary structure spectrum | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Charge: | color charge | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Wimley-White Hydrophobicity: | color hydrophobic | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> B-factor (Original): | color b factor | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> B-factor (Percentile): | color b factor percentile | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Solvent Accessibility: | color area | 35 | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Chain: | color chain | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> 3D Domain: | color 3ddomain | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Residue - Default: | color residue | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Residue - Custom: | color residue custom | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Atom: | color atom | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
b) Color -> Unicolor |
Red: | color red | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Green: | color green | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Blue: | color blue | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Magenta: | color magenta | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Yellow: | color yellow | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Cyan: | color cyan | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
White: | color white | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Grey: | color grey | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
c) Color -> Color Picker |
Apply: | color [e.g., FF0000] | ic.setColorCls.setColorByOptions |
Color -> Save Color: | save color | ic.setOptionCls.saveColor |
Color -> Apply Saved Color: | apply saved color | ic.setOptionCls.applySavedColor |
Menu | Command | Method |
a) Analysis -> View Sequences & Annotations: | view annotations | ic.loadScriptCls.applyCommandAnnotationsAndCddSite |
b) Analysis -> View 2D Diagram | view interactions | ic.parserUtilsCls.set2DDiagrams |
c) Analysis -> Defined Sets | defined sets | ic.definedSetsCls.showSets |
d) Analysis -> H-Bonds & Interactions: | hbonds 3.5 | sets non-selected selected; salt bridges 4 | sets non-selected selected; interactions 4 | sets non-selected selected |
ic.showInterCls.showHbonds;ic.showInterCls.showSaltbridge;ic.showInterCls.pickCustomSphere |
e) Analysis -> Bring to Front: | window ... | ic.dialogCls.openDlg |
f) Analysis -> DelPhi Potential |
Local Phi/Cube File: | [no command available] | ic.delphiCls.loadPhiFile |
URL (CORS) Phi/Cube: | set phimap cubeurl contour 1 | [url] | ic.delphiCls.loadPhiFileUrl |
g) Analysis -> Remove Potential: | setoption phimap nothing | ic.setOptionCls.setOption('phimap', 'nothing') |
h) Analysis -> Chemical Binding |
Show: | set chemicalbinding show | me.ic.setOptionCls.setOption('chemicalbinding', 'show'); |
Hide: | set hbonds off | me.ic.setOptionCls.setOption('chemicalbinding', 'hide'); |
i) Analysis -> Disulfide Bonds |
Show: | disulfide bonds | ic.showInterCls.showSsbonds |
Export Pairs: | [no command available] | |
Hide: | set disulfide bonds off | ic.opts["ssbonds"] = "no |
j) Analysis -> Cross-Linkages |
Show: | cross linkage | ic.bShowCrossResidueBond = true; |
Hide: | set cross linkage off | ic.bShowCrossResidueBond = false; |
k) Analysis -> Assembly (PDB, mmCIF, or MMTF files only) |
yes: | set assembly on | ic.bAssembly = true; |
no: | set assembly off | ic.bAssembly = false; |
l) Analysis -> Symmetry: | symmetry C6 (global) | ic.symdCls.retrieveSymmetry; ic.applySymdCls.applySymmetry |
m) Analysis -> Distance |
between Two Atoms: | add label [label text] | x [x] y [y] z [z] | size [label size] | color [FF0000] | background [FFFFFF] | ic.analysisCls.addLabel |
