HR Personnel Actions During COVID-19
Updated 11.25.20
The University system has temporarily suspended all non-essential HR actions including salary adjustments, position actions (including creating new positions or modifications to existing positions), and recruitment activities (postings, hires, etc.). Requests to exceptions to this temporary suspension may be granted through the Campus/Chancellor’s Essential HR Action Review Process. The SOM has also instituted a review process, the SOM Enhanced Review Process, to conserve funding and protect current employee positions. In order to help our department and center leaders determine if HR action requests are subject to either or both review processes, we’ve developed a guide, matrix, and workflow document, along with a request form and pro formas provided.
SOM HR – Personnel Action Guide during COVID-19 Response
This reference document provides workflows that should be used by units in determining appropriate and allowable steps to be taken during the System Office pause. These are applicable to all employee type.
Forms needed can be found here.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Why was the SOM Enhanced Review Process established?
A: The SOM Enhanced Review Process was established to protect the wages of our existing employees and to ensure that personnel decisions meet the needs of the school during the pandemic and the system-wide essential HR action pause. - Q: Where can I find the most recent version of the pro formas?
A: You can find the most recent version of the pro forma on the Finance and Business Operations website at - Q: Where can I find the most recent version of the Academic Personnel Request form?
A: The most recent version of the Academic Personnel Request form can be found on the SOM HR SharePoint site and the SOM HR website. We will also seek to include it on the SOM Intranet. - Q: If an action is split-funded with both clinical and non-clinical funds, are both clinical and academic pro formas required?
A: No. You would only complete a clinical pro forma. Only one pro forma is required. - Q: If an action is split-funded with both clinical and non-clinical funds, which committee do I send the clinical pro forma to?
A: If the action has a majority of clinical funds, you send the clinical pro forma to Jacinda Bilyeu for faculty and EHRA NF actions or to Jeanne Dellicarri for staff actions. If the action has a majority of non-clinical funds, you upload the clinical pro forma and the Academic Personnel Request form to Infoporte to route to the Academic Review Committee. - Q: Is the SOM Enhanced Review Process part of the campus HR Essential Action Review Process?
A: No. The SOM Enhanced Review Process is separate from the campus review. The HR Personnel Action Guide and Matrix will confirm whether the SOM Enhanced Review Process is required for the requested action. - Q: If an action requires the campus HR Essential Action Review Process but does not require the SOM Enhanced Review Process, are we to complete a pro forma and/or the Academic Personnel Action Request form?
A: No. the pro forma and/or the Academic Personnel Action Request form is only used if the SOM Enhanced Review Process is required. - Q: If an action doesn’t require the campus HR Essential Action Review but does require the SOM Enhanced Review Process, are we to complete a pro forma and/or Academic Personnel Action Request form?
A: Yes….please refer to the HR Personnel Action Guide and Matrix to determine which form (s) and which committee will review the request. - Q: If we have an action in progress that made it to the campus HR Essential Action Review level prior to the inception of the SOM Enhanced Review Process, and it was approved at the campus review level, will it now have to also be reviewed through the SOM Enhanced Review Process?
A: Maybe….Please refer to the HR Personnel Action Guide and Matrix to discern if this review is required for that particular type of action.
For additional questions, please contact Bonnie Smith at [email protected]