Sardines are oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Sardines are small, soft-boned fish that belong to the herring family. The name sardine may come from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, where these fish were once abundant.
Sardines are available fresh, canned, smoked, or pickled.
In this article, we look at how to include sardines in the diet and the possible health benefits. We also explain what to consider when buying sardines and how many a person should eat.

Sardines are oily fish that contain
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of cell membranes. A person must get these fatty acids from food because the human body cannot make them.
There are three main omega-3 fatty acids, two of which occur naturally in fish — including sardines — and other seafood. These
According to the
The guidelines point out that consuming this amount during pregnancy and breastfeeding is associated with improved infant health outcomes. However, pregnant and breastfeeding people should choose seafood with
This intake of seafood also has a link with
According to the
- Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive function
- age-related macular degeneration
- rheumatoid arthritis
The authors of a
Protein and vitamins
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein for adults is
Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B12. A 100-g serving of canned sardines in oil contains
Healthy bones
According to a 2018 review, omega-3 fatty acids may aid weight loss by altering metabolic processes. Some of these processes include appetite suppression, inflammation, and gene expression.
The same review suggests that omega-3 may regulate leptin, a hormone that tells a person that they are full.
The researchers conclude that while studies have not yet shown omega-3 to have consistent benefits for weight loss, they have demonstrated improvements in metabolic profile among people with obesity.
Regularly eating sardines can help people meet guidelines for the consumption of oily fish. For example, the
Avoiding contaminants
However, some fish may have high levels of contaminants, such as mercury, and the
In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advise that fish that is lower in mercury is important for developmental and health benefits in the following groups of people:
- females aged 16–49 years old, which they consider childbearing age
- pregnant and breastfeeding people
- young children
The FDA recommend consuming no more than
People can choose to eat fresh or canned sardines as part of a healthful diet.
According to a not-for-profit organization, fresh sardines should smell fresh, be firm to the touch, and have bright eyes and shiny skin.
Sardines canned in oil have similar amounts of omega-3 to canned sardines in tomato sauce. Choosing a product with tomato sauce provides the additional heart health benefits of
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch recommend that people avoid eating the European pilchard, which people often refer to as a sardine, as it may not be ecologically sustainable.
Sardines make a healthful quick lunch when people add them to a salad, serve them on toast, or put them in a pasta dish.
Preparing sardines
However, sardines require preparation before they are ready to eat.
People should gut fresh sardines and rinse them under cold running water.
If the sardines are in a can, a person can remove the excess oil by rinsing the fish under running water.
Serving suggestions
People can eat sardines canned in tomato sauce straight from the can or warm them on the stovetop.
It is also possible to incorporate sardines into a meal. The following recipes provide some examples of how to do this:
Sardines are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and may have anti-inflammatory properties. They are also a good source of protein, as well as some vitamins and minerals.
People can safely eat sardines regularly as part of a healthful diet, although a person taking anticoagulant medications may need to control their intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
Sardines can provide a quick and healthful meal, and people can eat them fresh or canned.