add line | x1 [x1] y1 [y1] z1 [z1] | x2 [x2] y2 [y2] z2 [z2] | color [FFFF00] | dashed [true] | ic.analysisCls.addLine | |
between Two Sets: | dist | [set1] [set2] | ic.analysisCls.measureDistTwoSets |
Hide: | set lines off | ic.labels['distance'] = []; ic.lines['distance'] = []; |
n) Analysis -> Label |
by Picking Atoms: | add label [label text] | x [x] y [y] z [z] | size [label size] | color [FF0000] | background [FFFFFF] | ic.analysisCls.addLabel |
per Selection: | add label [label text] | size [label size] | color [FF0000] | background [FFFFFF] | ic.analysisCls.addLabel |
per Atom: | add atom labels | ic.residueLabelsCls.addAtomLabels |
per Residue: | add residue labels | ic.residueLabelsCls.addResiudeLabels |
per Chain: | add chain labels | ic.analysisCls.addLabel |
N- & C- Termini: | add terminal labels | ic.residueLabelsCls.addTerminiLabels |
Remove: | set labels off | ic.residueLabelsCls.addChainLabels |
o) Analysis -> Label Scale |
0.1: | set label scale 0.1 | ic.labelScale=0.1 |
0.2: | set label scale 0.2 | ic.labelScale=0.2 |
0.4: | set label scale 0.4 | ic.labelScale=0.4 |
0.6: | set label scale 0.6 | ic.labelScale=0.6 |
0.8: | set label scale 0.8 | ic.labelScale=0.8 |
1.0: | set label scale 1.0 | ic.labelScale=1.0 |
2.0: | set label scale 2.0 | ic.labelScale=2.0 |
4.0: | set label scale 4.0 | ic.labelScale=4.0 |
6.0: | set label scale 6.0 | ic.labelScale=6.0 |
8.0: | set label scale 8.0 | ic.labelScale=8.0 |
10.0: | set label scale 10.0 | ic.labelScale=10.0 |
p) Analysis -> Your Note / Window Title | your note | [text] | |
q) Analysis -> View Links |
Structure Summary: | [no command available] | |
Find Similar Structures: | [no command available] | |
Literature: | [no command available] | |
Protein: | [no command available] |
Menu | Command | |
a) Help -> About iCn3D: | [no command available] | |
b) Help -> Help DOc: | [no command available] | |
c) Help -> Web Methods: | [no command available] | |
d) Help -> Transform Hints: | [no command available] | |
e) Help -> Selection Hints: | [no command available] |
![]() |
Wang J, Youkharibache P, Zhang D, Lanczycki CJ, Geer RC, Madej T, Phan L, Ward M, Lu S, Marchler GH, Wang Y, Bryant SH, Geer LY, Marchler-Bauer A. iCn3D, a Web-based 3D Viewer for Sharing 1D/2D/3D Representations of Biomolecular Structures. Bioinformatics. 2020 Jan 1;36(1):131-135. (Epub 2019 June 20.) doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz502. [PubMed PMID: 31218344] [Full Text at Oxford Academic] | ![]() |
![]() |
Wang J, Youkharibache P, Marchler-Bauer A, Lanczycki C, Zhang D, Lu S, Madej T, Marchler GH, Cheng T, Chong LC, Zhao S, Yang K, Lin J, Cheng Z, Dunn R, Malkaram SA, Tai C-H, Enoma D, Busby B, Johnson NL, Tabaro F, Song G, Ge Y. iCn3D: From Web-Based 3D Viewer to Structural Analysis Tool in Batch Mode. Front. Mol. Biosci. 2022 9:831740. (Epub 2022 Feb 17.) doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.831740. [PubMed PMID: 35252351] [Full Text at Frontiers] |
To embed iCn3D Structure Viewer in your own HTML page using iframe, simply add the following to your page. Note the URL should be the original URL with commands, not the shorten share link. The URL parameters are described at icn3d.html#parameters.
<iframe allowFullScreen='true' src='' width='320' height='320' style='border:none'></iframe>
To embed iCn3D Structure Viewer in your own HTML page using the distribution files on NCBI servers, simply follow these 3 steps. Note the changes to iCn3D version 3 are colored in red. (To embed multiple iCn3D viewers, see the source code of the example page for reference)
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
<div id="icn3dwrap"></div>The widget will be rendered inside of the div.
