Garlic is a common cooking ingredient with numerous health benefits. Examples include managing cholesterol, boosting heart health, supporting the immune system, protecting against the common cold, and more.
Garlic belongs to the genus Allium and has close ties with the onion, rakkyo, which is an onion from Asia, scallion, chive, leek, and shallot. Humans have used it for thousands of years, and it has been popular in ancient Egypt for both culinary purposes and its health and therapeutic benefits.
Read on to learn more about the possible health benefits of garlic. This article also explores ways to incorporate garlic into the diet, the history of garlic, and more.

Adding garlic to the diet can offer numerous possible benefits for a person’s health.
Protecting against the common cold
According to the
A 2016 study found that taking aged garlic extract (AGE) for 90 days during the cold and flu season did not reduce the number of participants getting sick. However, it helped reduce the severity of symptoms and the number of work or school days participants missed.
Antibiotic properties
Garlic contains allicin, which acts as an antibiotic. Garlic releases allicin when a person chops or crushes it.
According to a
It is best to contact a doctor for advice if a person suspects they have a bacterial infection, as a doctor may recommend an appropriate antibiotic. A person can also ask about the potential benefits of garlic in supporting recovery from the infection.
Cholesterol and heart health
Garlic can help lower total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol, according to a
According to the British Heart Foundation, garlic extracts and garlic powder may help lower blood pressure. This in turn can also benefit heart health. A
However, more research into the benefits of garlic cloves for heart health is necessary.
Learn more about garlic and cholesterol.
Ethanol-induced liver injury
According to a 2018 article, garlic has hepatoprotective properties. This means that it can help protect the liver from damage.
In particular, garlic may be beneficial in protecting against ethanol-induced liver injury. Ethanol is a compound within alcoholic drinks.
Garlic may help reduce the risk of alcoholic liver disease, though more research is necessary. However, the best way to prevent the condition from developing is to limit or avoid alcohol intake.
Weight management
Garlic may help with weight management, including:
- losing weight
- losing fat mass
- decreasing waist circumference, a measure of abdominal fat
- weight
- their body mass index
- waist circumference
One clove of garlic (3 grams) contains around
Preventing memory problems
Some research suggests that AGE can help protect against cognitive and memory deficits. This may be because the antioxidants in garlic help prevent oxidative damage.
This may mean that it can slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease. However, as there are
More studies into the benefits of garlic for protecting against Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia are necessary.
Improving bone health
Consuming garlic may be beneficial for bone health. This is because it can help reduce oxidative stress.
A small
A person’s doctor can advise on dietary changes and other treatments that may help manage or reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Learn more about foods to eat and avoid with osteoporosis.
Anticarcinogenic properties
Garlic contains numerous compounds that
- allicin
- diallyl disulfide
- diallyl sulfide
- diallyl trisulfide
- S-allyl mercapto cysteine
- S-allylcysteine
These may help protect against cancer in a number of ways. They include cell cycle arrest, which is when the cancer cell stops duplicating and dividing, and apoptosis, which refers to the death of cancer cells.
According to the
While garlic alone will not protect against cancer, consuming garlic as part of a balanced diet may help reduce a person’s risk. A person can also contact their doctor for advice on more ways to reduce their risk of different types of cancer.
There are different ways someone can add garlic to their diet. These include adding fresh garlic as an ingredient to recipes or using garlic powder or garlic oil to flavor or season dishes.
A person may also consider taking garlic supplements. It is best to contact a doctor for advice, as these supplements
People have used garlic all over the world for thousands of years. Records indicate that garlic was in use around 5,000 years ago in Egyptian and Indian cultures in the Old World.
There are suggestions that Babylonians used garlic around 4,500 years ago, while the Chinese used it anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 years ago.
Today, garlic grows wild in Central Asia.
People have
While more studies are necessary to further understand how garlic can help treat specific conditions, consuming garlic and taking garlic supplements may support a person’s overall health.
Here are answers to common questions about garlic.
What is the healthiest way to eat garlic?
A person may receive the most benefits from eating raw garlic. However, cooked garlic can also offer a wide range of possible health benefits, and some individuals may find this easier to eat than raw garlic.
Who should not take garlic?
Large amounts of raw garlic and garlic supplements can also increase a person’s risk of bleeding. People who take blood-thinning medications such as warfarin may need to avoid consuming a lot of garlic.
Learn more about garlic and acid reflux.
Garlic is a popular cooking ingredient that may offer a range of health benefits. These can include reducing the severity of common cold symptoms, helping manage cholesterol and blood pressure, boosting heart health, and reducing the risk of liver injury.
Garlic may also offer antibiotic and anticarcinogenic properties, support bone health, reduce the likelihood of memory problems, and aid in weight management.
A person can contact their doctor for advice about whether garlic may benefit their overall health or a particular condition. The doctor can also advise on ways to incorporate garlic into the diet and whether they recommend garlic supplements.