Click to expand Facebook Twitter Email Permalink The charts on this page show achievement gaps, which are significant differences in assessment scores between two groups of students (for example, male and female students, White and Black students, or White and Hispanic students). Over the years, achievement gaps may widen, narrow, or remain the same depending on the amount of change in the average scores for the two student groups. Find out more about achievement gaps. Tutorial Tutorial Achievement Gap ResultsVIEW TUTORIAL JURISDICTION: Select National Nation public and nonpublic schools Nation public schools Nation private schools Large city public schools States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia DoDEA Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Districts Albuquerque Atlanta Austin Baltimore City Boston Charlotte Chicago Cleveland Clark County (NV) Dallas Denver Detroit District of Columbia (DCPS) Duval County (FL) Fort Worth Fresno Guilford County (NC) Hillsborough County (FL) Houston Jefferson County (KY) Los Angeles Miami-Dade Milwaukee New York City Orange County (FL) Philadelphia San Diego Shelby County (TN) Student Group 1: Select RACE/ETHNICITY White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Two or More Races Gender Male Female Economically disadvantaged status Economically disadvantaged Not economically disadvantaged Information not available Parental Education Level Did not finish high school Graduated high school Some education after high school Graduated college Unknown Type of School Public Private Private: Catholic Charter School Charter school Not a charter school School Location City Suburban Town Rural Region of the Country Northeast Midwest South West Status as Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities Not students with disabilities Status as English learners English learners Not English learners Student Group 2: Select RACE/ETHNICITY White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Two or More Races Gender Male Female Economically disadvantaged status Economically disadvantaged Not economically disadvantaged Information not available Parental Education Level Did not finish high school Graduated high school Some education after high school Graduated college Unknown Type of School Public Private Private: Catholic Charter School Charter school Not a charter school School Location City Suburban Town Rural Region of the Country Northeast Midwest South West Status as Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities Not students with disabilities Status as English learners English learners Not English learners Add Crosstab: Select No crosstab RACE/ETHNICITY White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Two or More Races Gender Male Female National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Eligibility Eligible Not eligible Information not available Parental Education Level Did not finish high school Graduated high school Some education after high school Graduated college Unknown Type of School Public Private Private: Catholic Charter School Charter school Not a charter school School Location City Suburban Town Rural Region of the Country Northeast Midwest South West Status as Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities Not students with disabilities Status as English learners English learners Not English learners Add Gap Clear All Arts: Music (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Arts: Visual Arts (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 Civics (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Economics (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Geography (0–500) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Mathematics (0–500 at grades 4 and 8, 0–300 at grade 12) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Reading (0–500) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Science (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Technology & Engineering Literacy (TEL) (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. U.S. History (0–500) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Writing (0–300) Number of Gaps: 0 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Notes and Sources NOTE: NAEP scales were derived separately by subjects and grades, and therefore scores cannot be compared across subjects and grades. Results for each subject are shown for assessments that are created using the most recent NAEP frameworks. At the national level, accommodations were not permitted in NAEP geography assessments prior to 2001, in NAEP mathematics assessments prior to 1996, in NAEP reading assessments prior to 1998, and in NAEP U.S. history assessments prior to 2001. At the state level, accommodations were not permitted in NAEP mathematics assessments prior to 2000 and in NAEP reading assessments prior to 1998. Results are not shown for data points where the state/jurisdiction or district did not participate or did not meet the minimum participation guidelines for reporting in a given assessment year. Results are also not shown for those states/jurisdictions or districts with insufficient sample sizes to permit reliable estimates for certain student groups. For the full schedule of NAEP assessments administered at the national, state, and district levels, visit See more information about the history of state participation at and for district participation at For TUDA districts, beginning in 2009, results for charter schools are included in district results only if they contribute to the district's Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report to the U.S. Department of Education. See more detailed information about major reporting groups at Although the estimates (e.g., average scores) are shown as rounded numbers in the chart, the positions of the data points in the graphics are based on the unrounded numbers. Unrounded numbers were used for calculating the differences between the estimates, and for the statistical comparison test when the estimates were compared to each other. Not all apparent differences between estimates are statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years and subjects: Arts; Civics; Economics; Geography; Mathematics; Reading; Science; Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL); U.S. History; and Writing Assessments. SELECT A FOCAL YEAR: Select 2018 2017 2015 2013