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(async function() {
var cfg = {
divid: 'icn3dwrap',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
resize: true,
rotate: 'right',
mobilemenu: true,
showcommand: false,
showtitle: false
cfg['mmdbid'] = '1tup';
var icn3dui = new icn3d.iCn3DUI(cfg);
//communicate with the 3D viewer with chained functions
await icn3dui.show3DStructure();
//icn3dui.setOption('color', 'cyan');
var atomDetails = { serial: serial, // required, unique atom id structure: structure, // required, used to identify the structure chain: chain, // required, used to identify the chain resi: resi, // required, used to identify residue ID, has to be a integer name: atom, // required, atom name coord: coord, // required, used to draw 3D shape coord2: ribbonCoord, // optional, ribbon's real positions, used to draw stabilizers for 3D printing bonds: [], // required, used to connect atoms color: color, // optional, used to assign atom color, default is grey style: style, // optional, used to assign atom style as one of 13 styles: ribbon, strand, cylinder and plate, // nucleotide cartoon, o3' trace, schematic, c alpha trace, b factor tube, lines, stick, // ball and stick, sphere, dot, nothing style2: sideChainStyle, // optional, used to assign protein side chain style as one of 13 styles: ribbon, strand, cylinder and plate, // nucleotide cartoon, o3' trace, schematic, c alpha trace, b factor tube, lines, stick, // ball and stick, sphere, dot, nothing het: false, // optional, used to determine chemicals, water, ions, etc resn: resn, // optional, used to determine protein or nucleotide b: b, // optional, used to draw B-factor tube elem: elem, // optional, used to determine hydrogen bond ss: 'coil', // optional, used to show secondary structures ssbegin: false, // optional, used to show the beginning of secondary structures ssend: false // optional, used to show the end of secondary structures }
atoms: {}; // REQUIRED, all atoms in the input: atom index => atom details, ONLY THIS HASH STORE ALL ATOM DETAILS dAtoms: {}; // REQUIRED, atoms used to display: atom index => 1 pmin: pmin; // REQUIRED, the position with minimum x,y,z pmax: pmax; // REQUIRED, the position with maximum x,y,z cnt: cnt; // REQUIRED, total number of atoms maxD: pmax.distanceTo(pmin); // REQUIRED, max dimension of the structure center: psum.multiplyScalar(1.0 / cnt); // REQUIRED, center position of the structure hAtoms: {}; // OPTIONAL, atoms used to highlight: atom index => 1 structures: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure name => array of chain IDs chains: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure_chain name => (atom index => 1) residues: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure_chain_resi name => (atom index => 1) chainsSeq: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure_chain name => array of residue object: {"name":[residue name], "resi": [residue number]} chainsAn: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure_chain name => array of annotation chainsAnTitle: []; // OPTIONAL, the titles for the array of annotation molTitle: ""; // OPTIONAL, ID and name hbondpnts: []; // OPTIONAL, array of positions of hydrogen bond ssbondpnts: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure name => positions of disulfide bonds residueId2Name: {}; // OPTIONAL, structure_chain_resi => one letter abbreviation proteins: {}; // OPTIONAL, proteins: atom index => 1 sidec: {}; // OPTIONAL, protein sidechains: atom index => 1 calphas: {}; // OPTIONAL, protein C alphas: atom index => 1 nucleotides: {}; // OPTIONAL, DNA, RNA: atom index => 1 nucleotidesO3: {}; // OPTIONAL, DNA, RNA O3': atom index => 1 chemicals: {}; // OPTIONAL, chemicals: atom index => 1 ions: {}; // OPTIONAL, ions: atom index => 1 water: {}; // OPTIONAL, water: atom index => 1
Global | Class (directory) | Class (directory) | Class (directory) | Functions |
icn3d | icn3dui (src) | utilsCls (utils) | setIcn3d, setDialogAjax | |
icn3d | icn3dui | utilsCls (utils) | isIE, isMobile, isMac, isSessionStorageSupported, hexToRgb, isCalphaPhosOnly, hasCovalentBond, residueName2Abbr, residueAbbr2Name, getJSONFromArray, checkFileAPI, getIdArray, compResid, toggle, setViewerWidthHeight | |
icn3d | icn3dui | hashUtilsCls (utils) | cloneHash, intHash, exclHash, unionHash, unionHashInPlace, unionHashNotInPlace, intHash2Atoms, exclHash2Atoms, unionHash2Atoms, hash2Atoms, hashvalue2array | |
