Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Summaries
NASA uses Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) as a tool to identify, evaluate and mitigate privacy risks, and ensure compliance to federal privacy regulations.
A PIA analyzes how PII is collected, used, stored, and protected by NASA and serves as documentation that the collection is being conducted in full compliance with applicable federal laws, statutes, government-wide, and NASA policies and procedures. In addition, the PIA examines the risk to the individual caused by the collection of Information in Identifiable Form (IIF). The PIA answers the following questions:
- What IIF is NASA collecting?
- What is the legal authority for collecting the IIF?
- Is the collection within the bounds of the authority?
- Is the information the minimum needed for the authorized purpose?
- How will the IIF be used and shared?
- Is the information appropriately secured and managed?
- How can the information be accessed?
Additional PIA-related information or inquiries should be directed to the NASA Chief Privacy Officer.
Active NASA PIAs
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application
Office of Education Performance Measurement System
Office of Education One Stop Shopping Initiative Application
Adobe Livecycle Electronic Forms System
Astronaut Candidate Selection System
NASA PIA Co-op Web Application
E-Gov Travel Services 2
Electronic Health Record System
Form 1687 NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement
Goddard Child Development Center Information System
Incident Crime Information System TA57
Internship Plans NASA GSFC
ISS Spot the Station
MAF Visitor Management System
NASA Explorer Schools
Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System Nspires
NASA OIG Investigative Case Management System
Partnership Agreement Maker
Social Networking use at NASA
Archived NASA PIAs
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
NASA Technology Transfer System
JSC Education Training Cooperative
Girls and Boys Mentoring Program
If This Then That (Social Media Tool)
www.nasa.gov Portal
NASA Security Records System
NASA Student Programs for Achievements in Careers and Education
Texas Aerospace Scholars
NASA Information Technology Security Program NPR
Software Catalog Repository