icn3d | icn3dui | parasCls (utils) | Parameters: glycanHash, nucleotidesArray, ionsArray, cationsTrimArray, anionsTrimArray, ionCharges, vdwRadii, covalentRadii, surfaces, atomColors, defaultAtomColor, stdChainColors, backgroundColors, residueColors, residueArea, defaultResidueColor, chargeColors, hydrophobicColors, ssColors, ssColors2, b62ResArray, b62Matrix Functions: thr | |
icn3d | icn3dui | myEventCls (utils) | onId, onIds | |
icn3d | icn3dui | subdivideCls (utils) | subdivide, getKnot, getValueFromKnot | |
icn3d | icn3dui | rmsdSuprCls (utils) | getRmsdSuprCls, eigen_values, null_basis, getEigenForSelection, getEigenVectors | |
icn3d | icn3dui | convertTypeCls (utils) | passFloat32, passInt8, passInt16, passInt32, getUint8View, getDataView, getView, getBlobFromBufferAndText | |
icn3d | icn3dui (src) | htmlCls (html) | N/A | |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | alignSeqCls (html) | getAlignSequencesAnnotations |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | clickMenuCls (html) | clickMenu1, clickMenu2, clickMenu3, clickMenu4, clickMenu5, clickMenu6, setLogCmd |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | dialogCls (html) | openDlg, addSaveButton, addHideButton, getDialogStatus, openDlgHalfWindow, openDlg2Ddgm, openDlgRegular, openDlgNotebook |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | eventsCls (html) | fullScreenChange, allEventFunctions |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | setDialogCls (html) | setCustomDialogs, setDialogs |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | setHtmlCls (html) | getLink, getLinkWrapper, getRadio, getRadioColor, setAdvanced, getOptionHtml, setColorHints, setThicknessHtml, setSequenceGuide, setAlignSequenceGuide, getSelectionHints, addGsizeSalt, getFootHtml, getPotentialHtml, exportPqr, clickReload_pngimage, setLineThickness, updateSurfPara, exportPdb |
icn3d | icn3dui | htmlCls | setMenuCls (html) | setTopMenusHtml, setTopMenusHtmlMobile, setReplayHtml, setTools, setButton, setTools_base, setTheme, setLogWindow, setMenu1, setMenu1_base, setMenu2, setMenu2_base, setMenu2b, setMenu2b_base, setMenu3, setMenu3_base, setMenu4, setMenu4_base, setMenu5, setMenu5_base, setMenu6, setMenu6_base, hideMenu, showMenu |
icn3d | icn3dui (src) | icn3d (icn3d) | init, init_base, reinitAfterLoad, resetConfig | |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | analysisCls (analysis) | calculateArea, calcBuriedSurface, measureDistTwoSets, addLine, addLineFromPicking, addLabel, addChainLabels, addTerminiLabels |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applySymdCls (analysis) | applySymd, applySymmetry |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | delphiCls (analysis) | CalcPhiUrl, CalcPhi, PhiParser, loadPhiData, loadCubeData, applyCommandPhi, applyCommandDelphi, loadDelphiFile, loadPhiFile, loadPhiFileUrl |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | diagram2dCls (analysis) | draw2Ddgm, set2DdgmNote, highlightNode, removeLineGraphSelection, removeScatterplotSelection, click2Ddgm, selectInteraction, selectInteractionAtoms, draw2DProtein, draw2DNucleotide, draw2DChemical |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | cartoon2dCls (analysis) | draw2Dcartoon, click2Dcartoon |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | dsspCls (analysis) | applyDssp, parseDsspData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | scapCls (analysis) | applyCommandScap, adjust2DWidth, retrieveScap |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | symdCls (analysis) | applyCommandSymd, retrieveSymd, getResObj, setSeqAlignForSymmetry, retrieveSymmetry, getPolygonColor, getAxisColor |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | addTrackCls (annotations) | clickAddTrackButton, showNewTrack, alignSequenceToStructure, defineSecondary, simplifyText, checkGiSeq, getFullText, setCustomFile |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoCddSiteCls (annotations) | showCddSiteAll, setDomainFeature, showAnnoType, setToolTip |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoContactCls (annotations) | showInteraction, showInteraction_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoPTMCls (annotations) | showPTM |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoCrossLinkCls (annotations) | showCrosslink, showCrosslink_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoDomainCls (annotations) | showDomainPerStructure, showDomainAll, showDomainWithData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoSnpClinVarCls (annotations) | navClinVar, showClinVarLabelOn3D, getSnpLine, processSnpClinvar, showClinvarPart2, showSnp, showClinvar, showSnpClinvar, showSnpPart2, processNoClinvar, processNoSnp |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoSsbondCls (annotations) | showSsbond, showSsbond_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annoTransMemCls (annotations) | showTransmem, showTransmem_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | annotationCls (annotations) | hideAllAnno, hideAllAnnoBase, setAnnoSeqBase, setAnnoTabBase, setAnnoTabAll, hideAnnoTabAll, resetAnnoAll, resetAnnoTabAll, setAnnoTabCustom, hideAnnoTabCustom, setAnnoTabClinvar, hideAnnoTabClinvar, setAnnoTabSnp, hideAnnoTabSnp, setAnnoTabCdd, hideAnnoTabCdd, setAnnoTab3ddomain, hideAnnoTab3ddomain, setAnnoTabSite, hideAnnoTabSite, setAnnoTabInteraction, hideAnnoTabInteraction, setAnnoTabSsbond, hideAnnoTabSsbond, setAnnoTabCrosslink, hideAnnoTabCrosslink, setAnnoTabTransmem, hideAnnoTabTransmem, setTabs, clickCdd, showAnnoSelectedChains, showAnnoAllChains, setAnnoView, setAnnoDisplay, showFixedTitle, hideFixedTitle, setAnnoViewAndDisplay, updateClinvar, updateSnp, updateDomain, updateInteraction, updatPTM, updateSsbond, updateCrosslink, updateTransmem |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | showAnnoCls (annotations) | showAnnotations, showAnnoSeqData, getAnnotationData, getSequenceData, getCombinedSequenceData, processSeqData, enableHlSeq, getAnDiv, addButton, addSnpButton, conservativeReplacement, getColorhexFromBlosum62 |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | showSeqCls (annotations) | showSeq, insertGap, insertGapOverview, setAlternativeSeq, getProteinName |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | alternateCls (display) | alternateStructures, alternateWrapper |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyCenterCls (display) | applyCenterOptions, setRotationCenter, setCenter, centerSelection, centerAtoms, setWidthHeight |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyClbondsCls (display) | applyClbondsOptions, applyClbondsOptions_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyDisplayCls (display) | applyDisplayOptions, selectMainChainSubset |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyOtherCls (display) | applyOtherOptions, applyChemicalbindingOptions, updateStabilizer, getResidueRepPos |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applySsbondsCls (display) | applySsbondsOptions |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | cameraCls (display) | setCamera |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | drawCls (display) | draw, applyTransformation, render |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | fogCls (display) | setFog |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | sceneCls (display) | rebuildScene, rebuildSceneBase |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | setColorCls (display) | setColorByOptions, setAtmClr, updateChainsColor, setMmdbChainColor, setConservationColor, applyOriginalColor, applyPrevColor, setOutlineColor |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | setOptionCls (display) | setOption, setStyle, saveStyle, applySavedStyle, saveColor, applySavedColor |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | setStyleCls (display) | setStyle2Atoms, setAtomStyleByOptions, setBackground, saveCommandsToSession, getCommandsBeforeCrash, handleContextLost, adjustIcon |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | export3DCls (export) | exportStlFile, exportVrmlFile, getFaceCnt, saveStlFile, updateArray, processStlMeshGroup, saveVrmlFile, processVrmlMeshGroup |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | saveFileCls (export) | saveFile, saveSvg, getSvgXml, savePng, exportCustomAtoms, getAtomPDB, getSelectedResiduePDB, getPDBHeader, showTitle, getLinkToStructureSummary, setEntrezLinks |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | shareLinkCls (export) | shareLink, shareLinkUrl, getPngText |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | threeDPrintCls (export) | setThichknessFor3Dprint, prepareFor3Dprint, resetAfter3Dprint, removeOneStabilizer, outputSelection, addStabilizer, hideStabilizer, getResidueRepAtom |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | axesCls (geometry) | buildAxes, buildAllAxes, createArrow, setPc1Axes |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | boxCls (geometry) | createBox, createBox_base, createBoxRepresentation_P_CA |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | brickCls (geometry) | createBrick |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | cartoonNuclCls (geometry) | drawStrandNucleicAcid, drawNucleicAcidStick |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | curveCls (geometry) | createCurveSub |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | curveStripArrowCls (geometry) | createCurveSubArrow, createStripArrow, prepareStrand |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | cylinderCls (geometry) | createCylinder, createCylinder_base, createCylinderHelix, createCylinderCurve |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | glycanCls (geometry) | showGlycans |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | impostorCls (geometry) | setParametersForShader , drawImpostorShader , getShader , createImpostorShaderBase, createImpostorShaderCylinder, createImpostorShaderSphere, clearImpostors |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | instancingCls (geometry) | positionFromGeometry, colorFromGeometry, indexFromGeometry, normalFromGeometry, drawSymmetryMates, applyMat, drawSymmetryMatesNoInstancing, createInstancedGeometry, getInstancedMaterial, createInstancedMesh, drawSymmetryMatesInstancing |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | labelCls (geometry) | makeTextSprite, createLabelRepresentation, hideLabels |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | lineCls (geometry) | createLineRepresentation, createConnCalphSidechain, createSingleLine, createLines |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | reprSubCls (geometry) | createRepresentationSub |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | residueLabelsCls (geometry) | addResidueLabels, addNonCarbonAtomLabels, addAtomLabels |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | sphereCls (geometry) | createSphere, createSphereBase, createSphereRepresentation |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | stickCls (geometry) | createStickRepresentation |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | strandCls (geometry) | createStrand, getOneExtraResidue |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | stripCls (geometry) | createStrip, setCalphaDrawnCoord |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | tubeCls (geometry) | createTube, getCustomtubesize, createTubeSub, getRadius |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | hlObjectsCls (highlight) | addHlObjects, removeHlObjects |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | hlSeqCls (highlight) | selectSequenceNonMobile, selectSequenceMobile, selectChainMobile, selectTitle, selectResidues |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | hlUpdateCls (highlight) | update2DdgmContent, changeSeqColor, removeHlAll, removeHlObjects, removeHlSeq, removeHl2D, removeHlMenus, updateHlAll, updateHlObjects, updateHlSeq, updateHlSeqInChain, updateHl2D, updateHlMenus, hlSequence, hlSeqInChain, toggleHighlight, clearHighlight, showHighlight, highlightChains, hlSummaryDomain3ddomain, updateHlAll |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | contactCls (interaction) | getAtomsWithinAtom, getNeighboringAtoms, getExtent, hideContact |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | drawGraphCls (interaction) | drawGraph |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | getGraphCls (interaction) | getGraphData, drawResNode, getNodeTopBottom, updateGraphJson, updateGraphColor, handleForce, getNodesLinksForSet, getHbondLinksForSet, getIonicLinksForSet, getHalogenPiLinksForSet, getContactLinksForSet, getContactLinks, compNode, getGraphLinks, convertLabel2Resid |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | hBondCls (interaction) | isHbondDonorAcceptor, calcAngles, calcPlaneAngle, isValidHbond, calculateChemicalHbonds, setHbondsContacts, hideHbonds |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | lineGraphCls (interaction) | drawLineGraph, drawLineGraph_base, drawScatterplot_base, copyStylesInline |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | piHalogenCls (interaction) | calculateHalogenPiInteractions, getHalogenDonar, getHalogenAcceptor, getPi, getCation, getHalogenPiInteractions, getRingNormal, getAromaticRings, dfs_cycle, getAromaticPisLigand, hideHalogenPi |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | saltbridgeCls (interaction) | calculateIonicInteractions, hideSaltbridge |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | showInterCls (interaction) | showInteractions, showHbonds, showHydrogens, hideHydrogens, hideHbondsContacts, showIonicInteractions, showHalogenPi, showClbonds, showSsbonds, pickCustomSphere, pickCustomSphere_base |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | viewInterPairsCls (interaction) | viewInteractionPairs, clearInteractions, resetInteractionPairs, retrieveInteractionData, getAllInteractionTable, getInteractionPerResidue, getInteractionPairDetails, getContactPairDetails, exportInteractions, exportSsbondPairs, exportClbondPairs, exportHbondPairs, exportSaltbridgePairs, exportHalogenPiPairs, exportSpherePairs |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | alignParserCls (parsers) | downloadAlignment, downloadAlignmentPart2, loadOpmDataForAlign |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | chainalignParserCls (parsers) | downloadChainalignmentPart2, downloadChainalignmentPart3, downloadChainalignment, parseChainAlignData, loadOpmDataForChainalign |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | densityCifParserCls (parsers) | densityCifParser, parseChannels, getChannel, CIFParse, BinaryParse, MessagePackParse |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | dsn6ParserCls (parsers) | dsn6Parser, dsn6ParserBase, loadDsn6Data, getMatrix, loadDsn6File, loadDsn6FileUrl |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | loadAtomDataCls (parsers) | loadAtomDataIn |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | loadPDBCls (parsers) | loadPDB, adjustSeq, setSsbond, getChainCalpha |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | mmcifParserCls (parsers) | downloadMmcif, downloadMmcifSymmetry, loadMmcifData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | mmdbParserCls (parsers) | parseMmdbData, downloadMmdb, downloadBlast_rep_id, loadMmdbOpmData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | bcifParserCls (parsers) | downloadBcif, parseBcifData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | mol2ParserCls (parsers) | loadMol2Data, loadMol2AtomData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | opmParserCls (parsers) | downloadOpm, loadOpmData, setOpmData, parseAtomData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | ParserUtilsCls (parsers) | alignCoords, getMissingResidues, set2DDiagramsForAlign, set2DDiagramsForChainalign, parse2DDiagramsData, set2DDiagrams, showLoading, hideLoading, setYourNote, transformToOpmOri, transformToOpmOriForAlign, addOneDumAtom, addMemAtoms, setMaxD, renderStructure |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | pdbParserCls (parsers) | downloadPdb, downloadUrl, loadPdbData, loadPdbDataRender |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | realignParserCls (parsers) | realign, parseChainRealignData, realignOnSeqAlign, realignChainOnSeqAlign |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | sdfParserCls (parsers) | downloadCid, loadSdfData, loadSdfAtomData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | setSeqAlignCls (parsers) | setSeqAlign, setSeqAlignChain, setSeqAlignForRealign, setSeqPerResi |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | xyzParserCls (parsers) | loadXyzData, setXyzAtomSeq, loadXyzAtomData |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | controlCls (picking) | setControl, mouseMove |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | pickingCls (picking) | showPicking, showPickingBase, showPickingHilight, select3ddomainFromAtom, selectStrandHelixFromAtom |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | rayCls (picking) | rayCasterBase, isIntersect, getAtomsFromPosition |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyCommandCls (selection) | applyCommand, setStrengthPara, getThresholdNameArrays, setQueryresi2score, getMenuFromCmd |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | definedSetsCls (selection) | setProtNuclLigInMenu, setPredefinedInMenu, setAtomMenu, setChainsInMenu, setTransmemInMenu, showSets, clickCustomAtoms, deleteSelectedSets, changeCustomAtoms, setHAtomsFromSets, updateAdvancedCommands, combineSets, commandSelect, clickCommand_apply, selectCombinedSets, clickModeswitch, setModeAndDisplay, setMode, getAtomsFromOneSet, getAtomsFromSets, getAtomsFromNameArray |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | firstAtomObjCls (selection) | getFirstAtomObj, getFirstCalphaAtomObj, getFirstAtomObjByName, getLastAtomObj, getResiduesFromAtoms, getResiduesFromCalphaAtoms, getChainsFromAtoms, getAtomFromResi, getAtomCoordFromResi |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | loadScriptCls (selection) | loadScript, execCommands, execCommandsBase, pressCommandtext, applyCommandLoad, applyCommandMap, applyCommandEmmap, applyCommandRealign, applyCommandGraphinteractionBase, applyCommandGraphinteraction, applyCommandAnnotationsAndCddSite, applyCommandClinvarBase, applyCommandSnpBase, applyCommandClinvar, applyCommandSnp, applyCommand3ddomainBase, applyCommand3ddomain, applyCommandViewinteractionBase, applyCommandViewinteraction, renderFinalStep, replayFirstStep |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | resid2specCls (selection) | residueids2spec, atoms2spec, atoms2residues, selectProperty, selectComplement, switchHighlightLevel, switchHighlightLevelUp, switchHighlightLevelDown |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | selectByCommandCls (selection) | selectByCommand, selectBySpec |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | selectionCls (selection) | selectAll, selectAll_base, selectAChain, selectResidueList, selectMainChains, selectSideChains, selectMainSideChains, clickShow_selected, clickHide_selected, getGraphDataForDisplayed, updateSelectionNameDesc, addCustomSelection, showSelection, hideSelection, saveSelection, removeSelection, resetAll, loadSelection, oneStructurePerWindow, showAll, saveSelectionIfSelected, saveSelectionPrep, selectOneResid, toggleSelection, toggleMembrane, adjustMembrane, selectBtwPlanes |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | applyMapCls (surface) | applySurfaceOptions, applyMapOptions, applyEmmapOptions, applyPhimapOptions, applyphisurfaceOptions, removeSurfaces, removeLastSurface, removeMaps, removeEmmaps, removePhimaps, removeLastMap, removeLastEmmap, removeLastPhimap |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | electronMapCls (surface) | getFacesAndVertices, initparm, transformMemPro, fillvoxels, buildboundary, marchingcubeinit, counter, marchingcube |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | marchingCubeCls (surface) | march, laplacianSmooth |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | proteinSurfaceCls (surface) | getVDWIndex, inOrigExtent, getFacesAndVertices, initparm, boundingatom, fillvoxels, fillAtom, fillvoxelswaals, fillAtomWaals, buildboundary, fastdistancemap, fastoneshell, marchingcubeinit, counter, marchingcube |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | surfaceCls (surface) | createSurfaceRepresentation, transformMemPro, SetupSurface, SetupMap |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | resizeCanvasCls (transform) | resizeCanvas, windowResize, openFullscreen, rotStruc, back, forward, replayon, replayoff, closeDialogs |
icn3d | icn3dui | icn3d | transformCls (transform) | resetOrientation, rotateLeft , rotateRight , rotateUp , rotateDown , rotate_base , setRotation, translateLeft, translateRight, translateUp, translateDown, translate_base, zoomIn, zoomOut, zoominSelection, getTransformationStr |
var loadStateFileCls = new LoadStateFile(icn3dui.icn3d); loadStateFileCls.loadStateFile('color spectrum');
// import any classes from icn3d.module.js to be used in your class import {LoadScript} from './icn3d.module.js'; // class name starts with a upper-case letter class LoadStateFile { // pass the instance of the class iCn3D constructor(icn3d) { this.icn3d = icn3d; } // functions start with a lower-case letter // use "ic" to access the instance of iCn3D class loadStateFile(fileStr) { var ic = this.icn3d; // "ic" has a lot of class instances such as "loadScriptCls" ic.loadScriptCls.loadScript(fileStr, true); } } // export your class export {LoadStateFile}
icn3d.Picking.prototype.showPicking = function(atom, x, y) { var ic = this.icn3d, me = ic.icn3dui; // 1. copy the function showPicking() here // 2. Modify the function as if it is in the class "Picking" }